The St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) is an international Christian voluntary network dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms by providing practical assistance to people in need.
Founded in Britain in 1844, we foster diverse and inclusive connections, as a Society that is welcoming of people of all faiths and none. We extend a helping hand and offer care to individuals and families who need support.
Our 10,000 members, motivated by faith, visit vulnerable or isolated people across England and Wales and offer them friendship and practical support. The essence of our work is person-to-person contact and spending time with people is our greatest gift.
Table of Contents
Our Knutsford Parish Group
SVP Knutsford is part of the Shrewsbury Diocese. Our local group in St Vincent’s Parish Knutsford was created in 1936. We are now an active group of parishioners who reach out and look for opportunities to help those in need. This includes:-
Visiting People
Visiting is at the centre of what we do. The essence of our work is person-to-person contact and spending time with people – giving them a sense of belonging is our greatest gift. We visit in pairs and offer friendship and support either at home or in nursing homes particularly for those who feel isolated or those who are housebound.
You can expect kindness, courtesy, compassion and understanding – with a non judgemental attitude. And practical help and advice, in confidence.
Community Projects
- Supporting migrants and refugees living in the Knutsford area.
- Working with outreach programmes, helping the homeless in Manchester City Centre.
- Organising trips and social events for those we visit
- Raising funds to support families in the community, for example, sending children to holiday camps.
- Supporting financially St Vincent’s Wirral, a new Community Support Centre dedicated to helping those affected by poverty, isolation, addiction and homelessness.
Minnie Vinnies
Working with young children at our local St Vincent De Paul junior school.
Overseas Work
We are twinned with four SVP groups in India and sponsor students training to be nurses and doctors. We also help with the Sudan Baby Feeding Programme. We regularly send donations to other areas of the world in times of crisis or disaster.
Can You Help?
Please let us know of anyone living alone or housebound or in a home, who might welcome a visit from the SVP. We aim to be a friendly visitor offering companionship and a listening ear.
Why not consider joining us? There are many who are infirm and lonely and who would welcome an occasional visit and, in truth, we often come away feeling they have done more for us than we for them.
Please support us with any donation. We are always in need of funds to continue our work. If you are able to Gift Aid any donation, there are Gift Aid envelopes in the foyer (near the piety stall) or please email us on or speak to Father David.
Contact Us
For further information please contact either President Pat Flood or Secretary / Treasurer Jean Taylor-Sutton via email or speak to Father David Long.
President Pat Flood:
Secretary / Treasurer Jean Taylor-Sutton:
Father David Long: