Table of Contents
Trinity Sunday – 30th May, 2021
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday Sunday Vigil Mass | 29th | 5.30pm | Kevin & Joy Gallagher |
Sunday | 30th | 9.00am | Tony Lloyd (Anniv) |
Most Holy Trinity | 11.00am | Our Parish Family | |
Monday Visitation | 31st | No Mass today | |
Tuesday St Justin | 1st | 9.30am | Gallagher Family |
Wednesday St Peter & St Marcellinus | 2nd | 9.30am | David Yates |
Thursday Uganda Martyrs | 3rd | 9.30am | Jimmy Connor |
Friday | 4th | 9.30am | Special Intention |
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday | 5th | 5.30pm | Our Parish Family |
SUNDAY | 6th | 9.00am | Private Intention |
Corpus Christi | 11.00am | Oliver McNeil |
All those who are sick, housebound or isolating at home especially David Nichols who will be having an operation.
All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Vincent Floyd, John Sheridan, Bridget Yates, Harold Myerscough, Edith Berrell. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
EASING OF RESTRICTIONS: Very gradually some of the restrictions on places of worship are being eased. Once again Bidding Prayers will be said at Mass and we will be able to have an offertory procession. I will now say “The Body of Christ” individually to those receiving Holy Communion and you should reply “Amen”. We will be able to keep the church open for private prayer. You should still book in for Mass as social distancing is still important and we need a record for track and trace. We are increasing our total number to 30 households. It is still important that you wear face coverings in church and sanitise your hands as you enter and leave.
COLUMBAN MISSION APPEAL: Fr Bernard McDermott has written to thank you for your very generous response to his recent Mission Appeal which raised £794.50
BAPTISMS are now possible with a maximum of 30 people attending. Please contact Fr David to make any bookings.
HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: We are now allowed to visit people in their homes so I would like to start taking Holy Communion to those who are sick or housebound. Please email or phone the presbytery if you or a member of your family would like me to call. I would be grateful if Eucharistic Ministers could give me a list of those who they take Holy Communion to at home so that I can visit. Any Eucharistic Ministers are welcome to start visiting again if you feel comfortable doing so.
MAINTAINING THE GARDENS AROUND THE CHURCH: Some of you will have noticed that the gardens and hedges around the church need some attention. My thanks to Tom Hughes and his daughter for cutting the grass last week. Knutsford Catenians have offered to help out and would welcome help from other parishioners. If you would like to get involved in an occasional bit of mowing and tidying up please let the Catenians know via
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment.
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.
(Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)
Pentecost Sunday – 23rd May, 2021
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday Sunday Vigil Mass | 22nd | 5.30pm | Sean Conner |
Sunday | 23rd | 9.00am | James Holehouse |
Pentecost | 11.00am | Julie Sandiford (Sick) | |
Monday Our Lady Help of Christians | 24th | No Mass today | |
Tuesday St Bede | 25th | 9.30am | John Benson (anniv) |
Wednesday St Philip Neri | 26th | 9.30am | Roma Brackley |
Thursday Our Lord Jesus Christ Eternal Priest | 27th | 9.30am | Tony Dignan (Anniv) |
Friday | 28th | 9.30am | Ethel Curran (Anniv) |
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday | 29th | 5.30pm | Kevin & Joy Gallagher |
SUNDAY | 30th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
Most Holy Trinity | 11.00am | Tony Lloyd |
All those who are sick, housebound or isolating at home. Whilst the pandemic seems to be easing in our country we will all have been shocked by the terrible scenes in India over this last week. I am conscious that many of you will have relatives in India and will be very worried about them. Please be assured of our thoughts and prayers. All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Jack McCormick, Beryl Burke, Jim Holehouse, David McCallum, Jeannine Major, Derek Cooper, Keith Belcher, Grace Poyner, Evelyn Myerscough, John Benson, Tony Dignan, Ethel Curran & Tony Lloyd, May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
EASING OF RESTRICTIONS: Very gradually some of the restrictions on places of worship are being eased. Once again Bidding Prayers will be said at Mass and we will be able to have an offertory procession. I will now say “The Body of Christ” individually to those receiving Holy Communion and you should reply “Amen”. We will be able to keep the church open for private prayer. You should still book in for Mass as social distancing is still important and we need a record for track and trace. We are increasing our total number to 30 households. It is still important that you wear face coverings in church and sanitise your hands as you enter and leave.
BAPTISMS are now possible with a maximum of 30 people attending. Please contact Fr David to make any bookings.
HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: We are now allowed to visit people in their homes so I would like to start taking Holy Communion to those who are sick or housebound. Please email or phone the presbytery if you or a member of your family would like me to call. I would be grateful if Eucharistic Ministers could give me a list of those who they take Holy Communion to at home so that I can visit. Any Eucharistic Ministers are welcome to start visiting again if you feel comfortable doing so..
MAY ROSARY: Pope Francis is encouraging people throughout the world to pray the Rosary during the month of May imploring Our Blessed Lady to intercede for an end to the pandemic. We will pray the Rosary this Friday, 28 May at 11am. You are welcome to join me on the livestream or in Church.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment.
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.
(Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)
7th Sunday of Easter – 16th May, 2021
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday Sunday Vigil Mass | 15th | 5.30pm | Private Intention |
Sunday | 16th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
7th Sunday of Easter | 11.00am | Julie Sandiford (Sick) | |
Monday | 17th | No Mass today | |
Tuesday | 18th | 9.30am | George Williams |
Wednesday | 19th | 9.30am | Pat Childs (Sick) |
Thursday | 20th | 9.30am | Mary Reardon |
Friday | 21st | 9.30am 10.45am | Fiona Connolly REQUIEM: Margaret Lawson |
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday | 22nd | 5.30pm | Sean Conner |
SUNDAY | 23rd | 9.00am | James Holehouse |
Pentecost | 11.00am | Our Parish Family |
All those who are sick, housebound or isolating at home. Whilst the pandemic seems to be easing in our country we will all have been shocked by the terrible scenes in India over this last week. I am conscious that many of you will have relatives in India and will be very worried about them. Please be assured of our thoughts and prayers.
Margaret Lawson who has died and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Mary Brereton, Kevin Ford, Paul Nulty, Florence Moody, Fred Birch, Bernard Hennessey, Josephine Mitchell, Alexander Hunt, Catherine Poole, May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
COLUMBAN FATHERS’ MISSION APPEAL:We welcome today Fr Bernard McDermot from Sale, a missionary priest ordained in 1974 as a member of the Missionary Society of St Columban (Columban Fathers). He will make an appeal on behalf of the Columban Fathers. He ministered in the Philippines for many years on the island of Mindanao and 4 years on the island of Taiwan among the Chinese people. He also served here at home and Australia as a member of the Columban Mission Education and Vocations Teams. In recent years he has been assigned here in the UK and has supplied in many parishes in the Diocese when needed. We look forward to welcoming Fr Barnard to our parish next weekend.
MAY ROSARY: Pope Francis is encouraging people throughout the world to pray the Rosary during the month of May imploring Our Blessed Lady to intercede for an end to the pandemic. We will pray the Rosary this Friday, 21 May at 4pm. You are welcome to join me on the livestream or in Church.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment.
MASS BOOKINGS: Hopefully it will not be too long before we can open our church normally without the need to book. Recently I have noticed that although all places have been booked on our booking platform for all our Sunday Masses there have been several spare spaces which would suggest that people are reserving places and then not turning up. If you book a place and are then unable to attend please let us know so that others can take the places..
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.
(Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)
6th Sunday of Easter – 9th May, 2021
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday Sunday Vigil Mass | 8th | 5.30pm | Private Intention |
Sunday | 9th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
6th Sunday of Easter | 11.00am | Helen Whickham | |
Monday | 10th | No Mass today | |
Tuesday | 11th | No Mass Today | |
Wednesday Vigil of Ascension | 12th | 7.00pm | Our Parish Family |
Thursday Ascension of the Lord | 13th | Noon | Lucy O’Brien (Anniv) |
Friday St Matthias | 14th | No Mass Today | |
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday | 15th | 5.30pm | Private Intention |
SUNDAY | 16th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
7th Sunday of Easter | 11.00am | Julie Sandiford (Sick) |
All those who are sick, housebound or isolating at home. Whilst the pandemic seems to be easing in our country we will all have been shocked by the terrible scenes in India over this last week. I am conscious that many of you will have relatives in India and will be very worried about them. Please be assured of our thoughts and prayers.
All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Merl Orton, Sr Mary Conception, Austin Chapman, Gerald Corrigan, Elsie Hennessey, Lucy O’Brien, Kath Buckley, Margaret Mary Sheridan, Pat Edgecombe, John Philbin, May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
COLUMBAN FATHERS’ MISSION APPEAL: Fr Bernard McDonagh from Sale is a missionary priest ordained in 1974 as a member of the Missionary Society of St Columban (Columban Fathers). He will be visiting our parish next weekend to make an appeal on behalf of the Columban Fathers. He ministered in the Philippines for many years on the island of Mindanao and 4 years on the island of Taiwan among the Chinese people. He also served here at home and Australia as a member of the Columban Mission Education and Vocations Teams. In recent years he has been assigned here in the UK and has supplied in many parishes in the Diocese when needed. We look forward to welcoming Fr Barnard to our parish next weekend.
ASCENSION OF THE LORD: This Thursday (13th) is the Feast of the Ascension and is a Holy Day. There will be a Vigil Mass on Wednesday evening at 7pm and Mass on Thursday at 12 Noon. We welcome Fr John back to St Vincent’s as celebrant at these Masses and I am very grateful to him for his help.
MANY THANKS for a donation of £100 which we have received from the Knutsford Catenian Circle.
MAY ROSARY: Pope Francis is encouraging people throughout the world to pray the Rosary during the month of May imploring Our Blessed Lady to intercede for an end to the pandemic. We will pray the Rosary at 11am each Friday (except 14 May) and you are welcome to join me on the livestream or in Church.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment.
MASS BOOKINGS: Hopefully it will not be too long before we can open our church normally without the need to book. Recently I have noticed that although all places have been booked on our booking platform for all our Sunday Masses there have been several spare spaces which would suggest that people are reserving places and then not turning up. If you book a place and are then unable to attend please let us know so that others can take the places..THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.
(Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)
5th Sunday of Easter – 2nd May, 2021
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday Sunday Vigil Mass | 1st | 5.30pm | Our Parish Family |
Sunday | 2nd | 9.00am | Shrewsbury Secular Clergy Fund |
5th Sunday of Easter | 11.00am | Chris Rigby | |
Monday Ss Philip & James | 3rd | No Mass today | |
Tuesday English Martyrs | 4th | 9.30am | Holy Souls |
Wednesday | 5th | 9.30am | Jeanne Delany |
Thursday | 6th | 9.30am | Tricia Wilcox |
Friday | 7th | 9.30am | Mary Reardon |
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday | 8th | 5.30pm | Private Intention |
SUNDAY | 9th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
6th Sunday of Easter | 11.00am | Helen Whickham |
All those who are sick, housebound or isolating at home. Whilst the pandemic seems to be easing in our country we will all have been shocked by the terrible scenes in India over this last week. I am conscious that many of you will have relatives in India and will be very worried about them. Please be assured of our thoughts and prayers.
All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Liz Stone, Vera Walker, Bridget Willis, Ethel Curran, Ruth Smethurst, Connie Boyde, Mary Thorpe, May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
MAY ROSARY: Pope Francis is encouraging people throughout the world to pray the Rosary during the month of May imploring Our Blessed Lady to intercede for an end to the pandemic. We will pray the Rosary at 11am each Friday (except 14 May) and you are welcome to join me on the livestream or in Church.
THE CARE OF CREATION: At a time of growing concern for the care of creation, the Church brings to the environmental concerns of our time the perspectives of God’s creation and the place of humanity within creation. The Church across the country is taking practical steps with IFM (Inter-Diocesan Fuel Management Ltd), based in our Shrewsbury Diocese and supplying all 22 dioceses and over 100 schools with 71% green energy and with a 29% carbon offset. The offset schemes include renewable boreholes in Eritrea and Bangladesh using household waste (including landfill) to reduce methane being produced and provide renewable power. IFM is also using its buying power to drive the demand for “green gas” in the UK.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment.
MASS BOOKINGS: Hopefully it will not be too long before we can open our church normally without the need to book. Recently I have noticed that although all places have been booked on our booking platform for all our Sunday Masses there have been several spare spaces which would suggest that people are reserving places and then not turning up. If you book a place and are then unable to attend please let us know so that others can take the places..
ST VINCENT’S PRE-SCHOOL ADMISSIONS: Any parents who have children who are due to start Pre-School between September 2021 and September 2022, please ensure that you have completed an application form and returned this to Pre-School to ensure that their name is on the waiting list. If you have any questions, please contact the Pre-School Manager, Cath Davies, on 01565 651948 or visit their website at where you will find an application form.
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances. (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)