Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage

Diocese of Shrewsbury Virtual Pilgrimage to Lourdes
The Diocese of Shrewsbury Lourdes Pilgrimage has new social media pages. To keep up to date with the pilgrimage news follow @dofs_Lourdes on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

You can also search Shrewsbury Lourdes on YouTube for video content. FacebookInstagramTwitterYouTubeVirtual Pilgrimage Timetable
Download a copy of the Virtual Pilgrimage TimetableTorchlight Procession
The Virtual Lourdes Torchlight procession is being filmed across the Diocese.
Filming will be taking place on Sunday 25th July at the times and location listed.
If you or anyone you know would like to support the filming for the pilgrimage by being filmed praying the rosary then please meet at the back of church prompt at the time shown.
Filming should only take 20mins.
If you have any further questions please contact youth@dioceseofshrewsbury.org.
