Parish Newsletters – September 2021

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 26th September 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass25th5.30pmPrivate Intention
Sunday26th9.00amOur Parish Family
26th Sunday in ordinary time11.00amJohn & Andrea Ross Diamond wedding
Monday  St Vincent de Paul27th10.45amREQUIEM: Beryl Morrison
Tuesday 28thNO MASS
Wednesday St Michael et al29thNO MASS
Thursday  St Jerome30thNO MASS
Friday  St Therese of Lisieux1stNO MASS
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday2nd5.30pmDanny Kennedy
SUNDAY   3rd9.00amJames Holehouse
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amOur Parish Family



All those who are sick or housebound.

Beryl Morrison who has died and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Louis John McHugh, Barbara Kingsley-Poole, Betty Beisty, Angela Roberts, Ron McLeish, Susan Sutcliffe, Arabie Haffenden, Laurie Ryder. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends

Congratulations and welcome Vincent Francis Howard and Jack Christopher Ellis who were baptised here last weekend.

FIRST SACRAMENTS PREPARATION: We will begin our preparation for those in Year 4 who should have received the Sacraments of Forgiveness and Holy Communion last year on 6 October at 7pm in the Parish Centre. Any families with children not at St Vincent’s School should contact Fr David to enrol for the classes. Preparation for those presently in Year 3 will begin in the New Year.

CHOIR: It is great to have our choir back singing at the 9am Sunday Mass. They would welcome any new members who would like to join either full time or part time. We also sing on major Feast Days and at some Weddings and Funerals. If you would like to join please speak to David Tredwell  on 01565 634340

CHILDRENS’ LITURGY will recommence at the 11am Mass on Sundays, 10 & 17 October. All primary school aged children are welcome to join and explore and pray the readings at a level they can understand.

ROTAS FOR READERS AND EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: As we continue our journey to normality at Mass it would be really helpful to increase the number of people willing to help as Readers or Eucharistic Ministers. Please contact Fr David or Stuart Jones on

MIDDAY ASSISTANT VACANCY AT ST VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL: The position is 5 days a week, 1.25 hours per day (11.45am – 1pm). Please contact Kate Watson (School Business Manager) on 01565 633637 or for further details

LADIES GROUP: We will be holding a Coffee Morning with cake sale in aid of Cafod on Friday, 8 October after the 9.30am Mass until 12 Noon. It would be great to welcome you all back!

THE MAYOR’S CHARITY BALL will take place at the Mere Hotel on Saturday, 9 October at 6.45pm. Tickets are £48. Proceeds will support the SVP and the Royal British Legion. For more information or to book please contact the Council’s Civic Events Officer or telephone 01565 653929.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment.

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 19th September 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass18th5.30pmPrivate Intention
Sunday19th9.00amOur Parish Family
25th Sunday in ordinary time11.00amPrivate Intention (Hurtley)
Monday  Martyrs of Korea20thNO MASS
Tuesday  St  Matthew21stNO MASS
Wednesday  22ndNO MASS
Thursday  St Pio of Pietrelcina23rdNO MASS
Friday  Our Lady 0f Walsingham24thNO MASS
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday18th5.30pmPrivate Intention
SUNDAY   19th9.00amOur Parish Family
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amJohn & Andrea Ross Diamond  Wedding



All those who are sick or housebound.

Beryl Morrison who has died and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Basil Langley, Kathleen Waddell, Sadie Whittick, Frank Sharkey, Kenneth Bell, Jim Broadfoot, Gerard Atkinson, Miles Francis Shaghnessy. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends

Congratulations and welcome to Benen Daniel Simister who was baptised here last Sunday.

FIRST SACRAMENTS PREPARATION: We will begin our preparation for those in Year 4 who should have received the Sacraments of Forgiveness and Holy Communion last year on 6 October at 7pm in the Parish Centre. Any families with children not at St Vincent’s School should contact Fr David to enrol for the classes. Preparation for those presently in Year 3 will begin in the New Year.

CHOIR: It is great to have our choir back singing at the 9am Sunday Mass. They would welcome any new members who would like to join either full time or part time. We also sing on major Feast Days and at some Weddings and Funerals. If you would like to join please speak to David Tredwell  on 01565 634340

ROTAS FOR READERS AND EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: As we continue our journey to normality at Mass it would be really helpful to increase the number of people willing to help as Readers or Eucharistic Ministers. Please contact Fr David or Stuart Jones on

LADIES GROUP: We will be holding a Coffee Morning with cake sale in aid of Cafod on Friday, 8 October after the 9.30am Mass until 12 Noon. It would be great to welcome you all back!

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment.

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 12th September 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass11th5.30pmPrivate Intention
Sunday12th9.00amOur Parish Family
24th Sunday in ordinary time11.00amMichael Harrison
Monday 13th1.30pmNuptial Mass: Lorraine Dunne & Ryan Jervis-Garner
Tuesday  Exaltation of the Cross14th9.30amJack & Sadie Intentions
Wednesday Our Lady of Sorrows15th9.30amJohn & Andrea Ross Ints
Thursday  SS Cornelius & Cyprian16th11.00amREQUIEM: Brian Mitchell
Friday  St Robert Bellarmine17th9.30amPrivate Intention
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday18th5.30pmPrivate Intention
SUNDAY   19th9.00amOur Parish Family
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amPrivate Intention (Hurtley)



All those who are sick or housebound especially Beryl Morrison.

Brian Mitchell who has died and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Margaret Williams, Joe Oakes, John McCormick, Pat Burrows, Peggy Poynor. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends

Congratulations and welcome to Belle Roselyn Skelton and Matilda Rose Roberts who were baptised here last weekend.

UPDATE ON FACE COIVERINGS IN CHURCH: We want everyone to feel comfortable and safe when they come back to Mass in church. This includes those who no longer wish to wear a face covering. We have kept An area for those not wearing a face covering at the front left of the church (as you walk in) and a pew will be kept free between this area and those behind. Initially three benches will be reserved but We will continue to review this regularly and adjust according to demand.

FIRST SACRAMENTS PREPARATION: We will begin our preparation for those in Year 4 who should have received the Sacraments of Forgiveness and Holy Communion last year on 6 October at 7pm in the Parish Centre. Any families with children not at St Vincent’s School should contact Fr David to enrol for the classes. Preparation for those presently in Year 3 will begin in the New Year.

CHOIR: It is great to have our choir back singing at the 9am Sunday Mass. They would welcome any new members who would like to join either full time or part time. We also sing on major Feast Days and at some Weddings and Funerals. If you would like to join please speak to David Tredwell  on 01565 634340

ROTAS FOR READERS AND EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: As we continue our journey to normality at Mass it would be really helpful to increase the number of people willing to help as Readers or Eucharistic Ministers. Please contact Fr David or Stuart Jones on

CATHOLIC CERTIFICATE IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (CCRS) begins this month with in person classes at St Columba’s, Chester or online with in person seminars in Wythenshawe. This is an excellent course for those teaching in Catholic Schools or involved in Parish catechetics. For more information email

APOSTLESHIP OF THE SEA: I have received a letter of thanks from Stella Maris for your generous response of £272.96 to support Seafarers.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment.

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 5th September 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass4th5.30pmNuala Campbell (Anniv)
Sunday5th9.00amOur Parish Family
23rd Sunday in ordinary time11.00amArthur Dickens (anniv)
Monday 6th9.30amManlio Castellini
Tuesday 7th9.30amBeryl Morrison (Sick)
Wednesday Our Lady’s Birthday8th9.30amPrivate Intention
Thursday 9th9.30amMary Boyd Intentions
Friday 10th9.30amTom Regan
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday11th5.30pmPrivate Intention
SUNDAY   12th9.00amOur Parish Family
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amMichael Harrison



All those who are sick or housebound especially Beryl Morrison.

Brian Mitchell & Norah Roberts  who have died and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Nuala Campbell, Peter Carroll, John Bowden, Albert Sidney Williams, Ken Brereton. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends

Congratulations and welcome to Ralph Thomas Wall who was baptised here last Sunday.

UPDATE ON FACE COIVERINGS IN CHURCH: We want everyone to feel comfortable and safe when they come back to Mass in church. This includes those who no longer wish to wear a face covering. Our plan from 4 September is to keep an area in church for those who do not wish to wear a face covering. This area will be clearly marked at the front left of the church (as you walk in) and a pew will be kept free between this area and those behind. Initially three benches will be reserved but We will continue to review this regularly and adjust according to demand.

RETURNING TO NORMALITY: Many thanks to the great team of helpers who cleaned the church and hall last week. The hall is open again from this week although not yet for private parties. The choir will be returning next Sunday at the 9am Mass and the SVP will resume their meetings on Wednesdays and will start their coffee mornings soon. We look forward to the start of Children’s Liturgy at the 11am Mass soon. I look forward to inviting you all to a Parish Meeting next month when we can reflect together to share ideas on the way forward for our Parish.

CIVIC SERVICE: many of you will know Stewart Gardiner, one of our parishioners, who is Mayor of Knutsford. Stewart would like to invite you to join him at his Civic Service which will be held today at 3pm at St Cross Church. If you are attending the Service and are not part of the parade please be seated in church by 2.45pm. Tea and cakes will be served afterwards.

HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK OR HOUSEBOUND: Please let Fr David know of anyone who is unable to get to church and would like him to call with Holy Communion.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment.

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)