Parish Newsletters – November 2023

Christ The King – November 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sun 26th09:00Christ the KingOur Parish FamilyR-Clare Gibbons, Peter Swift M-Jan Armstrong, D Browne, B Groarke
Sun 26th11:00 Christine GalliganR-Brenda Pozzoni, Alice Bailey M-Eve Nichols, H Heap, A Ross
Mon 27th09.30 November Souls ListR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 28th09.30 MASS IN LYMM
Wed 29th09.30 Helen Whikham 
Thurs 30th09.15St AndrewMASS IN LYMM 
Fri 1st09.30 November Souls List 
Sat 2ndNoon Martha Armstrong 
Sun 3rd09.001st Sunday in AdventOur Parish FamilyR-Peter & Brenda Pozzoni M-John Gibbons, B Groarke,V Williamson
Sun 3rd11:00 Peter Ross (Anniv)R-Tim Storrie, Angela Caudwell M-Eve Nichols, A Ross, S Reeves

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Jacqueline Booth who has died recently and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially James Rooney, Fritz Pfleger, Christine Galligan, Susan Hughes, George Williams, Denis Deegan, Tony Stanton, Mary McWilliams, may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

FUTURE MASS TIMES: In the light of some correspondence the Bishop has received from Lymm parishioners, he has asked that we delay the start of the new Mass times until the New Year. Our Sunday Masses will therefore remain at 9am and 11am for the time being.

OUR PARISH DINNER will be at Knutsford Golf Club on 28 November 6.30pm for 7pm. The cost will be £20 for a 2-course meal payable on the night. Roast, beef, lamb or pork or salmon with seasonal veg followed by a choice of Sticky toffee pudding, Bakewell tart, fruit crumble or chocolate torte. If you want to come email or speak to John Long.

THE LADIES CHRISTMAS LUNCH is planned for Tuesday, 12 December at 1pm in the Church Hall. The cost is £12 payable by 30 November. Forms available after Sunday Mass from Sheila Flynn or Andrea Ross.

CLOTHES FOR REUGEES: Many thanks for all those who donated summer clothes for refugees. Now we would welcome donations of autumn and winter men’s clothes particularly jumpers, socks and footwear.


APF RED MISSION BOXES: Could those who use these, hand them in to Fr David with the money collected by 17 December. Many thanks.

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 19 November 2023

Mass Times And Intentions

Sun 19th09:0033rd Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR- James Rowley, John Daley M-N Johnson, J Gibbons, V Williamson
Sun 19th11:00 Pozzoni and Lane FamiliesR-Peter Daly, Tim Storrie M-Sue Reeves, Andrea Ross, Ann Long
Mon 20th09.30 November Souls ListR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 21st19.30Presentation of Blessed VirginMASS IN LYMM
Wed 22nd09.30St CeceliaNovember Souls List 
Thurs 23rd09.15 MASS IN LYMM 
Fri 24th09.30St Andrew Dung-Lac et alNovember Souls List 
Sat 25thNoon Deceased of the Parish in 2023 
Sun 26th09.00Christ the KingOur Parish FamilyR-Clare Gibbons, Peter Swift M-Jan Armstrong, D Browne, B Groarke
Sun 26th11:00 Christine Galligan (Anniv)R-Brenda Pozzoni, Alice Bailey M-Eve Nichols, H Heap, A Ross

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Jean Glynn, John Keane, Patrick O’Neill, Rose Manning, Elizabeth Benson, Pat McCullagh, Josie Harrison, Leslie Bailey, may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

FUTURE MASS TIMES: The votes were as follows:

Option 1 (5.45pm Vigil Lymm, 9am & 10.45am Knutsford): 55 Lymm, 83 Knutsford, Total 138

Option 2 (5.30pm Vigil Knutsford, 9am Lymm, 10.45am Knutsford): 34 Lymm, 87 Knutsford, total 121.

Option 3 (5.30pm Vigil Knutsford, 9am Knutsford, 11am Lymm): 51 Lymm, 63 Knutsford, Total 114.

Option 2 was most popular in Knutsford but least popular in Lymm and Option 3 was second most popular in Lymm but least popular in Knutsford. Therefore, From the weekend of 2/3 December our Mass times will be Option 1: 5.45 Vigil Mass Lymm; 9am & 10.45am Knutsford.

OUR PARISH DINNER will be at Knutsford Golf Club on 28 November 6.30pm for 7pm. The cost will be £20 for a 2-course meal payable on the night. Roast, beef, lamb or pork or salmon with seasonal veg followed by a choice of Sticky toffee pudding, Bakewell tart, fruit crumble or chocolate torte. If you want to come email or speak to John Long.

THE LADIES CHRISTMAS LUNCH is planned for Tuesday, 12 December at 1pm in the Church Hall. The cost is £12 payable by 30 November. Forms available after Sunday Mass from Sheila Flynn or Andrea Ross.

MANY THANKS for your generous response to last Sunday’s collection for the Clergy Training Fund which raised £470.80.

CLOTHES FOR REUGEES: Many thanks for all those who donated summer clothes for refugees. Now we would welcome donations of autumn and winter men’s clothes particularly jumpers, socks and footwear.


MASS FOR PARISHIONERS WHO HAVE DIED IN 2023 next Saturday at 12 Noon.

APF RED MISSION BOXES: Could those who use these, hand them in to Fr David with the money collected by 17 December. Many thanks.

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 12 November 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sun 12th09:0032nd Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-L Senior, J McKenna M-Fran O’Brien, D Browne, S Gardiner
Sun 12th11:00 Those who Died in WarR-A Perls, J Armstrong; M Ann Long, Eve Nichols, Hilary Heap
Mon 13th09.30 Robert AllrightR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 14th19.30 MASS IN LYMM
Wed 15th09.30 November Souls List 
Thurs 16th09.15 MASS IN LYMM 
Fri 17th09.30 November Souls List 
Sat 18thNoon November Souls List 
Sun 19th09.0033rd Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR- James Rowley, John Daley M-N Johnson, J Gibbons, V Williamson
Sun 19th11:00 Pozzoni and Lane familiesR-Peter Daly, Tim Storrie M-Sue Reeves, Andrea Ross, Ann Long

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time Michael Boyd, Gerry Hepworth, Sheila Coulson, Dorothy Sadler, Anne Meade, Bea Brookes, Jim Higham may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

Congratulations and welcome to Ethan Paul Hitchin who was baptised last Sunday.

News and Information

FUTURE MASS TIMES: Please complete a slip indicating your preference for future mass times. Today is your last opportunity to express a preference. The new arrangements will begin on the 1st Sunday of Advent

OUR PARISH DINNER will be at Knutsford Golf Club on 28 November 6.30pm for 7pm. The cost will be £20 for a 2-course meal payable on the night. Roast, beef, lamb or pork or salmon with seasonal veg followed by a choice of Sticky toffee pudding, Bakewell tart, fruit crumble or chocolate torte. If you want to come email or speak to John Long.

RETIRING COLLECTION today for the Clergy Education and Training Fund that supports those training for the priesthood in our diocese.

THE LADIES CHRISTMAS LUNCH is planned for Tuesday, 12 December at 1pm in the Church Hall. The cost is £12 payable by 30 November. Forms available after Sunday Mass from Sheila Flynn or Andrea Ross.

ENQUIRY GROUP: This Thursday at 7pm in the Hall.

CLOTHES FOR REUGEES: Many thanks for all those who donated summer clothes for refugees. Now we would welcome donations of autumn and winter men’s clothes particularly jumpers, socks and footwear.


WEEKLY CASH DONATIONS:Whilst the end of the tax year is still some 5 months away, we do have to start planning and ordering the weekly envelopes for those parishioners who kindly donate to the parish in that way.  Some 41% of our Offertory Income is cash placed in the basket on which we receive very little in the way of Gift Aid from HMRC.  If there are any parishioners who pay tax but do not Gift Aid their donations and would like to discuss how they could switch to donating by either use of Envelopes or standing order please contact me either c/o the Parish Office or by email to  For every £100 switched from cash placed in the basket to donation with Gift Aid via envelopes or standing order we receive £25 from HMRC at no cost to you.Graham Alcock, Parish Planned Giving and Gift Aid Organiser

CARITAS SOCIAL ACTION in conjunction with St John of God Hospitalier Services are seeking to match Ukrainians displaced by the brutal war with Catholic families. If you have room in your heart and your heart to consider welcoming a stranger displaced by war, please visit our website for more information.

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time – 5 November 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sun 5th09:0030th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-P Pozzoni, P Longinotti M- J Gibbons, V Willimason, G Alcock
Sun 5th11:00 Simeon Stocco (Anniv)R-G McCreesh, A Caudwell, M-S Reeves, H Heap A Ross
Mon 6th09.30 Robert AllrightR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 7th19.30 MASS IN LYMM
Wed 8th09.30 November Souls List 
Thurs 9th09.15Dedication of the LateranMASS IN LYMM 
Fri 10th09.30St Leo the GreatNovember Souls List 
Sat 11thNoonSt Martin of ToursNovember Souls List 
Sun 12th09.0032nd Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-L Senior, J McKenna M-Fran O’Brien, D Browne, s Gardiner
Sun 12th11:00 Those who died in warR-A Perls, J Armstrong; M Ann Long, Eve Nichols, Hilary Heap

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Hilary Chapman, Jim Colquoun, Tania Stott, Peter Dawes, Julia Gregory, Teresa Martin may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

Congratulations and welcome to Aria Thorburn who was baptised last Sunday.

News and Information

FUTURE MASS TIMES: Please complete a slip with your preferred choice and hand it in by next Sunday. The new arrangements will begin on the 1st Sunday of Advent

OUR PARISH DINNER will be at Knutsford Golf Club on 28 November 6.30pm for 7pm. The cost will be £20 for a 2-course meal payable on the night. Roast, beef, lamb or pork or salmon with seasonal veg followed by a choice of Sticky toffee pudding, Bakewell tart, fruit crumble or chocolate torte. If you want to come email or speak to John Long.

RETIRING COLLECTION next Sunday for the Clergy Education and Training Fund that supports those training for the priesthood in our diocese.

THE LADIES CHRISTMAS LUNCH is planned for Tuesday, 12 December at 1pm in the Church Hall. The cost is £12 payable by 30 November. Forms available after Sunday Mass from Sheila Flynn or Andrea Ross.

ENQUIRY GROUP: This Thursday at 7pm in the Hall.

CLOTHES FOR REUGEES: Many thanks for all those who donated summer clothes for refugees. Now we would welcome donations of autumn and winter men’s clothes particularly jumpers, socks and footwear.


THE LADIES COFFEE MORNING AND CAKE SALE raised £143 for CAFOD. Many thanks to all who supported us.

WEEKLY CASH DONATIONS:Whilst the end of the tax year is still some 5 months away, we do have to start planning and ordering the weekly envelopes for those parishioners who kindly donate to the parish in that way.  Some 41% of our Offertory Income is cash placed in the basket on which we receive very little in the way of Gift Aid from HMRC.  If there are any parishioners who pay tax but do not Gift Aid their donations and would like to discuss how they could switch to donating by either use of Envelopes or standing order please contact me either c/o the Parish Office or by email to  For every £100 switched from cash placed in the basket to donation with Gift Aid via envelopes or standing order we receive £25 from HMRC at no cost to you.Graham Alcock, Parish Planned Giving and Gift Aid Organiser