Parish Newsletters – March 2023

5th Sunday in Lent – 26 March 2023

Mass Times and Intentions 

Sat 25th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayDavid Denne (Anniv)R-John Armstrong, Maura Welch M-Steve Graham
Sun 26th09:005th Sunday in LentOur Parish FamilyR-Peter Longinotti, Peter SwiftM-Helen Broom
Sun 26th11:00Tom PendryR-Ann Long, Tony AndrewsM-Hilary Heap
Mon 27th09.30Holy SoulsR = ReadersM = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 28th09.30Shrewsbury Secular Clergy Fund
Wed 29th09.30Mother Regina CP 
Thurs 30th09.30Mother Monica CP 
Fri 31st09.30Fran Lowe Intentions 
Sat 1st17.30Vigil Mass of SundayHoly SoulsR-Dick Browne, Brenda & Peter Pozzoni M-Stuart Jones
Sun 2nd09.00Palm SundayOur Parish FamilyR-Sheila Flynn, James Rowley, Peter Longinotti M- John Flynn
Sun 2nd11:00Peter Allen (Anniv)R-Alice Bailey, Angela Perls, Gerad McCreesh M-Andrea Ross

Please remember in your prayers

All the children who will make their first Forgiveness on Tuesday.

All those who are sick or housebound.

Joan Duffy who has died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Canon Joe Cahill, Alice Mabel Floyd, Agnes Yates, Bob Quinn, Bert Harris may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information 

STATIONS OF THE CROSS: This Friday at 10am in church.

A SERVICE OF PENANCE AND RECONCILIATION will be held on Tuesday, 4 April at 7pm in Church. This is a wonderful way to prepare for the celebrations of Holy Week and Easter.

THE ENQUIRY GROUP will meet this Thursday at 7pm in the church hall. Please keep Sarah, Sophie and James in your prayers as they prepare to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church at our Easter Vigil service.

SVP: Many thanks to those who have donated warm clothes, coats, etc to support the refugees. More are still needed. Please leave them in the entrance to the hall. If you are aware of anyone who would welcome a visit from one of our members, please hand in their names and addresses.

MANY THANKS to the Ladies Group for their monthly Coffee Mornings and cake sales which have raised over £1500 for CAFOD. A letter of thanks from CAFOD is on the noticeboard.

CONFIRMATION will be celebrated this year at St Teresa’s, Wilmslow on 23 June. If there are any young people in Year 8 upwards who would like to be confirmed this year please hand your name and contact details to Fr David. The programme of preparation will begin after Easter.

NEW OFFERTORY ENVELOPES: These are available in the porch for those who use them. Please take your box.

EASTER OFFERING: The offering on Easter Sunday is your traditional Easter Offering to Fr David. For those who give by standing order this does not form part of the offering to Fr David. Special Envelopes are available in the porch which you may wish to use for your Easter Offering. Anyone giving by cheque should still make cheques payable to St Vincent’s Parish and this will eventually find its way to Fr David.

SVP MEMBERSHIP SUPPORT OFFICER FOR SHREWSBURY DIOCESE: This part time post (15 hours per week) is to support member recruitment and development, provide general support for members and act as a link between local conferences and the national Office. It is home based but requires the ability to travel around the diocese with own transport (travel expenses paid). Full details from Lance Philpott Closing date for applications 16 April.

4th Sunday in Lent – 19 March 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 18th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayHoly SoulsR-John Daley, Irene Ward M-Nick Johnson
Sun 19th09:003rd Sunday in LentOur Parish FamilyR-James Rowley, Gerard McCreesh; M-Graham Alcock
Sun 19th11:00 Tom & Eileen BrennanR-Angela Caudwell, Peter Daly M-Pat Flood
Mon 20th St JosephNO MASS TODAYR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 21st09.30 Special Intention (C)
Wed 22nd09.30 Holy Souls 
Thurs 23rd09.30 Kevin Campbell 
Fri 24th09.30 Brendan Hallisey 
Sat 25th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayDavid Denne (Anniv)R-John Armstrong, Maura Welch M-Steve Graham
Sun 26th09.004th Sunday in LentOur Parish FamilyR-Peter Longinotti, Peter Swift M-Helen Broom
Sun 26th11:00 Tom PendryR-Ann Long, Tony Andrews M-Hilary Heap

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

Ayda Loretta Jervis-Garner who was baptised last Sunday. Congratulations and welcome!

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Francisca Balsa, Vourne White, Jane Webster, Ada McNamara, David Denne, Nan Record, Margaret Wakeling, Sean Quin, Reg McGee. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

STATIONS OF THE CROSS: This Friday at 10am in church.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: I am advised that there are several parishioners who served our parish as Eucharistic Ministers before the pandemic who are not on the present list. Could you please let Fr David know if would be prepared to take up this ministry once again for our parish or if you would prefer to removed from the list. This is very important so that we can prepare for the reintroduction of Holy Communion under both kinds in May.

A SERVICE OF PENANCE AND RECONCILIATION will be held on Tuesday, 4 April at 7pm in Church. This is a wonderful way to prepare for the celebrations of Holy Week and Easter.

THE ENQUIRY GROUP will meet this Thursday at 7pm in the church hall.

SVP: Many thanks to those who have donated warm clothes, coats, etc to support the refugees. More are still needed. Please leave them in the entrance to the hall. If you are aware of anyone who would welcome a visit from one of our members, please hand in their names and addresses.

DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES: This will take place from 27 July – 4 August overland and 28 July-3 August by air. More details and booking forms are available from the pilgrimage website:

CONFIRMATION will be celebrated this year at St Teresa’s, Wilmslow on 23 June. If there are any young people in Year 8 upwards who would like to be confirmed this year please hand your name and contact details to Fr David. The programme of preparation will begin after Easter.

3rd Sunday in Lent – 2 March 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 11th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayLauren Sweet (Recovery)R-Dick Browne, Lis Senior M-Moya Higham
Sun 12th09:003rd Sunday in LentOur Parish FamilyR-Stewart Gardiner, Jane McKennaM-Virginia Williamson
Sun 12th11:00 Denis HittonR-Alice Bailey, Angela Perls M-Jim Flood
Mon 13th09.30 Clare Gibbons IntentionsR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 14th09.30Mass in schoolHoly Souls
Wed 15th09.30 Liz Tredwell 
Thurs 16th09.30 Susanna Longstaffe (Recovery) 
Fri 17thNOONSt PatrickBernadette Clarke 
Sat 18th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayHoly SoulsR-John Daley, Irene Ward M-Nick Johnson
Sun 19th09.004th Sunday in LentOur Parish FamilyR-James Rowley, Gerard McCreesh; M-Graham Alcock
Sun 19th11:00 Tom & Eileen BrennanR-Angela Caudwell, Peter Daly M-Pat Flood

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Brendan Halisey (a former parishioner) who has died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Maureen Crowley, Pat Walley, Frances Healey, Catherine Bowden, Robert Marsh, William Keunen, Emily Maher, Maria Simpson, Michael Pickup, Elaine Sancto, Jack Rosa. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information


STATIONS OF THE CROSS: This Friday at 12.30pm in church.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: I am conscious that there are several parishioners who served our parish as Eucharistic Ministers before the pandemic who are not on the present list. Could you please let Fr David know if would be prepared to take up this ministry once again for our parish?

SVP: Many thanks to those who have donated warm clothes, coats, etc to support the refugees. More are still needed. Please leave them in the entrance to the hall. If you are aware of anyone who would welcome a visit from one of our members, please hand in their names and addresses.

MASSES THIS WEEK: Please note that Mass this Tuesday at 9.30am is in school and Mass on Friday will be at 12 Noon.

DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES: This will take place from 27 July – 4 August overland and 28 July-3 August by air. More details and booking forms are available from the pilgrimage website:

MANY THANKS for your February Offertory which totalled £5442.52 and for last week’s Family Fast Collection which totalled £558.70 to support CAFOD. The Ladies Group also would like to thank you for £127 raised at their recent Coffee Morning and Cake Sale also to support CAFOD.

FIRST FORGIVENESS PARENTS MEETING this Tuesday, 14 March at 7.15pm in the church hall.

THE ENQUIRY GROUP will not meet this Thursday; our next meeting will be Thursday 23 March at 7pm in the church hall.

CONFIRMATION will be celebrated this year at St Teresa’s, Wilmslow on 23 June. If there are any young people in Year 8 upwards who would like to be confirmed this year please hand your name and contact details to Fr David. The programme of preparation will begin after Easter.

2nd Sunday in Lent – 5 March 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 4th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayMarlies IsenringR-Peter & Brenda Pozzoni
M-Stuart Jones
Sun 5th09:002nd Sunday in LentOur Parish FamilyR-Clare & John Gibbons M-John Flynn
Sun 5th11:00 Our Parish FamilyR-Tony Andrews, Angela Caudwell; M-Andrea Ross
Mon 6th09.30 Clare Gibbons IntentionsR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 7th09.30 Adrian Prescott
Wed 8th09.30 James McLaughlin (Anniv) 
Thurs 9th09.30 Elizabeth Tredwell Intentions 
Fri 10th09.30 Anne Syers 
Sat 11th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayLauren Sweet (Recovery)R-Dick Browne, Lis Senior M-Moya Higham
Sun 12th09.003rd Sunday in LentOur Parish FamilyR-Stewart Gardiner, Jane McKenna M-Virginia Williamson
Sun 12th11:00 Denis HittonR-Alice Bailey, Angela Perls M-Jim Flood

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Raymond Boyes, Joan Bebington Westby Thorp, Bernard Gough, Mary Ann Smith, Mona Cavanagh, Francis Regan, Joan Bernadette Floyd, Jack Poynor, Charles Dakin, Catherine Savage, George Lane, Anne Syers, James McLaughlin. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information


STATIONS OF THE CROSS: This Friday at 10am in church.

FAMILY WALK IN TATTON PARK: The Catenians invite you to join them for a family walk in Tatton Park next Saturday, 11 March at 10am. All are welcome: families, friends and dogs. We will meet at 10am in the Church car park. For those unable to join the walk you are welcome to join us for coffee and cake at 11am in the Coffee Shop in the Stable Yard.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: I am conscious that there are several parishioners who served our parish as Eucharistic Ministers before the pandemic who are not on the present list. Could you please let Fr David know if would be prepared to take up this ministry once again for our parish?

HYMNS BOOKS AND NEW CHAIRS: I hope you like the new hymn books in church and the new chairs in the hall. A new kitchen is almost finished in the hall together with the new flooring in the hall and sacristy. The hall will be decorated shortly.

SVP: Many thanks to those who have donated warm clothes, coats, etc to support the refugees. More are still needed. Please leave them in the entrance to the hall. If you are aware of anyone who would welcome a visit from one of our members, please hand in their names and addresses.

MANY THANKS to all who helped with the recent Ecumenical World Day of Prayer; it was a great success and many of our visitors remarked on the warm welcome they received.

DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES: This will take place from 27 July – 4 August overland and 28 July-3 August by air. More details and booking forms are available from the pilgrimage website: