The First Sacraments


The sacrament of Penance is one of the regular sacraments of the Church. Times of Confession are published regularly in the parish newsletter, in addition to Services of Penance which take place during Lent and Advent each year.

The Eucharist

The First Holy Communion programme in the Parish has been operating now for a number of years and, in essence, provides an opportunity for the Parish, the School and families to work closely together in nurturing the faith in our children.

Children are enrolled after Christmas and meetings and liturgies follow. The programme in the Lent Term focuses on the Sacrament of Penance. After Easter, the programme preparation is for First Holy Communion. Children taking part are in year 3 or above and may be from the Parish Primary School or elsewhere. Please consult the newsletter during Advent for details of how to enrol your child.