Parish Newsletters – July 2021

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 25th July, 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass24th5.30pmMary McCarthy (Anniv)
Sunday25th9.00amOur Parish Family
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amDiane Willemse
Monday  SS Joachim & Anne26th9.30amChristina Brimble
Tuesday27th9.30amSarah Flynn
Wednesday28th9.30amRafe Hilton
Thursday  St Martha29th9.30amAnna Miller
Friday  St Peter Chrysologus30th9.30amCarrie Turley
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday31st9.30am 5.30pmRosemary Edwards Private Intention
SUNDAY   1st9.00amOur Parish Family
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amPauline Gough



All those who are sick,  housebound or isolating at home.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Betty Prentice, Arthur Green, Robert Walsh, Kay Crowley. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends

LIFTING OF RESTRICTIONS AT MASS: As you will be aware the Government has lifted most restrictions from 19 July. I am conscious that some of you may be cautious about returning to church at this time and please note that the Bishops have agreed that the Sunday obligation to attend Mass remains suspended for the time being. There will no longer be any requirement to book your place at Mass. We do, however, ask you to sanitise your hands when entering Church and to wear a face covering during Mass to protect yourself and others. We would also encourage you to try and maintain some distance from those not in your household. Stewards will still be at the church door to welcome you and to take your details for track and trace purposes or you may use the Covid app if you have it. You can enter or leave by either door. Those who wish are welcome to kneel in Church. Holy Communion will be distributed in the traditional manner with people coming in two lines up the centre aisle to receive Communion and then returning by the side aisles. Holy Communion will only be under one kind i.e. the sacred host. Congregational singing can resume, The sign of peace remains suspended. The Parish Hall will remain closed until September.

DAILY MASS: Now that restrictions are lifted I will celebrate Mass Monday to Saturday at 9.30am; our Sunday Masses remain unchanged.

LOURDES VIRTUAL PILGRIMAGE: Sadly once again we have been unable to travel to Lourdes this year. However, we have planned a Virtual Pilgrimage with daily Masses and various reflections and devotions from 31 July- 4 August.. The full programme is on our Website. Please note that the Grotto Mass on Tuesday, 3 August will be celebrated here at St Vincent’s. You are welcome to attend any of the Masses either in person or on the Internet.

We will be filming at St Vincent’s at 6pm this Sunday for the Virtual Lourdes Pilgrimage. Anyone is welcome to join in praying a decade of the Rosary which will be incorporated into a Virtual Torchlight procession.

HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: I have started taking Holy Communion to those whose names have been handed in. If you know of anyone who is unable to get to church and would like Holy Communion bringing to them at home please let me have their names and contact details.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment.

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 18th July, 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass17th5.30pmOur Parish Family
Sunday18th9.00amPat & Jim Flood Golden Wedding
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amMoira & Wilfrid Duddy
Thursday  St BonaventureNO MASS TODAY
Friday  Our Lady of Mount CarmelNO MASS TODAY
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday24th5.30pmMary Mccarthy (Anniv)
SUNDAY   25th9.00amOur Parish Family
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amDiane Willemse



All those who are sick,  housebound or isolating at home.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Mary Dignan, Bernard Hennessey, Elizabeth Keane, Suzanne Llloyd, Sarah Turley, Ron McCormick, Jim Valleley.. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends

.Welcome to Rafe John Hilton who was baptised here last Sunday.

LIFTING OF RESTRICTIONS AT MASS: As you will be aware the Government has lifted most restrictions from 19 July. I am conscious that some of you may be cautious about returning to church at this time and please note that the Bishops have agreed that the Sunday obligation to attend Mass remains suspended for the time being. There will no longer be any requirement to book your place at Mass. We do, however, ask you to sanitise your hands when entering Church and to wear a face covering during Mass to protect yourself and others. We would also encourage you to try and maintain some distance from those not in your household. Stewards will still be at the church door to welcome you and to take your details for track and trace purposes or you may use the Covid app if you have it. You can enter or leave by either door. Those who wish are welcome to kneel in Church. Holy Communion will be distributed in the traditional manner with people coming in two lines up the centre aisle to receive Communion and then returning by the side aisles. Holy Communion will only be under one kind i.e. the sacred host. Congregational singing can resume, The sign of peace remains suspended. The Parish Hall will remain closed until September.

HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: I have started taking Holy Communion to those whose names have been handed in. If you know of anyone who is unable to get to church and would like Holy Communion bringing to them at home please let me have their names and contact details.

MANY THANKS for your generous response to last week’s collection for Stella Maris supporting seafarers which totalled £272.96

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment.

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 11th July, 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass10th5.30pmSecular Clergy Fund
Sunday11th9.00amOur Parish Family
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amNorah Butler
Tuesday13th9.30amHelen Miekle
Wednesday14th9.30amDeceased of Hillel and Swindley families
Thursday  St Bonaventure15th9.30amDeceased of May Family
Friday  Our Lady of Mount Carmel16th9.30amDeceased Smyth family
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday17th5.30pmOur Parish Family
SUNDAY   18th9.00amPat & Jim Flood Golden Wedding Anniversary
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amMoira & Wilfrid Duddy



All those who are sick,  housebound or isolating at home.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Patrick Foskin, Jack Andrews, Francis Myerscough, Ricardo de la Cruz, Vera Goffin, Valerie Oakes. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

SUNDAY OBLIGATION: It has been wonderful to see more and more people returning to Mass in Church recently. I have noticed that quite a few people are choosing not to receive Holy Communion. I want to remind and reassure you that the obligation to attend Mass during the pandemic was removed and those who may have been missing are welcome to receive Holy Communion now they have returned.

HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: I have started taking Holy Communion to those whose names have been handed in. If you know of anyone who is unable to get to church and would like Holy Communion bringing to them at home please let me have their names and contact details.

THE NEW CHRISTIE CANCER FACILITY at Macclesfield Hospital will be completed by December 2021 offering extensive treatment and support services and avoiding the need to ravel to Manchester for radiotherapy and other vital treatment. The new centre will cost £23m and Fund raising is being led by the Christie Charity. The pandemic has had a huge impact on fund raising. If you can support this important campaign please call the Charity Office on 0161 446 3988 or via Further information can be obtained from Moss Gubbins on 07803 209792 or at

SEA SUNDAY: Today is Sea Sunday when we remember seafarers. They have been every seriously affected by the pandemic. Baskets will be available at the church doors for you to make contributions to support Stella Maris (The Apostleship of the Sea) which provides spiritual and welfare support for seafarers. Envelopes are available for those who would like to Gift Aid their donations.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment.

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 4th July, 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass3rd5.30pmShovelin Family
Sunday4th9.00amOur Parish Family
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amJoseph Doran
Monday5th7.00pmNO MASS TODAY
Wednesday7th9.30amNO MASS TODAY
Thursday 8th9.30amLillian Mooney
Friday9th9.30amDavid Yates
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday10th5.30pmSecular Clergy Fund
SUNDAY   11th9.00amOur Parish Family
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amNorah Butler



All those who are sick,  housebound or isolating at home.

Rupert Arthur Coleman-Munday and Dora Rose Ward who were baptised last weekend: welcome and congratulations to them and to their families.

Congratulations to Darren Cheetham and Megan Taylor and to Richard Barnes and Jessica Ainsworth who have been married recently.

Janet Tighe who has died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Joseph Doran, Danny Burgess. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

SUNDAY OBLIGATION: It has been wonderful to see more and more people returning to Mass in Church recently. I have noticed that quite a few people are choosing not to receive Holy Communion. I want to remind and reassure you that the obligation to attend Mass during the pandemic was removed and those who may have been missing are welcome to receive Holy Communion now they have returned.

HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: I have started taking Holy Communion to those whose names have been handed in. If you know of anyone who is unable to get to church and would like Holy Communion bringing to them at home please let me have their names and contact details.

THE NEW CHRISTIE CANCER FACILITY at Macclesfield Hospital will be completed by December 2021 offering extensive treatment and support services and avoiding the need to ravel to Manchester for radiotherapy and other vital treatment. The new centre will cost £23m and Fund raising is being led by the Christie Charity. The pandemic has had a huge impact on fund raising. If you can support this important campaign please call the Charity Office on 0161 446 3988 or via Further information can be obtained from Moss Gubbins on 07803 209792 or at

PART TIME CHAPLAIN REQUIRED AT ST AMBROSE COLLEGE: For more information see notice at Church exit. For application form and full details check the College website

SEA SUNDAY: Next Sunday, 11 July  is Sea Sunday when we remember seafarers. They have been every seriously affected by the pandemic. Baskets will be available at the church doors for you to make contributions to support Stella Maris (The Apostleship of the Sea) which provides spiritual and welfare support for seafarers. Envelopes are available for those who would like to Gift Aid their donations.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment.

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.  

(Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)