Parish Newsletters – November 2021

1st Sunday in Advent – 28th November, 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass27th5.30pmNovember List
Sunday28th9.00amSr Maria Cahill
1st Sunday in Advent11.00amNovember List
Tuesday St Andrew30thNOONNovember Souls List
Wednesday1st9.30amBridget Robertson (Anniv)
Thursday 2nd9.30amMartha Armstrong (Anniv)
Friday  3rd9.30amFlower Arrangers & Margaret Sayers
Saturday  Vigil Mass Of Sunday4th5.30pmStella Bailey
SUNDAY   5th9.00amOur Parish Family
2nd Sunday in Advent11.00amDeceased of Gubbins & Kelly families



All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Susan Hughes, George Williams, Denis Deegan, Tony Stanton, Mary McWilliams, Alan Coulson, Rita Aston, Bridget Robertson, Martha Armstrong. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

MASS TO MARK 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF OUR DIOCESAN LOURDES PILGRIMAGE: Bishop Mark will lead a Mass here at St Vincent’s at 3pm on Sunday 12 December. All are welcome.

CARITAS BOXES: Would anyone who has a Caritas Box leave it in the church porch for collection. A new payment system using a mobile phone is to be introduced. Details to follow.

LADIES GROUP COFFEE MORNING after 9.30am Mass this Friday, 3 December. All are welcome. All proceeds go to support Cafod.

CAFOD WORLD GIFTS: Booklets are available in the porch with ideas for Gifts that you can give at Christmas which will benefit the poor and disadvantaged in our world.

APF RED MISSION BOXES: Would all those who have the APF Red Mission Boxes please hand them in no later than 11 December so that the money can be sent off to support our Catholic missions.

ST NICHOLAS HARTFORD ADVENT GATHERING: You are invited for an Advent Lunch and celebration on Wednesday, 8 December from 1.30pm-3.30pm at the school. 10 places are available so please email the parish by 30 November if you would like to go.

ST VINCENT’S PRE-SCHOOL ADMISSIONS: Any parents who have children who are due to start pre-school before September 2023, please ensure that you have completed an application form and have returned it to the pre-school to ensure that their name is on the waiting list. Places are filling quickly. If you haver any questions contact the Pre-school Manager, Cath Davies on 651948 or visit their website where you will find an application form.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)

Christ the King – 21st November, 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass20th5.30pmOur Parish Family
Sunday21st9.00amKathleen Oakes
Christ the King11.00amMichael Boyd
Monday St Cecelia 22ndNO MASS TODAY
Tuesday23rdNO MASS TODAY
Wednesday Korean Martyrs24thNO MASS TODAY
Thursday 25thNO MASS TODAY
Friday  26thNO MASS TODAY
Saturday  Vigil Mass Of Sunday27th5.30pmNovember List
SUNDAY   28th9.00amSr Maria Cahill
1st Sunday in Advent11.00amNovember List



All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Rose Manning, Elizabeth Benson, Pat McCullagh, Josie Harrison, Leslie Bailey, James Rooney, Fritz Pfleger, Christine Galligan. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

Edward Aidan Brooker and Noah Charlie James Dawson who were baptised last weekend: congratulations and welcome to God’s family.

CARITAS BOXES: Would anyone who has a Caritas Box leave it in the church porch for collection. A new payment system using a mobile phone is to be introduced. Details to follow.

MANY THANKS for your generous offering last Sunday for the Education and Training Fund which raised £383.71.

CAFOD WORLD GIFTS: Booklets are available in the porch with ideas for Gifts that you can give at Christmas which will benefit the poor and disadvantaged in our world.

LADIES GROUP: many thanks for all those who supported the November Coffee Morning which raised £129 for Cafod. A special thank you to all those who worked so hard to make it a success.

APF RED MISSION BOXES: Would all those who have the APF Red Mission Boxes please hand them in no later than 11 December so that the money can be sent off to support our Catholic missions.

ST NICHOLAS HARTFORD ADVENT GATHERING: You are invited for an Advent Lunch and celebration on Wednesday, 8 December from 1.30pm-3.30pm at the school. 10 places are available so please email the parish by 30 November if you would like to go.

ST VINCENT’S PRE-SCHOOL ADMISSIONS: Any parents who have children who are due to start pre-school before September 2023, please ensure that you have completed an application form and have returned it to the pres-school to ensure that their name is on the waiting list. Places are filling quickly. If you haver any questions contact the Pre-school Manager, Cath Davies on 651948 or visit their website where you will find an application form.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 14th November, 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass13th5.30pmFr Bernard Green
Sunday14th9.00amOur Parish Family
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amBridget Robertson
Monday St Albert the Great 15th9.30amDeceased members of Caunce & Williams families
Tuesday St Margaret16th9.30amNovember List
Wednesday St  Elizabeth17thNO MASS TODAY
Thursday 18thNO MASS TODAY
Friday  19th9.30amNovember List
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday20th11.00am 5.30pmDeceased Parishioners 2021 Our Parish Family
SUNDAY   21st9.00amKathleen Oakes
Christ the King11.00amMichael Boyd



All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Gerry Hepworth, Sheila Coulson, Dorothy Sadler, Anne Meade, Bea Brookes, Jim Higham, Jean Glynn, Robin Wheeldon, John Boland Keane, Patrick O’Neill. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

Arthur Joseph O’Keefe who was baptised last Sunday: congratulations and welcome to God’s family.

CARITAS BOXES: Would anyone who has a Caritas Box leave it in the church porch for collection. A new payment system using a mobile phone is to be introduced. Details to follow.

SPECIAL COLLECTION CHURCH EDUCATION AND TRAINING FUND: This will take place today. Baskets will be available at the church doors for your donations which support those training for the priesthood in our diocese. If you would like to Gift Aid your donation or donate directly from your bank you can do this by following the link on our Parish Webpage.

CAFOD WORLD GIFTS: Booklets are available in the porch with ideas for Gifts that you can give at Christmas which will benefit the poor and disadvantaged in our world.

MEMROIAL MASS FOR ALL WHO HAVE DIED IN OUR PARISH: There will be a special Mass for all those who have died in our parish over the last 12 months at 11am next Saturday, 20 November. All are welcome to attend but especially those who have lost loved ones during the past year.

APF RED MISSION BOXES: Would all those who have the APF Red Mission Boxes please hand them in no later than 11 December so that the money can be sent off to support our Catholic missions.

CATHOLIC CERTIFICATE IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES (CCRS): All are welcome to join this excellent course which is held at St Columba’s, Chester on Thursdays or online. To register and for more information go to

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 7th November, 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass6th5.30pmSheila McGuire
Sunday7th9.00amOur Parish Family
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amDeceased members of Regan & Halloran familes
Monday 8th9.30amNovember List
Tuesday Dedication of the Lateran Basilica9th9.30amAnne Reardon (Anniv)
Wednesday St  Leo the Great10th9.30amNovember List
Thursday  St Martin of Tours11th9.30amNovember List
Friday St Josaphat12th7.00pmDeceased members of the Catenians
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday13th5.30pmFr Bernard Green
SUNDAY   14th9.00amOur Parish Family
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amBridget Robertson



All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Tania Stott, Peter Dawes, Julia Gregory, Teresa Martin, Michael Boyd. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

Margaret Mabel Shaw who was baptised last Sunday: congratulations and welcome to God’s family.

For the success of the COP26 talks on Climate Change. Cafod have produced prayer cards which are available at each door of the church.

CARITAS BOXES: Would anyone who has a Caritas Box leave it in the church porch for collection. A new payment system using a mobile phone is to be introduced. Details to follow.

SPECIAL COLLECTION CHURCH EDUCATION AND TRAINING FUND: This will take place next weekend. Baskets will be available at the church doors for your donations which support those training for the priesthood in our diocese. If you would like to Gift Aid your donation or donate directly from your bank you can do this by following the link on our Parish Webpage.

CAFOD WORLD GIFTS: Booklets are available in the porch with ideas for Gifts that you can give at Christmas which will benefit the poor and disadvantaged in our world.

MEMROIAL MASS FOR ALL WHO HAVE DIED IN OUR PARISH: There will be a special Mass for all those who have died in our parish over the last 12 months at 11am on Saturday, 20 November. All are welcome to attend but especially those who have lost loved ones during the past year.

FIRST SACRAMENTS PREPARATION: The second meeting of parents with children preparing for first Forgiveness and first Holy Communion in year 4 will take place this Tuesday at 7.15pm in the hall.

PLEASE NOTE that Mass this Friday, 12 November will be at 7pm and will be offered for Deceased Members of the Catenians.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)