Parish Newsletters – September 2024

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 29 September 2024

Mass Times and Intentions

Sun 29th09:0026thSunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Mike Regan, James Rowley M- B Groarke, D Browne, A Jones
Sun 29th11:00 Fr David’s IntentionsR-B Pozzoni, P Daly M-Eve Nichols, Andrea Ross, Hilary Heap
Mon 30th19.00St JeromeFr David’s Ruby Jubilee MassR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 1st19.00St Theresa of LisieuxMASS IN LYMM
Wed 2nd The Guadian AngelsNO MASS TODAY 
Thurs 3rd09.30 MASS IN LYMM 
Fri 4th09.30St Francis of AssisiNO MASS TODAY 
Sat 5th St Maria FaustinaNO MASS TODAY 
Sun 6th09.0027th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Nicola Jones, S Gardiner  M-Jan Armstrong, V Williamson, M Prescott
Sun 6th11:00 Chris HallivanR-Tim Storrie A Caudwell  M-Ann Long, Eve Nichols, Andrea Ross

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Fr Alban Greenwood & Fr George Malecki who have died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Ron McLeish, Susan Sutcliffe, Arabie Haffenden, Laurie Ryder, Margaret Pilling, Ursula Myerscough-Jones, David Thompson, Gerald Murphy may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

40th ORDINATION ANNIVERSARY: I can hardly believe it but today I celebrate 40 years as a priest! After the 11am Mass I hope you will join me in the hall for a drink to celebrate. Tomorrow, Monday, 30 September I will celebrate Mass at 7pm when I hope you will join me and my family and friends and afterwards for a buffet in the hall.

LADIES GROUP COFFEE MORNING AND CAKE SALE this Friday, 4 October from 9.30am-Noon.

FAMILY FAST DAY is this Friday, 4 October when we are encouraged to cut back on what we eat and give the money we save to CAFOD to support their work with the poor throughout the world. There will be a retiring collection next Sunday and envelopes are available for those who wish to use them.

SVP APPEAL: Can you donate any old foreign coins or notes to support the SVP Children’s Holiday Camps for those families living in poverty that cannot afford a holiday. Please place them in the containers provided in the porch.

MANY THANKS FROM THE SVP for your very generous response to their appeal last week which raised coffee morning raised an amazing £763.38! These generous donations will contribution immensely with our work for poor, lonely and those in need. If there is anybody who would like join us or knows of situations where we can be of help please get in touch via email at or give your contact details to Fr David. Further information on the St. Vincent de Paul Society, there is literature available in the church porch and the Parish website.

A SPECIAL VISITOR: You have often heard me talk about my links with a parish in Siem Reap in Cambodia. I am delighted to say that, due to the generosity of one of our parishioners, Fr Totet, the Parish Priest, will be staying with us over the weekend of 19/20 October and then will return in November. He will talk about his work in Cambodia and will invite us to link with the communities he serves and so support his work.

OPEN AFTERNOON AT VINCENT’S PRIMARY SCHOOL 3 October & 7 November 1.30pm-3pm. For prospective parents of all reception children in 2025 or 2026. To book call Mrs Watson on 01565 633637 or email

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 22 September 2024

Mass Times And Intentions

Sun 22nd09:0025thSunday in Ordinary TimePeter AllenR-P Longinotti, P Swift M-Jan Armstrong, J Gibbons,V Williamson
Sun 22nd11:00 Our Parish FamilyR-John Armstrong, Alice Bailey, M-Ann Long, Sue Reeves, Eve Nichols
Mon 23rd09.30St Pius of PietrelcinaHoly SoulsR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 24th19.00Our Lady of WalsinghamMASS IN LYMM
Wed 25th09.30 Holy Souls 
Thurs 26th09.30Ss Cosmas and DamianMASS IN LYMM 
Fri 27th09.30St Vincent de PaulHoly Souls 
Sat 28th  NO MASS TODAY 
Sun 29th09.0026th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Mike Regan, James Rowley M- B Groarke, D Browne, A Jones
Sun 29th11:00 Priest’s own IntentionR-B Pozzoni, P Daly M-Eve Nichols, Andrea Ross, Hilary Heap

Please Remember In Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Fr Alban Greenwood & Fr George Malecki who have died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Frank Sharkey, Kenneth Bell, Jim Broadfoot, Gerard Atkinson, Miles O’Shaughnessy, Louis McHugh, Barbrara Kingsley-Poole, Betty Beisty, Angela Roberts may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

CONGRATULATIONS AND WELCOME TO Albert (Albie) Cole Morris and Amalie (Milly) Roseanna Morris who were baptised last Sunday.

News And Information

40th ORDINATION ANNIVERSARY: I can hardly believe it but on 29 September I will celebrate 40 years as a priest! After the 11am Mass that day I hope you will join me in the hall for a drink to celebrate. On Monday, 30 September I will celebrate Mass at 7pm when I hope you will join me and my family and friends and afterwards for a buffet in the hall.

SVP AWARENESS MONTH: There will be a retiring collection after all Masses today to support the work of the SVP in our parish. There will be refreshments in the hall after 11am Mass. The SVP appreciate your continuing support.

SVP APPEAL: Can you donate any old foreign coins or notes to support the SVP Children’s Holiday Camps for those families living in poverty that cannot afford a holiday. Please place them in the containers provided in the porch.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available after weekday Masses.

PLEASE SUPPORT A couple of the Catenians  who are doing a 100mile bike ride around the Knutsford area on Tuesday 24th September 2024, to raise funds for the SVP. They plan to start and finish at the Legh Arms where there will be SVP collection boxes available for cash donations.Here is the link to the Just giving page if people wish to support this cause with online donations. It also contains a route map if anyone wishes to join them.

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 15 September 2024

Mass Times and Intentions

Sun 15th09:0024thSunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Sheila Flynn, Lisa Senior M-A Jones, V Williamson, N Johnson
Sun 15th11:00 Holy SoulsR-A Caudwell, G McCreesh; M-Sue Reeves, Andrea Ross, Hilary Heap
Mon 16th09.30Ss Cornelius & CyprianJack DuxburyR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 17th09.30St Rober BellarmineMASS IN SCHOOL
Wed 18th09.30 Judy Callaghan 
Thurs 19th09.30 MASS IN LYMM 
Fri 20th09.30Martyrs of KoreaPeter Holborn 
Sat 21stNOONSt MatthewJohn Riley 
Sun 22nd09.0025th Sunday in Ordinary TimePeter AllenR-P Longinotti, P Swift M-Jan Armstrong, J Gibbons,V Williamson
Sun 22nd11:00 Our Parish FamilyR-John Armstrong, Alice Bailey, M-Ann Long, Sue Reeves, Eve Nichols

Please Remember In Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Peggy Poynor, Basil Langley, Kathleen Waddell, Sadie Whittick may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News And Information

SVP APPEAL: Can you donate any old foreign coins or notes to support the SVP Children’s Holiday Camps for those families living in poverty that cannot afford a holiday. Please place them in the containers provided in the porch.

40th ORDINATION ANNIVERSARY: I can hardly believe it but on 29 September I will celebrate 40 years as a priest! After the 11am Mass that day I hope you will join me in the hall for a drink to celebrate. On Monday, 30 September I will celebrate Mass at 7pm when I hope you will join me and my family and friends and afterwards for a buffet in the hall.

MASS IN SCHOOL this Tuesday at 9.30am. All are welcome.

SVP AWARENESS MONTH: There will be a retiring collection after all Masses next Sunday to support the work of the SVP in our parish. There will be refreshments in the hall after 11am Mass. The SVP appreciate your continuing support.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT from 11.30am until Noon on Saturdays. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered during the Adoration and after weekday Masses.

THE RELIC OF BLESSED CARLO ACUTIS will be visiting St Anthony’s, Wythenshawe from 20-23 September. This remarkable teenager was a gamer and computer progranmmer who love football, with a gift for empathy, a great devotion to Our Lady and a deep love of the Holy Eucharist which he described as “his highway to Heaven”. The visit is an opportunity to spend time in prayer venerating the relic of Blessed Carlo. Confessions will be available and Mass will be celebrate each day. There will also be inspirational talks from Mgr Anthony Fidgueirdo who has followed the life of the soon to be Saint Carlo Acutis. Registration for veneration is now open and can be found at

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 8 September 2024

Mass Times and Intentions

Sun 8th09:0023rdSunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR- Peter & Brenda Pozzoni M-Jan Armstrong, J Gibbons, B Groarke
Sun 8th11:00 Nuala CampbellR-Peter Daly, Tim Storrie M-Ann Long, Hilary Heap, Eve Nichols
Mon 9th  NO MASSR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 10th19.00St Ambrose BarlowMASS IN LYMM
Wed 11th  NO MASS 
Thurs 12th09.30Most Holy Name of MaryMASS IN LYMM 
Fri 13th  NO MASS 
Sat 14th  NO MASS 
Sun 15th09.0024th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Sheila Flynn, Lisa Senior M-A Jones, V Williamson, N Johnson
Sun 15th11:00 Holy SoulsR-A Caudwell, G McCreesh; M-Sue Reeves, Andrea Ross, Hilary Heap

Please Remember In Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Nuala Campbell, Albert Sydney Williams, Ken Brereton, Margaret Williams, Joe Oakes, John McCormick, Pat Burrows may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

Congratulations and welcome to Henrietta Victoria Paley and Brodie Michael Smyth who were baptised last Sunday.

News And Information

SVP APPEAL: Can you donate any old foreign coins or notes to support the SVP Children’s Holiday Camps for those families living in poverty that cannot afford a holiday. Please place them in the containers provided in the porch.

FRIENDSHIP IN MARRIAGE: Join us for an inspiring talk on “Growing in Friendship in Marriage” by Ciro Candia on Saturday, September 14th at 2 PM in the Parish Hall. The afternoon starts with Mass at 12 noon, followed by a complimentary lunch sponsored by the Knutsford Catenians, during which there will be an opportunity to raise funds for SVP. Ciro, a familiar voice in Catholic media, will share practical tips on building a stronger and happier marriage. Learn how to replace bad habits with simple, positive changes that can make all the difference. This event is free, but reservations are required. Please email to secure your spot. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your relationship and feel free to invite friends!

40th ORDINATION ANNIVERSARY: I can hardly believe it but on 29 September I will celebrate 40 years as a priest! After the 11am Mass that day I hope you will join me in the hall for a drink to celebrate. On Monday, 30 September I will celebrate Mass at 7pm when I hope you will join me and my family and friends and afterwards for a buffet in the hall.