Parish Newsletters – Oct 2024

30th Sunday In Ordinary Time – 27 October 2024

Mass Times And Intentions

Sun 27th09:0030th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-P Longinotti, Peter Swift M-Jan Armstrong, S Gardiner, D Browne
Sun 27th11:00 Simeon Stocco (Anniv)R-Alice Bailey, Peter Daly M-Sue Reeves, John Long, Eve Nichols
Mon 28th09.30Ss Simon & JudeJoyce Livesey (Anniv)R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Wed 30th09.30 Derek Wood 
Thurs 31st09.30 19.00  VIGIL MASS FOR HOLY DAYMASS IN LYMM Charlie Casey 
Sat 2ndNOONAll Souls DayDeceased Catenians 
Sun 3rd09.0031st Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-James Rowley, J McKenna M-J Gibbons, V Williamson, S Gardiner
Sun 3rd11:00 Barbara CuthbertR-Tim Storrie, G McCreesh M-Ann Long, Sue Reeves, Andrea Ross

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Mgr Peter Walton & Fr Denis Maher who have died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Mary O’Gorman, Margaret Jones, Dorothy O’Connor, Joyce Livesey, Paul Dobson, Charles Casey, John McWilliams, Alan Burke, Valentine Jones, Jackie Tilley, Sheila Walsh may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

Congratulations and welcome to Emily Jennifer & Sophie Anne Mooney who were baptised last Sunday.

News and Information

HOLY DAY: Friday is the Feast of All Saints and is a Holy Day of Obligation. There will be a Vigil Mass at 7pm on Thursday evening and Mass at Noon on Friday. There is also an evening Mass at Lymm at 7pm on Friday.

NOVEMBER SOULS: Traditionally during November, we pray for all the Holy Souls and especially our own loved ones who have passed from this world. Please hand in the lists of names of any of your loved ones who you would like included on our November Souls List, together with whatever donation you would like to make. Masses will be offered throughout November for those on our November Souls List.

THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available after weekday Masses and during Adoration on Saturdays from 11.30am- 12 Noon.

LADIES GROUP: We will hold our regular Coffee Morning and Cake Sale this Friday, 1 November from 10am. Our Christmas Ladies Lunch will be on Tuesday, 10 December. Booking forms will be available during November.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSE3D SACRAMENT on Saturdays from 11.30am-12 Noon.

OPEN AFTERNOON AT VINCENT’S PRIMARY SCHOOL 7 November 1.30pm-3pm. For prospective parents of all reception children in 2025 or 2026. To book call Mrs Watson on 01565 633637 or email

ST VINCENT’S PRE-SCHOOL OPEN MORNING on Saturday 9 November from 10am-!2 Noon. Bookings are advised but walk-ins are welcome. We have dedicated, long-serving, experienced staff and are Ofsted rated “GOOD” and have achieved Gold Standard ‘Just Quality Award’. We are piloting running a holiday club during the Spring Half Term in February. Please contact Cath Davies on 01565 651948 email or visit our website

29th Sunday In Ordinary Time – 20 October 2024

Mass Times and Intentions

Sun 20th09:0029thSunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Sheila Flynn, Lisa Senior M-John Gibbons, B Groarke, S Jones
Sun 20th11:00 Holy SoulsR-School Children M-Ann Long, Eve Nichols, Andrea Ross
Mon 21st09.30 Angela CloughR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 22nd19.00St John Paul IIMASS IN LYMM
Wed 23rd09.30 Fr Michael John Gallagher 
Thurs 24th09.30 MASS IN LYMM 
Fri 25th09.30 Holy Souls 
Sat 26th11.30Our Lady of PalestinePeace in the Holy Land 
Sun 27th09.0030th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-P Longinotti, Peter Swift M-Jan Armstrong, S Gardiner, D Browne
Sun 27th11:00 Simeon Stocco (Anniv)R-Alice Bailey, Peter Daly M-Sue Reeves, John Long, Eve Nichols

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Fr Denis Maher who has died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Simeon Stocco, Maura Walsh, Michael Ellis, Anita McHugh, Sheila McCallum, Brian Robinson, may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News And Information

TODAY Year 4 and their buddies from reception at St Vincent’s School will play a special part in our 11am Mass. Children will be doing the readings and taking part in other activities. Please make the children and their families very welcome. There will be refreshments in the hall after Mass.

TODAY WE WELCOME A SPECIAL VISITOR: You have often heard me talk about my links with a parish in Siem Reap in Cambodia. I am delighted to say that, due to the generosity of one of our parishioners, Fr Totet, the Parish Priest, will be staying with us over the weekend of 19/20 October and then will return in November. He will talk about his work in Cambodia and will invite us to link with the communities he serves and so support his work.

NOVEMBER SOULS: Traditionally during November, we pray for all the Holy Souls and especially our own loved ones who have passed from this world. Please hand in the lists of names of any of your loved ones who you would like included on our November Souls List, together with whatever donation you would like to make. Masses will be offered throughout November for those on our November Souls List.

 OUR LADY QUEEN OF PALESTINE: Next Saturday we welcome the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre to celebrate their feast day with Mass at 11.30am. The Mass will be offered for Peace in the Holy Land. All parishioners are welcome to attend.

THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available after weekday Masses.

OPEN AFTERNOON AT VINCENT’S PRIMARY SCHOOL 7 November 1.30pm-3pm. For prospective parents of all reception children in 2025 or 2026. To book call Mrs Watson on 01565 633637 or email

MANY THANKS for your Family Fast Offerings for CAFOD which raised £510.50 also to those who supported the recent Ladies Coffee Morning and Cake Sale which raised a further £115 for CAFOD.

ST VINCENT’S PRE-SCHOOL OPEN MORNING on Saturday 9 November from 10am-!2 Noon. Bookings are advised but walk-ins are welcome. We have dedicated, long-serving, experienced staff and are Ofsted rated “GOOD” and have achieved Gold Standard ‘Just Quality Award’. We are piloting running a holiday club during the Spring Half Term in February. Please contact Cath Davies on 01565 651948 email or visit our website

28th Sunday In Ordinary Time – 13 October 2024

Mass Times And Intentions

Sun 13th09:0028thSunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-M McCorkell, P Pozzoni; M-H Broom, S Graham, A Jones
Sun 13th11:00 Priest’s IntentionR-A Perls, G McCreesh M-Sue Reeves, Hilary Heap, Mary Cullen
Mon 14th  NO MASS TODAYR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 15th19.00St Teresa of AvilaMASS IN LYMM
Wed 16th09.30 Barbra Gubbins (anniv) 
Thurs 17th09.30St Ignatius of AntiochMASS IN LYMM 
Fri 18th09.30St LukeHoly Souls 
Sat 19thNOONSt Peter of AlcantaraHoly Souls 
Sun 20th09.0029th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Sheila Flynn, Lisa Senior M-John Gibbons, B Groarke, S Jones
Sun 20th11:00 Holy SoulsR-School Children M-Ann Long, Eve Nichols, Andrea Ross

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Barbara Gubbins, Margaret Coleman, Stefania Jaron, Jimmy Morris, Philippa Andrews, Eileen Crowley, Vincent Binnie, Jacqui Prince, may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

NEXT SUNDAY one of the Year Groups will play a special part in our 11am Mass. Children will be doing the readings and taking part in other activities. Please make the children and their families very welcome.

NEXT SUNDAY WE WELCOME A SPECIAL VISITOR: You have often heard me talk about my links with a parish in Siem Reap in Cambodia. I am delighted to say that, due to the generosity of one of our parishioners, Fr Totet, the Parish Priest, will be staying with us over the weekend of 19/20 October and then will return in November. He will talk about his work in Cambodia and will invite us to link with the communities he serves and so support his work.

SVP APPEAL: Can you donate any old foreign coins or notes to support the SVP Children’s Holiday Camps for those families living in poverty that cannot afford a holiday. Please place them in the containers provided in the porch.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT will take place from 11.30am – 12 Noon next Saturday. Confessions will beavailable. Confessions are also available after weekday Masses.

OPEN AFTERNOON AT VINCENT’S PRIMARY SCHOOL 7 November 1.30pm-3pm. For prospective parents of all reception children in 2025 or 2026. To book call Mrs Watson on 01565 633637 or email

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 6 October 2024

Mass Times And Intentions

Sun 6th09:0027thSunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Nicola Jones, S Gardiner  M-Jan Armstrong, V Williamson, M Prescott
Sun 6th11:00 Chris HallivanR-Tim Storrie A Caudwell  M-Ann Long, Eve Nichols, Andrea Ross
Mon 7th Our Lady of the RosaryNO MASS TODAYR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 8th19.00 MASS IN LYMM
Wed 9th St John Henry NewmanNO MASS TODAY 
Thurs 10th09.30 MASS IN LYMM 
Sat 12th  NO MASS TODAY 
Sun 13th09.0028th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-M McCorkell, P Pozzoni; M-H Broom, S Graham, A Jones
Sun 13th11:00 Priest’s IntentionR-A Perls, G McCreesh M-Sue Reeves, Hilary Heap, Mary Cullen

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Wendy Hepworth, Charles McDonald, Bridie Kelly, Tony Foskin, Patrick Coyne, may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News And Information

THANK YOU so much for all your kind thoughts, prayers, cards and presents on the 40th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. It was a wonderful evening and a privilege to be able to share it with you. Thanks to all those who worked in the background to make it such a special occasion. I am truly blessed to be your parish priest.

FAMILY FAST DAY: Your envelopes or offerings will be collected after all Masses today to support the work of CAFOD.

THE SUCCESSFUL PRO PARENTING EVENING sponsored by the the Catenians on Saturday 14/09/24, raised £120. This has been donated to the SVP to buy winter packs for the homeless. Also, two Catenians, Stuart Jones and Nick Johnson, completed a 100mile sponsored bike ride on 24/09/24 raising an impressive £980 plus £230 gift aided for the SVP. If people would still like to donate they can at Https:// Many thanks to everyone, especially the Catenians for these generous donations. These funds will support the SVP society in their work with the poor and need

 SVP APPEAL: Can you donate any old foreign coins or notes to support the SVP Children’s Holiday Camps for those families living in poverty that cannot afford a holiday. Please place them in the containers provided in the porch.

A SPECIAL VISITOR: You have often heard me talk about my links with a parish in Siem Reap in Cambodia. I am delighted to say that, due to the generosity of one of our parishioners, Fr Totet, the Parish Priest, will be staying with us over the weekend of 19/20 October and then will return in November. He will talk about his work in Cambodia and will invite us to link with the communities he serves and so support his work.

OPEN AFTERNOON AT VINCENT’S PRIMARY SCHOOL 7 November 1.30pm-3pm. For prospective parents of all reception children in 2025 or 2026. To book call Mrs Watson on 01565 633637 or email