Parish Newsletters – November 2024

Christ The King – 24 November 2024

Mass Times And Intentions

Sun 24th09:00Christ the KingOur Parish FamilyR-S Gardiner, Lisa Senior M-S Jones, Dick Browne, Jan Armstrong
Sun 24th11:00 November Souls ListR-Peter Daly, Tim Storrie M-Eve Nichols, Hilary Heap, Sue Reeves
Mon 25th09.30 November Souls ListR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 26th19.00 MASS IN LYMM
Wed 27th09.30 John & Elizabeth Benson 
Thurs 28th09.30 MASS IN LYMM 
Fri 29th09.30 Helen Whickham 
Sat 30thNOONSt AndrewDeceased of the Parish 
Sun 1st09.00First Sunday of AdventOur Parish FamilyR-Peter &Brenda Pozzoni M-Jan Armstrong, N Johnson, J Gibbons
Sun 1st11:00 Deceased of Gubbins/Kelly familiesR-G McCreesh, J Armstrong M-Eve Nichols, Hilary Heap, Andrea Ross

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Josie Harrison, Leslie Bailey, James Rooney, Fritz Pfleger, Christine Galligan, Susan Hughes, George Williams, may they rest in peace.

News And Information

LADIES GROUP CHRISTMAS LUNCH will be on Tuesday, 10 December. Booking forms and money can be returned to Sheila Flynn or Clare Gibbons at 9am Mass or Andrea Ross at 11am Mass on the next two Sundays. The next coffee morning on 6 December will include a mini craft sale. The piety stall will be available, and Sarah and Chris Dawson will entertain with carols.

MASS FOR THE DECEASED: Our 12 Noon Mass next Saturday, 30 November will be offered for all those parishioners who have died over the last 12 months. We invite all families and friends together with parishioners to come and pray for them. Their names will be read during the Mass and a candle lit for each of them.

THE SAFEGUARDING of vulnerable adults and children in our church is an absolute priority. Our own Safeguarding Officer is Sharon Lloyd who can be contacted on 07840 918263 or see the poster in the porch for more details.

MISSIO RED BOXES are due to be emptied now. Please return your box to the sacristy before 15th December.

THE ENQUIRY GROUP will meet this Thursday 28 November at 7pm. We would welcome any parishioners who would like to reflect more on their own faith and support those who are enquiring.

NEW LECTIONARY: The Bishops of England and Wales have approved a new translation of the Lectionary (the readings at Mass) to be used in all churches from next Sunday. New Mass books for your use are available in the porch.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available after weekday Mass and during Adoration on Saturdays.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT on Saturdays from 11.30am-12 Noon.

33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time – 17 November 2024

Mass Times And Intentions

Sun 17th09:0033rd Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-M Regan, P Pozzoni M- M Prescott, V Williamson, J Gibbons
Sun 17th11:00 November Souls ListR-St Vincent’s School; M-Ann Long, Andrea Ross, Mary Cullen
Mon 18th09.30 November Souls ListR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 19th19.00 MASS IN LYMM
Wed 20th09.30 November Souls List 
Thurs 21st09.30Presentation of Our LadyMASS IN LYMM 
Fri 22ndNOONSt CeceliaREQUIEM: Jennifer Storrow 
Sat 23rdNOON November Souls List 
Sun 24th09.00Christ the KingOur Parish FamilyR-S Gardiner, Lisa Senior M-S Jones, Dick Browne, Jan Armstrong
Sun 24th11:00 November Souls ListR-Peter Daly, Tim Storrie M-Eve Nichols, Hilary Heap, Sue Reeves

Please Remember In Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Mgr Peter Walton and Jennifer Storrow who have died and all whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Dorothy Sadler, Anne Meade, Bea Brookes, Jim Higham, Jean Glynn, Robert Wheeldon, John Boland Keane, Patrick O’Neill, Rose Manning, Elizabeth Benson, Pat McCullagh, they rest in peace.

Congratulations and welcome to Cecelia Elizabeth Clarke who was baptised here last Sunday.

News And Information

LADIES GROUP CHRISTMAS LUNCH will be on Tuesday, 10 December. Booking forms and money can be returned to Sheila Flynn or Clare Gibbons at 9am Mass or Andrea Ross at 11am Mass on the next three Sundays. The next coffee morning on 6 December will include a mini craft sale. The piety stall will be available, and Sarah and Chris Dawson will entertain with carols.

MANY THANKS for your generous response to last week’s collection for the Clergy Education and Training Fund which raised £561.11.

THE ENQUIRY GROUP We had several people enquiring about joining the church at our meeting last Thursday. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 28 November at 7pm. We would welcome any parishioners who would like to reflect more on their own faith and support those who are enquiring.

SAFEGUARDING SUNDAY: Today we remember all those who have suffered as a result of abuse within the church and the wider world. We pray for healing and comfort for them. We pray too for all those working to protect vulnerable adults and children in our church. Our own Safeguarding Officer is Sharon Lloyd who can be contacted on 07840 918263 or see the poster in the porch for more details.

NEW LECTIONARY: The Bishops of England and Wales have approved a new translation of the Lectionary (the readings at Mass) to be used in all churches from the beginning of Advent. New Mass books for your use have arrived.

MASS FOR THE DECEAESD: Our 12 Noon Mass on Saturday, 30 November will be offered for all those parishioners who have died over the last 12 months. We invite all families and friends together with parishioners to come and pray for them. Their names will be read during the Mass and a candle lit for each of them.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available after weekday Mass and during Adoration on Saturdays.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT on Saturdays from 11.30am-12 Noon.

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 10 November 2024

Mass Times And Intentions

Sun 10th09:0032nd Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-B Pozzoni, M McCorkell; M-Jan Armstrong, D Browne, B Groarke
Sun 10th11:00 November Souls ListR-A Caudwell, John Armstrong M-H Heap, Eve Nichols, Sue Reeves
Mon 11th09.30St Martin of ToursNovember Souls ListR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 12th19.00St JosaphatMASS IN LYMM
Wed 13th09.30 November Souls List 
Thurs 14th09.30 MASS IN LYMM 
Fri 15th09.30 November Souls List 
Sat 16thNOON November Souls List 
Sun 17th09.0033rd Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-S Gardiner, Lisa Senior M- S Jones, D Browne, J Armstrong
Sun 17th11:00 November Souls ListR-School Children, M-Eve Nichols, Hilary Heap, Sue Reeves

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Mgr Peter Walton who has died and all whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Julia Gregory, Teresa Martin, Michael Boyd, Gerry Hepworth, Sheila Coulson, they rest in peace.

News And Information

RETIRING COLLECTION Today for the Clergy Education and Training Fund which supports those training for the priesthood in our diocese.

LADIES GROUP CHRISTMAS LUNCH will be on Tuesday, 10 December. Booking forms will be available during November. Many thanks for those who supported the Coffee Morning and Cake Sale which raised £170 for CAFOD.

THE ENQUIRY GROUP will begin meeting this Thursday 14 November at 7pm in the Hall. This group is for all those who are seeking to become Catholics and for anyone who would like to know more about our Catholic faith. All parishioners are invited to come and share your faith and support those who are enquiring.

NEW LECTIONARY: The Bishops of England and Wales have approved a new translation of the Lectionary (the readings at Mass) to be used in all churches from the beginning of Advent. I have ordered new Mass Books with the new translation which hopefully will be with us by the beginning of Advent.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available after weekday Mass and during Adoration on Saturdays.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT on Saturdays from 11.30am-12 Noon.

31st Sunday In Ordinary Time –  3 November 2024

Mass Times And Intentions

Sun 3rd09:0031st  Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-James Rowley, J McKenna M-J Gibbons, V Williamson, S Gardiner
Sun 3rd11:00 Barbara CuthbertR-Tim Storrie, G McCreesh M-Ann Long, Sue Reeves, Andrea Ross
Mon 4th St Charles BorromeoNO MASS TODAYR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 5th19.00 MASS IN LYMM
Thurs 7th09.30 MASS IN LYMM 
Sat 9thNOONDedication of LateranNovember Souls List 
Sun 10th09.0032nd Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-B Pozzoni, M McCorkell; M-Jan Armstrong, D Browne, B Groarke
Sun 10th11:00 November Souls ListR-A Caudwell, John Armstrong M-H Heap, Eve Nichols, Sue Reeves

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Mgr Peter Walton & Fr Denis Maher who have died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Anne Colley, Philip Douthwaite, Josephine Rebbitt, Hilary Chapman, Jim Colquoun, Tania Stott, Peter Dawes may they rest in peace.

Congratulations and welcome to Betsy Maeve Copsey who was baptised last Sunday.

News and Information

NOVEMBER SOULS: Traditionally during November, we pray for all the Holy Souls and especially our own loved ones who have passed from this world. Please hand in the lists of names of any of your loved ones who you would like included on our November Souls List, together with whatever donation you would like to make. Masses will be offered throughout November for those on our November Souls List.

RETIRING COLLECTION next Sunday for the Clergy Education and Training Fund which supports those training for the priesthood in our diocese.

LADIES GROUP CHRISTMAS LUNCH will be on Tuesday, 10 December. Booking forms will be available during November. Many thanks for those who supported the Coffee Morning and Cake Sale which raised £170 for CAFOD.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT on Saturdays from 11.30am-12 Noon.

THE ENQUIRY GROUP will begin meeting on Thursday 14 November at 7pm in the Hall. This group is for all those who are seeking to become Catholics and for anyone who would like to know more about our Catholic faith. All parishioners are invited to come and share your faith and support those who are enquiring.

NEW LECTIONARY: The Bishops of England and Wales have approved a new translation of the Lectionary (the readings at Mass) to be used in all churches from the beginning of Advent. I have ordered new Mass Books with the new translation which hopefully will be with us by the beginning of Advent.

OPEN AFTERNOON AT VINCENT’S PRIMARY SCHOOL 7 November 1.30pm-3pm. For prospective parents of all reception children in 2025 or 2026. To book call Mrs Watson on 01565 633637

ST VINCENT’S PRE-SCHOOL OPEN MORNING on Saturday 9 November from 10am-!2 Noon. Bookings are advised but walk-ins are welcome. We have dedicated, long-serving, experienced staff and are Ofsted rated “GOOD” and have achieved Gold Standard ‘Just Quality Award’. We are piloting running a holiday club during the Spring Half Term in February. Please contact Cath Davies on 01565 651948 email or visit our website

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available after weekday Mass and during Adoration on Saturdays.