Table of Contents
All Saints – 31st October, 2021
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday Sunday Vigil Mass | 30rd | 5.30pm | Barbara Cuthbert |
Sunday | 31st | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
All Saints | 11.00am | Charles Casey | |
Monday | 1st | 9.30am | Anne Shevlin |
Tuesday All Souls | 2nd | 9.30am | Paul Dobson (Anniv) |
Wednesday St Winefride | 3rd | 9.30am | November List |
Thursday St Charles Borromeo | 4th | 9.30am | Robert James Albright |
Friday | 5th | 9.30am | November List |
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday | 6th | 5.30pm | Sheila McGuire |
SUNDAY | 7th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time | 11.00am | Deceased members of Ryan & Halloran families |
All those who are sick or housebound.
Sr Maura Cahill CP, sister of Canon Joe Cahill, who died peacefully in Ireland on 18 October. She is survived by her sister, Sr Miriam Cahill and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Charles Casey, John McWilliams, Alan Burke, Valentine Jones, Jackie Tilley, Sheila Walsh, Anne Colley, Philip Douthwaite, Josephine Rebbitt, Hilary Chapman, Jim Colquoun. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
Elizabeth Emmeline Southall who was baptised last Sunday: congratulations and welcome to God’s family.
For the success of the COP26 talks on Climate Change. Cafod have produced prayer cards which are available at each door of the church.
NEW CHURCH LIGHTING: Hopefully Work should be completed in church during this week..
HOMELESS PROJECT MANCHESTER: We go out into the city on Friday nights where we meet people who are desperate for gloves, fleeces, jumpers, tracksuit bottoms, coats and trainers. A box will be left to collect any items you can spare at the back of church. Many thanks for your support. For more information speak to Andrea Chapman on 077384 98520 or Email
CHILDRENS’ LITURGY will resume next Sunday, 7 November. All primary school aged children are welcome to join and explore and pray the readings at a level they can understand.
LADIES GROUP COFFEE MORNING: Our next Coffee Morning will take place this Friday, 5 November after 9.30am Mass until 11.30am. All proceeds will go to CAFOD. All support is very welcome: pop in for a coffee and a cake and a chat or even bake and buy!
MONTH OF THE HOLY SOULS: November is the month when we remember all the Holy Souls, especially our own loved ones who have died. If you would like the names of any loved ones included on our November list please hand them in with whatever donation you wish to make. Masses will be offered regularly throughout November for them.
FAMILY FAST: Many thanks for your generous donations last Sunday which raised £640.25 for CAFOD.
CARITAS BOXES: Would anyone who has a Caritas Box leave it in the church porch for collection. A new payment system using a mobile phone is to be introduced. Details to follow.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.
(Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 24th October, 2021
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday Sunday Vigil Mass | 23rd | 5.30pm | Dorota Zajac |
Sunday | 24th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
30th Sunday in ordinary time | 11.00am | Simeon Stocco (Anniv) | |
Monday | 25th | 9.30am | Allen Molesworth |
Tuesday St Chad & St Cedd | 26th | 9.30am | Special Int (Molesworth) |
Wednesday | 27th | 9.30am | Special Intention |
Thursday SS Simon & Jude | 28th | 9.30am | Allen Molesworth |
Friday | 29th | 9.30am | Joyce Livesey (Anniv) |
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday | 30th | 5.30pm | Barbara Cuthbert |
SUNDAY | 31st | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time | 11.00am | Charles Casey |
All those who are sick or housebound.
All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Simeon Stocco, Maura Walsh, Anita McHugh, Sheila McCallum, Brian Robinson, Mary O’Gorman, Margaret Jones, Dorothy O’Connor, Joyce Livesey, Paul Dobson. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
Arlo Eddie Calcutt who was baptised last Sunday: congratulations and welcome to God’s family.
NEW CHURCH LIGHTING: Unfortunately there has been a delay in completing the new church lighting due to sickness of the engineer. New lights are fitted and working in the hall and sacristy. Work should be completed in church during the week commencing 1 November.
HOMELESS PROJECT MANCHESTER: We go out into the city on Friday nights where we meet people who are desperate for gloves, fleeces, jumpers, tracksuit bottoms, coats and trainers. A box will be left to collect any items you can spare at the back of church. Many thanks for your support. For more information speak to Andrea Chapman on 077384 98520 or Email
CHILDRENS’ LITURGY are taking a break over half term but will resume on Sunday, 7 November. All primary school aged children are welcome to join and explore and pray the readings at a level they can understand.
THE SVP would like to say a big thank you to all who supported last Sunday’s Coffee Morning which raised £244 to support their work with the poor, sick and disadvantaged locally and further afield. It was also lovely to come together again with fellow parishioners..
MONTH OF THE HOLY SOULS: November is the month when we remember all the Holy Souls, especially our own loved ones who have died. If you would like the names of any loved ones included on our November list please hand them in with whatever donation you wish to make. Masses will be offered regularly throughout November for them.
FAMILY FAST envelopes and donations to support the work of Cafod should be placed in the baskets at the church door.
CARITAS BOXES: Would anyone who has a Caritas Box leave it in the church porch for collection. A new payment system using a mobile phone is to be introduced. Details to follow.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 17th October, 2021
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday Sunday Vigil Mass | 16th | 5.30pm | Secular Clergy Fund |
Sunday | 17th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
28th Sunday in ordinary time | 11.00am | Allen Molesworth | |
Monday St Luke | 18th | 9.30am | Eamon Scott |
Tuesday | 19th | NOON | Special Int (Molesworth) |
Wednesday | 20th | 9.30am | Cathal Kelly |
Thursday | 21st | 9.30am | Marjorie Sharkey |
Friday | 22nd | 9.30am | Eileen & Emily Wickham |
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday | 23rd | 5.30pm | Dorota Zajac |
SUNDAY | 24th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 11.00am | Simeon Stocco (Anniv) |
All those who are sick or housebound.
All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Margaret Coleman, Stefania Jaron, Jimmy Morris, Philippa Andrews, Eileen Cowley, Vincent Binnie, Jacqui Prince, Margaret Coyne, Bernard Dobson, Joseph Williams. Alice Graham, Ian Lamb. Michael Ellis. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
Lyra Hope Lawley who was baptised last Sunday: congratulations and welcome to God’s family.
NEW CHURCH LIGHTING: I am delighted to say that we have been given permission to renew the lighting system in church. Work is progressing and should be finished at the end of this week. Whilst the work is underway the church will not be open for private prayer.
CHILDRENS’ LITURGY will take place at the 11am Mass this Sunday. All primary school aged children are welcome to join and explore and pray the readings at a level they can understand.
THE SVP would appreciate your support at our fund raising Coffee Morning after 11am Mass today.
MONTH OF THE HOLY SOULS: November is the month when we remember all the Holy Souls, especially our own loved ones who have died. If you would like the names of any loved ones included on our November list please hand them in with whatever donation you wish to make. Masses will be offered regularly throughout November for them.
FAMILY FAST: Family Fast Day fell whilst I was away on holiday. I suggest that we make next Friday our Family Fast Day when we cut down on what we eat and give the money to Cafod to support the poor throughout the world. Envelopes are available and your donations will be collected after Mass next weekend.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.
(Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 10th October, 2021
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday Sunday Vigil Mass | 9th | 5.30pm | Martin & George Butterfield |
Sunday | 10th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
28th Sunday in ordinary time | 11.00am | Derek Wood | |
Monday St John XX11 | 11th | 9.30am | Marjorie Sharkey |
Tuesday St Wilfrid | 12th | 9.30am | Maureen Sayers |
Wednesday St Edward Confessor | 13th | 9.30am | Beryl Morrison |
Thursday St John Ogilvie | 14th | 9.30am | Gwen Adams (Sick) |
Friday St Teresa of Avila | 15th | 9.30am | Barbara Gubbins (anniv) |
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday | 16th | 5.30pm | Secular Clergy Fund |
SUNDAY | 17th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 11.00am | Allen Molesworth |
All those who are sick or housebound.
Maureen Sayers who has died and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Patrick Coyne, Barbara Gubbins. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
All the children in Year 4 who should have received the Sacraments of Forgiveness and Holy Communion last year and who will be enrolled at our 11am Mass today. Please keep them and their families in your prayers as they take these important steps on their journey of faith.
NEW CHURCH LIGHTING: I am delighted to say that we have been given permission to renew the lighting system in church. Work will commence this Monday and should last 2 weeks. Whilst the work is underway the church will not be open for private prayer.
CHILDRENS’ LITURGY will recommence at the 11am Mass on Sundays, 10 & 17 October. .All primary school aged children are welcome to join and explore and pray the readings at a level they can understand.
THE SVP would appreciate your support at our fund raising Coffee Morning after 11am Mass next Sunday, 17 October.
MANY THANKS: To all who supported the Ladies Coffee Morning and Cake Sale last Friday which raised £108.20 for Cafod (which included some generous donations). Thanks to all who baked cakes and worked hard to make it a success. On a personal note it was so nice to finally sit down and chat with some of you over a cup of coffee.
OPENING OF THE WORLD SYNOD: Today Pope Francis will inaugurate a period of consultation and preparation for the World Synod on Synodality which will take place in Rome in 2023. Our Diocesan reflection and consultation will begin on 17 October and it has been suggested that this coming week should be a time of Spiritual Preparation with a theme for us to pray and reflect on each day. This will be posted on our Website and the Parish Facebook page and I would encourage all of you to take part asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We will reflect and pray about each theme at Mass each day this week.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.
(Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 3rd October, 2021
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday Sunday Vigil Mass | 2nd | 5.30pm | Danny Kennedy |
Sunday | 3rd | 9.00am | James Holehouse |
27th Sunday in ordinary time | 11.00am | Our Parish Family | |
Monday St Francis of Assisi | 4th | NO MASS | |
Tuesday | 5th | 10.00am | Tracey Culley (Sick) |
Wednesday St Bruno | 6th | 9.30am 11:30 am | Raymond Gould Requiem Mass – Marjorie Sharkey |
Thursday Our Lady of the Rosary | 7th | 9.30am | Elsie Morris |
Friday | 8th | 9.30am | Nancy Sweeney |
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday | 9th | 5.30pm | SSCF |
SUNDAY | 10th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 11.00am | Derek Wood |
All those who are sick or housebound.
Marjorie Sharkey, who has died, and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Margaret Pilling, Ursula Myerscough-Jones, David Thompson, Gerald Murphy, Wendy Hepworth, Charles McDonald, Bridie Kelly, Tony nFoskin. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
FIRST SACRAMENTS PREPARATION: We will begin our preparation for those in Year 4 who should have received the Sacraments of Forgiveness and Holy Communion last year on 6 October at 7pm in the Parish Centre. Any families with children not at St Vincent’s School should contact Fr David to enrol for the classes. Preparation for those presently in Year 3 will begin in the New Year.
CHOIR: It is great to have our choir back singing at the 9am Sunday Mass. They would welcome any new members who would like to join either full time or part time. We also sing on major Feast Days and at some Weddings and Funerals. If you would like to join please speak to David Tredwell on 01565 634340
CHILDRENS’ LITURGY will recommence at the 11am Mass on Sundays, 10 & 17 October. .All primary school aged children are welcome to join and explore and pray the readings at a level they can understand.
ROTAS FOR READERS AND EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: As we continue our journey to normality at Mass it would be really helpful to increase the number of people willing to help as Readers or Eucharistic Ministers. Please contact Fr David or Stuart Jones on
LADIES GROUP: We will be holding a Coffee Morning with cake sale in aid of Cafod on Friday, 8 October after the 9.30am Mass until 12 Noon. It would be great to welcome you all back!
THE MAYOR’S CHARITY BALL will take place at the Mere Hotel on Saturday, 9 October at 6.45pm. Tickets are £48. Proceeds will support the SVP and the Royal British Legion. For more information or to book please contact the Council’s Civic Events Officer or telephone 01565 653929.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment.
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.
(Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)