Table of Contents
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 24 September 2023
Mass Times and Intentions
Sun 24th | 09:00 | 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | R-James Rowley, Nicola Jones M- S Gardiner, J Gibbons, V Williamson |
Sun 24th | 11:00 | Nancy Watt | R-Maura Welch, Tim Storrie M-Ann Long, Rachel Greaves, Eve Nichols | |
Mon 25th | 09.30 | Ann Collins | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister | |
Tue 26th | 19.30 | MASS IN LYMM | ||
Wed 27th | 09.30 | St Vincent de Paul | Norika Hughes (Sick) | |
Thurs 28th | 09.15 | MASS IN LYMM | ||
Fri 29th | 09.30 | Ss Michael, Gabriel & Raphael | Fr David: 39th Ordination Anniv | |
Sat 30th | NOON | St Jerome | Shrewsbury Secular Clergy Fund | |
Sun 1st | 09.00 | 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | R-Clare Gibbons, Dick Browne M-B Groarke, G Alcock. J Armstrong |
Sun 1st | 11:00 | Aideen McGarvey | R-Alice Bailey, Brenda Pozzoni M-S Reeves, H Heap, A Ross |
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
All those who are sick or housebound.
Guy Beswick who has died and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Kenneth Bell, Jim Broadfoot, Gerard Atkinson, Mile Francis O’Shaughnessy, Louis John McHugh, Barbara Kingsley-Poole, Betty Beisty, Angela Roberts, Ron McLeish. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
Congratulations and welcome to Etta Lois Bradbury who was baptised last Sunday.
News and Information
MASSES AT LYMM: There is a Vigil Mass at 5.45pm on Saturdays and Mass at 10.30am on Sunday mornings at St Winefride’s Booths Hill Rd Lymm, WA13 0DL that you are welcome to attend if they are more convenient.
EXPOSTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT will take place on Saturdays from 11.30am until Noon.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available after weekday Mass or during Saturday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and at any convenient time by appointment.
ENQUIRY GROUP: Are you interested in becoming a Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith? The Enquiry Group will start meeting again on Thursday, 26 October at 7pm in the hall. All are welcome to come and learn more about our faith and support those who are seeking to become Catholics. IF you would like to know more, please speak to Fr David.
CLOTHES FOR REUGEES: Many thanks for all those who donated summer clothes for refugees. Now we would welcome donations of autumn and winter men’s clothes particularly jumpers, socks and footwear.
PARISH QUIZ NIGHT Friday, 20 October at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. All are welcome to come and join in the fun. Bring your own drinks and nibbles.
THE SVP SOCIETY are giving a short address at each Mass today to make you aware of their work in our parish. There will be a retiring collection to support their work and you are invited to come into the hall after 11am Mass for tea, coffee and biscuits.
MANY THANKS for your weekly offerings in August which totalled £5325.88.
COFFEE MORNING AT LYMM: Each Thursday following the 9.15am Mass there is a Coffee Morning in the hall at St Winefride’s. All are welcome and the proceeds support local charities.
MUMS AND TODDLERS meet each Friday (except the first Friday of the month) from 10am-12 Noon in the hall.
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 17 September 2023
Mass Times and Intentions
Sun 17th | 09:00 | 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Julie Hatton and Family | R-Lisa Senior, Jane McKenna M-R Greaves, F O’Brien, J Long |
Sun 17th | 11:00 | Our Parish Family | R-Ann Long, John Armstrong M-H Heap, S Reeves, A Ross | |
Mon 18th | 09.30 | Mr Duxbury | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister | |
Tue 19th | 19.30 | MASS IN LYMM | ||
Wed 20th | 09.30 | St Andrew Kim & Companions | Holy Souls | |
Thurs 21st | 09.15 | St Matthew | MASS IN LYMM | |
Fri 22nd | 09.30 | Gail Molesworth Intentions | ||
Sat 23rd | NOON | St Pius of Petralcina | Allen Molesworth | |
Sun 24th | 09.00 | 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | R-James Rowley, Nicola Jones M- S Gardiner, J Gibbons, V Williamson |
Sun 24th | 11:00 | Nancy Watt | R-Maura Welch, Tim Storrie M-Ann Long, Rachel Greaves, Eve Nichols |
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
All those who are sick or housebound.
Canon Ted Harrington and Tom Hulse (two friends of Fr David) who have died and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Basil Langley, Kathleen Waddell,, Sadie Whittick, Frank Sharkey. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
News and Information
MASSES AT LYMM: There is a Vigil Mass at 5.45pm on Saturdays and Mass at 10.30am on Sunday mornings at St Winefride’s Booths Hill Rd Lymm, WA13 0DL that you are welcome to attend if they are more convenient.
EXPOSTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT will take place on Saturdays from 11.30am until Noon.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available after weekday Mass or during Saturday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and at any convenient time by appointment.
ENQUIRY GROUP: Are you interested in becoming a Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith? The Enquiry Group will start meeting again later this year. IF you would like to know more, please speak to Fr David.
CLOTHES FOR REUGEES: Many thanks for all those who donated summer clothes for refugees. Now we would welcome donations of autumn and winter men’s clothes particularly jumpers, socks and footwear.
LADIES GROUP: The recent Coffee morning and cake sale raised £125 for CAFOD. We would be very grateful for any new bakers who could help out.
THE SVP SOCIETY will be addressing the Parish at each Mass next Sunday, 24 September. There will be a retiring collection to help with their work and you are all invited to join them for tea and coffee in the Hall after the 11am Mass.
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 10 September 2023
Mass Times And Intentions
Sun 10th | 09:00 | 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | R-Peter & Brenda Pozzoni, M-B Groarke, G Alcock, Jan Armstrong |
Sun 10th | 11:00 | Nuala Campbell | R-Angela Perls, Gerard McCreesh M-E Nichols, A Ross, L Culshaw | |
Mon 11th | NO MASS | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister | ||
Tue 12th | Most Holy Name of Mary | NO MASS | ||
Wed 13th | St John Chrysostom | NO MASS | ||
Thurs 14th | Exaltation of the Cross | NO MASS | ||
Fri 15th | Our Lady of Sorrows | NO MASS | ||
Sat 16th | SS Cornelius & Cyprian | NO MASS | ||
Sun 17th | 09.00 | 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Julie Hatton and Family | R-Lisa Senior, Jane McKenna M-R Greaves, F O’Brien, J Long |
Sun 17th | 11:00 | Our Parish Family | R-Ann Long, John Armstrong M-H Heap, S Reeves, A Ross |
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
All those who are sick or housebound.
All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Ken Brereton, Margaret Williams, Joe Oakes, John McCormick, Pat Burrows, Peggy Poynor. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
News and Information
MASSES AT LYMM: There is a Vigil Mass at 5.45pm on Saturdays and Mass at 10.30am on Sunday mornings at St Winefride’s Booths Hill Rd Lymm, WA13 0DL that you are welcome to attend if they are more convenient.
ENQUIRY GROUP: Are you interested in becoming a Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith? The Enquiry Group will start meeting again later this year. IF you would like to know more, please speak to Fr David.
CLOTHES FOR REUGEES: Many thanks for all those who donated summer clothes for refugees. Now we would welcome now donations of autumn and winter men’s clothes particularly jumpers, socks and footwear.
CATENIANS: Next Sunday the Catenians will talk about their work and invite new members at both our Masses.
FROM CARITAS: Love the Stranger and the Illegal Migration Act. In response to the passing of the Illegal Migration Bill in Parliament in July Bishop Paul McAleenan, the lead Bishop for Migrants and Refugees, has stated “This legislation stands at odds with the teaching of the church on welcoming, protecting, promoting and integrating refugees.” The Love the Stranger publication from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales provides a Catholic response to migrants and refugees and can be found at as is the accompanying Call to Action document from the national Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN). Caritas Shrewsbury as a CSAN member is supporting diocesan study and action in response to Love the Stranger and the Call to Action. Please get in touch with them if you can help speak up about this issue – Telephone: 0151 652 1281; Mobile: 07824 329 344; Email: CSAN’s update on this topic including links to the documents can be found at
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 3 September 2023
Mass Times and Intentions
Sat 2nd | NOON | Homeless, Hungry and lapsed | ||
Sun 3rd | 09:00 | 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | R-Sheila Flynn, Dick Browne M-S Gardiner, S Graham, V Williamson |
Sun 3rd | 11:00 | Arthur Dickens | R-Andrea Ross, Alice Bailey M- E Nichols, S Reeves, Mary Cullen | |
Mon 4th | St Cuthbert | NO MASS | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister | |
Tue 5th | NO MASS | |||
Wed 6th | NO MASS | |||
Thurs 7th | NO MASS | |||
Fri 8th | Nativity of Our Lady | NO MASS | ||
Sat 9th | NO MASS | |||
Sun 10th | 09.00 | 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | R-Peter & Brenda Pozzoni, M-B Groarke, G Alcock, Jan Armstrong |
Sun 10th | 11:00 | Nuala Campbell | R-Angela Perls, Gerard McCreesh M-E Nichols, A Ross, L Culshaw |
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
All those who are sick or housebound.
All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Olive Smith, Arthur Dickens, Anne Brereton, Nuala Campbell, Peter Carroll, John Bowden, Albert Sydney Williams. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
Congratulations and welcome to Penelope Jennings who was baptised here last Sunday.
News and Information
MASSES AT LYMM: There is a Vigil Mass at 5.45pm on Saturdays and Mass at 10.30am on Sunday mornings at St Winefride’s Booths Hill Rd Lymm, WA13 0DL that you are welcome to attend if they are more convenient.
FROM CARITAS: Love the Stranger and the Illegal Migration Act. In response to the passing of the Illegal Migration Bill in Parliament in July Bishop Paul McAleenan, the lead Bishop for Migrants and Refugees, has stated “This legislation stands at odds with the teaching of the church on welcoming, protecting, promoting and integrating refugees.” The Love the Stranger publication from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales provides a Catholic response to migrants and refugees and can be found at as is the accompanying Call to Action document from the national Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN). Caritas Shrewsbury as a CSAN member is supporting diocesan study and action in response to Love the Stranger and the Call to Action. Please get in touch with them if you can help speak up about this issue – Telephone: 0151 652 1281; Mobile: 07824 329 344; Email: CSAN’s update on this topic including links to the documents can be found at
DONATIONS FOR REFUGEES: Thank-you to everyone who has donated clothing to help refugees – your donations have been very much appreciated by needy people. Your help is still needed – if you can donate autumn/winter men’s clothing – especially jumpers, socks and footwear – it would be be really helpful. Please leave at the back of the church.
ENQUIRY GROUP: Are you interested in becoming a Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith? The Enquiry Group will start meeting again later this year. IF you would like to know more please speak to Fr David.