Parish Newsletters – November 2022

1st Sunday of Advent – 27 November 2022

Mass Times And Intentions

Sat 26th17.30 Sunday Vigil MassNovember Souls ListR-Brenda Pozzoni, John Daley M-Nick Johnson
Sun 27th09:001st Sunday of AdventOur Parish FamilyR-Clare & John Gibbons M-John Flynn
Sun 27th11:00 Stella BaileyR-Gerard McCreesh, Alice Bailey; M-Andrea Ross
Mon 28th09.30 John & Elizabeth BensonR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 29th09.30Mass in schoolNovember Souls List
Wed 30th09.30St AndrewGeorge Williams (Anniv) 
Thur 1st09.30 Thanksgiving (Nicholls) 
Fri 2nd09.30 Martha Armstrong 
Sat 3rd17.30Sunday Vigil MassShrewsbury Secular Clergy FundR-Peter & Brenda Pozzoni M-Steve Graham
Sun 4th09.002nd Sunday of AdventOur Parish FamilyR-Peter Longinotti, Sheila Flynn M-John Flynn
Sun 4th11:00 Allbright & Greenwood FamiliesR-Tony Andrews, Hilary Heap M-Andrea Ross

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

Congratulations and welcome to Thomas George McGrorey who was baptised last Sunday.

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Fritz Pfleger, Christine Galligan, Susan Hughes, George Williams, Denis Degan, Tony Stanton, Mary McWilliams, Alan Coulson may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI: from 27 April-4 May next year. Itineraries and booking forms are now available on the table in the main porch or can be downloaded from the parish website.

LADIES GROUP COFFEE MORNING: after Mass this Friday until 12 Noon. There will be in a mini Christmas Fayre and the Piety Stall will be selling goods. Our Christmas Lunch will be on 13 December.

ENQUIRY GROUP This Thursday at 7pm in the hall. All are welcome.

MISSIO RED BOXES: It is time for those who have these to empty them and return the money to Church so that it can be sent off to support the missionary work of the Society. Please hand them in at the sacristy or presbytery by 19 December.

MASS THIS TUESDAY will be the School Advent Mass and will take place in the school hall. Parishioners are welcome.

AN ADVENT SERVICE OF PENANCE AND RECONCILIATION will be held on Tuesday, 13 December at 7pm in church. This is a wonderful way to prepare for Christmas and will include the opportunity for individual confession.

JOIN OUR VIGIL OF READINGS AND CAROLS on Tuesday, 20 December at 7pm in Church followed by mince pies and mulled wine in the hall.

EXHIBITION OF CHRISTIAN ICONS at St Teresa’s Wilmslow from 11-18 December from 7.15am-6pm

PARISH DINNER: 45 parishioners enjoyed a dinner together at Knutsford Golf Club. Thanks to all who came and to John and Stuart for all their help in organising the event. It was a great success and we raised over £200 from a raffle to support Caritas in our Diocese.

Christ the King – 20 November 2022

Mass Times And Intentions

Sat 19th17.30 Sunday Vigil MassLinda TaylorR-John Armstrong, Tim Storrie M-Moya Higham
Sun 20th09:00Christ the KingOur Parish FamilyR-Stewart Gardiner, Mike Regan; M-Helen Broom
Sun 20th11:00 Sonia LocknerR-Alice Bailey, Tony Andrews M-Hilary Heap
Mon 21st09.30Presentation of BVMJoe & Teresa CreightonR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 22nd09.30St CeceliaNovember Souls List
Wed 23rd09.30 November Souls List 
Thur 24th09.30St Andrew Dung Lac et alNovember Souls List 
Fri 25th09.30 November Souls List 
Sat 26th11.00 17.30  Sunday Vigil MassDeceased of Parish in 2022 November Souls ListR-Brenda Pozzoni, John Daley M-Nick Johnson
Sun 27th09.001st Sunday of AdventOur Parish FamilyR-Clare & John Gibbons M-John Flynn
Sun 27th11:00 Stella BaileyR-Gerard McCreesh, Alice Bailey; M-Andrea Ross

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially John Boland Keane, Patrick O’Neill, Rose Manning, Elizabeth Benson, Pat McCullagh, Josie Harrison, Leslie Bailey, James Rooney may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI: from 27 April-4 May next year. Itineraries and booking forms are now available on the table in the main porch or can be downloaded from the parish website.

LADIES GROUP: Can any ladies wanting to join the Christmas lunch, please register before the end of the month.

MANY THANKS for last week’s retiring collection for the Clergy Education and Training Fund which raised £516.06.

ENQUIRY GROUP This Thursday at 7pm in the hall. All are welcome.

ROTA FOR READERS AND EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: If you would like to help out the parish as a Eucharistic Minister, Reader or Church Welcomer/Steward, please speak to Fr David or Stuart Jones or send an email to

PARISH DINNER at Knutsford Golf Club this Friday, 25 November, 6.30pm for 7pm. This will be a three-course meal of vegetable soup, Beef, chicken or salmon with seasonal veg followed by apple pie and custard. The cost will £22.50 payable on the night by cheque or cash. 35 have registered; there are a few places still left. If you would like to come email or speak to Fr David or John Long.

MASS FOR THE DECEASED: There will be a Mass for all those who have died over the last 12 months in our parish next Saturday, 26 November at 11am. All are welcome but we especially welcome the families and friends of all those who have lost loved ones this last year.

MISSIO RED BOXES: It is time for those who have these to empty them and return the money to Church so that it can be sent off to support the missionary work of the Society. Please hand them in at the sacristy or presbytery by 19 December.

AN ADVENT SERVICE OF PENANCE AND RECONCILIATION will be held on Tuesday, 13 December at 7pm in church. This is a wonderful way to prepare for Christmas and will include the opportunity for individual confession.

JOIN OUR VIGIL OF READINGS AND CAROLS on Tuesday, 20 December at 7pm in Church followed by mince pies and mulled wine in the hall.

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 13 November 2022

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 12th17.30 Sunday Vigil MassThanksgiving (Prayers answered)R-Angela Caudwell, Irene Ward M-Stuart Jones
Sun 13th09:0033rd Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Peter Pozzoni, James Rowley M-Graham Alcock
Sun 13th11:00 November Souls ListR-Ann Long, Andrea Ross M-Pat Flood
Mon 14th09.30 Ann Reardon (Anniv)R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 15th09.30 November Souls List
Wed 16th09.30 November Souls List 
Thu 17th09.30 November Souls List 
Fri 18th09.30 November Souls List 
Sat 19th    17.30Sunday Vigil MassLinda TaylorR-John Armstrong, Tim Storrie M-Moya Higham
Sun 20th09.00Christ the KingOur Parish FamilyR-Stewart Gardiner, Mike Regan; M-Helen Broom
Sun 20th11:00 Sonia LocknerR-Alice Bailey, Tony Andrews M-Hilary Heap

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

Scarlet Alexandra and Lucas Samuel Mills who were baptised last Sunday. Congratulations and welcome to God’s Family.

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Michael Boyd, Gerry Hepworth, Sheila Coulson, Dorothy Sadler, Anne Meade, Bea Brookes, Jim Higham, Jean Glynn, may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI: from 27 April-4 May next year. Itineraries and booking forms are now available on the table in the main porch or can be downloaded from the parish website.

LADIES GROUP: Can any ladies wanting to join the Christmas lunch, please register before the end of the month. Last week’s Coffee Morning and cake sale raised £115 for CAFOD; many thanks for your support.

RETIRNG COLLECTION TODAY for the Clergy Education and Training Fund that supports those training for the priesthood in our diocese.

ENQUIRY GROUP This Thursday at 7pm in the hall. All are welcome.

ROTA FOR READERS AND EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: If you would like to help out the parish as a Eucharistic Minister, Reader or Church Welcomer/Steward, please speak to Fr David or Stuart Jones or send an email to

PARISH DINNER at Knutsford Golf Club on Friday, 25 November, 6.30pm for 7pm. This will be a three-course meal of vegetable soup, Beef, chicken or salmon with seasonal veg followed by apple pie and custard. The cost will £22.50 payable on the night by cheque or cash. 35 have registered; there are a few places still left. If you would like to come email or speak to Fr David or John Long.

MASS FOR THE DECEASED: There will be a Mass for all those who have died over the last 12 months in our parish on Saturday, 26 November at 11am. All are welcome but we especially welcome the families and friends of all those who have lost loved ones this last year.

FAMILY WALK IN TATON PARK: The Catenians invite you to join them on Saturday, 19 November. We will meet at 10am in the church car park. All are welcome: families, friends and dogs! For those unable to join the walk you are welcome to join us for coffee and cake around 11am in the coffee shop in the Stable Yard.

MANY THANKS for your offertory for October which totalled £5369.42.

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 6 November 2022

Mass Times And Intentions

Sat 5th17.30 Sunday Vigil MassLiam ClaytonR-Margaret Leonard, Dick Browne M-Nick Johnson
Sun 6th09:0032nd Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Lisa Senior, Jane McKenna M-Virginia Williamson
Sun 6th11:00 David, Paul & Monica WightmanR-Angela Perls, Tony Andrews M-Jim Flood
Mon 7th09.30 November Souls ListR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 8th09.30 November Souls List
Wed 9th Dedication of the LateranNO MASS TODAY 
Thur 10thNOONSt LeoNovember Souls List 
Fri 11th19.00Ss Martin of ToursDeceased Catenian Brothers 
Sat 12th    17.30Sunday Vigil MassThanksgiving (Prayers answered)R-Angela Caudwell, Irene Ward M-Stuart Jones
Sun 13th09.0033rd Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Peter Pozzoni, James Rowley M-Graham Alcock
Sun 13th11:00 November Souls ListR-Ann Long, Andrea Ross <-Pat Flood

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Jim Colquoun, Tania Stott, Peter Dawes, Julia Gregory, Teresa Martin. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI: from 27 April-4 May next year. Itineraries and booking forms are now available on the table in the main porch or can be downloaded from the parish website.

MANY THANKS: This week I have sent a cheque to CAFOD for £799.24 to support their work with the poor of the world. It was made up of £561.24 Family Fast Collection and £238 from the Parish Quiz Night.

ENQUIRY GROUP: Many thanks to all those who came along last Thursday; it was a very enjoyable and uplifting gathering. This group is open to anyone who wants to learn more about our faith and support those who are seeking to become Catholics. Come along on Thursdays at 7pm in the church hall.

ROTA FOR READERS AND EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: If you would like to help out the parish as a Eucharistic Minister, Reader or Church Welcomer/Steward, please speak to Fr David or Stuart Jones or send an email to

PARISH DINNER at Knutsford Golf Club on Friday, 25 November, 6.30pm for 7pm. This will be a three-course meal of vegetable soup, Beef, chicken or salmon with seasonal veg followed by apple pie and custard. The cost will £22.50 payable on the night by cheque or cash. 35 have registered; there are a few places still left. If you would like to come email or speak to Fr David or John Long.

MASS FOR THE DECEASED: There will be a Mass for all those who have died over the last 12 months in our parish on Saturday, 26 November at 11am. All are welcome but we especially welcome the families and friends of all those who have lost loved ones this last year.