Parish Newsletters – June 2023

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 25 June 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 24th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayShrewsbury Secular Clergy FundR-John Armstrong, Brenda Pozzoni M-Bernie Groarke, Steve Dutton
Sun 25th09:0012th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Lisa Senior, Mary McCorkell M-Stewart Gardiner, V Williamson
Sun 25th11:00 Kathleen Cuthbert (Anniv) R-Tony Andrews, Alice Bailey M-Hilary Heap, John & Ann Long
Mon 26th09.30 Gail MolesworthR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 27th09.30St CyrilPatrick Flynn
Wed 28th09.30 19.00St Irenaeus Vigil of Ss Peter & PaulFran Lowe Intentions Our Parish Family 
Thurs 29th09.30 NOONSS Peter & Paul (School) ChurchShrewsbury Secular Clergy Fund Kathleen Jones 
Fri 30th09.30 Gail Molesworth 
Sat 1st17.30Vigil Mass of SundayHoly SoulsR- Irene Ward, Peter Pozzoni M-Dick Browne, Rachel Greaves
Sun 2nd09.0013th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-John & Clare Gibbons M-Stuart Jones, Lincy Ciriac
Sun 2nd11:00 Bill & Frances Gore IntentionsR-Gerard McCreesh, A Caudwell M-Eve Nichol, John & Ann Long

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

Congratulations and welcome to Harrison William John Richards who was baptised last Sunday.

All those who are sick or housebound.

Patricia Carter who has died recently and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Arthur Joe Sayers, Martin Butterfield, Bob Harrison, Jason Hayes, Helen Walsh, James Maher, Emily Crowley, Bernard Pickup, Maurice Egerton, Mike, Mary & Janet Tighe, Janek Werakso may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

OPEN PARISH MEETING: You are all welcome at an open Parish Meeting on Thursday, 6 July (note change of date) at 7pm in the hall to reflect on the past year here at St Vincent’s and to discuss plans for the future. Please do come along and share your thoughts.

HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION: Thursday, 29 June is the Feast of St Peter and St Paul. There will be a Vigil Mass on Wednesday evening at 7pm and Mass in school at 9.30am and in Church at 12 Noon on Thursday.

RETIRING COLLECTION next Sunday for Peter’s Pence which goes to support our Holy Father, Pope Francis.

PARISH FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Copies of the statement of our income and expenditure for the last financial year are available for you all to take and consider. I am very grateful to Graham Alcock who has put this report together.

DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES 27/28 July-3/4 August: Places are still available by plane or coach. Full details on Pilgrimage Website:

GARDENERS QUESTION TIME: Sunday 23 July 2pm in the Parish Hall. Featuring Jess Hughes, Mary Johnson, Dr David Skidmore (director of Lovell Quinton Arboretum) & Steve Relton of BBC Radio Oxford. Refreshments available. Free admission. All welcome.

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 18 June 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 17th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayOur Parish FamilyR-Dick Browne, Peter Pozzoni M-Sue Reeves, Rachel Greaves
Sun 18th09:0011th Sunday in Ordinary TimeChristine Wardhaugh (Anniv)R-Peter Longinotti, Tim Storrie M-Fran O’Brien, Hugo McCorkell
Sun 18th11:00 Pat Raffo (Anniv)R-Peter Daley, Angela Perls M-Eve Nichols, John Long, Louise Culshaw                                                                                                                                                                                             
Mon 19th09.30 Holy SoulsR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 20th09.30St AlbanHoly Souls
Wed 21st09.30St Aloysius GonzagaJohn Devine 
Thurs 22nd09.30SS John Fisher & Thomas MoreGail Molesworth 
Fri 23rd09.30 Margaret Sayers 
Sat 24thNOON 17.30Birth of John the Baptist Vigil Mass of SundayElizabeth & Matt Lynch Shrewsbury Secular Clergy FundR-John Armstrong, Brenda Pozzoni M-Bernie Groarke, Steve Dutton
Sun 18th09.0011th Sunday in Ordinary TimeChristine Wardhaugh (Anniv)R-Lisa Senior, Mary McCorkell M-Stewart Gardiner, Virginia Williamson
Sun 18th11:00 Pat Raffo (Anniv)R-Tony Andrews, Alice Bailey M-Hilary Heap, John & Ann Long

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who will be confirmed next Friday. May they be strengthened by the Holy Spirit in their courageous Commitment to the Lord.

Congratulations and welcome to Lillie Amelia Smith who was baptised last Sunday.

All those who are sick or housebound.

Patricia Carter who has died recently and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Christine Wardhaugh, Maureen Sanderson, Roger Stuart, Chris Carey, William & Jeannie Galvin, Frances Holden, John Coyne may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

OPEN PARISH MEETING: You are all welcome at an open Parish Meeting on Thursday, 29 June at 7pm in the hall to reflect on the past year here at St Vincent’s and to discuss plans for the future. Please do come along and share your thoughts.

PARISH FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Copies of the statement of our income and expenditure for the last financial year are available for you all to take and consider. I am very grateful to Graham Alcock who has put this report together.

ST VINCENT’S PRE-SCHOOL OPEN MORNING: We are now allocating places for September 2023 and will be holding an Open Morning on Saturday, 24 June from 10am-Noon. If you would like to have a look round our wonderful setting, please contact ; application forms can be found on our website along with further information.

Corpus Christi – 11 June 2023

Mass Times And Intentions

Sat 10th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayHoly SoulsR-John Daley, Alice Bailey M-Steve & Sikha Dutton
Sun 11th09:00The Body and Blood of ChristOur Parish FamilyR-Jane McKenna, Gerard McCreesh M-Graham Alcock, Jan Armstrong
Sun 11th11:00 Alan Albiston (Sick)R-Angela Caudwell, Tony Andrews M-Hilary Heap, Andrea Ross, Ann Long
Mon 12th09.30 Sr Pat IntentionsR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 13th09.30St Anthony of PaduaHoly Souls
Wed 14th09.30 Holy Souls 
Thurs 15th09.30 Gail Molesworth 
Fri 16th09.30Most Sacred Heart of JesusHoly Souls 
Sat 17th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayOur Parish FamilyR-Dick Browne, Peter Pozzoni M-Sue Reeves, Rachel Greaves
Sun 18th09.0011th Sunday in Ordinary TimeChristine Wardhaugh (Anniv)R-Peter Longinotti, Tim Storrie M-Fran O’Brien, Hugo McCorkell
Sun 18th11:00 Pat Raffo (Anniv)R-Peter Daley, Angela Perls M-Eve Nichols, John Long, Louise Culshaw

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Carlos Filegtra, Michael Sullivan, Pat Raffo, Kathleen Cuthbert, John Wilkes, Anne Dobson, Francis Xavier Berrell, Betty Corlett, Sally Tonkin may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

CONGRATULATIONS to all the children who received their first Holy Communion yesterday, we welcome them to our 11am Mass this morning. A huge “thank you” to Louise Culshaw and Hilary Heap who have run our parents’ meetings for the last nine years and are sadly stepping down. We are truly grateful for the wonderful support they have given to so many parents over all these years.

FINAL CONFIRMATION PREPARATION MEETING this Thursday 15 June at 7pm in the hall. Please ensure you have decided on your Confirmation name and sponsor and return the  Cards that were distributed last week.

MANY THANKS for your generous Offertory Collection during May which totalled £5703.83.

PARISH FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Copies of the statement of our income and expenditure for the last financial year are available for you all to take and consider. I am very grateful to Graham Alcock who has put this report together.

LADIES GROUP: Last week’s Coffee Morning and Cake Sale raised £103 for CAFOD. We are planning a Summer Buffet on 11 July at 1pm in the hall. The cost is £10 payable on the day but please sign the list in the porch if you would like to come to give us an idea of numbers. It is a great social occasion and we always welcome new faces!

VACANCIES AT ST VINCENT’S SCHOOL: Our school has three temporary job vacancies from September: Teaching Assistant 25 hours, teaching assistant 16 hours, midday assistant 6 and a quarter hours. Details from the school website:

ST VINCENT’S PRE-SCHOOL OPEN MORNING: We are now allocating places for September 2023 and will be holding an Open Morning on Saturday, 24 June from 10am-Noon. If you would like to have a look round our wonderful setting, please contact ; application forms can be found on our website along with further information.

MARTIN BUTTERFIELD: This week the inquest into Martin’s death takes place. The family would like to express their gratitude to James Rowley for his deeply caring professional involvement throughout the past three years and the support and kindness of friends at St Vincent’s. Please remember Martin, his family and James in your prayers this week.

The Most Holy Trinity – 4 June 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 3rd17.30Vigil Mass of SundayNancy HaleR: Irene Ward, Peter Pozzoni; M: Sue Reeves, Rachel Greaves
Sun 4th09:00The Most Holy TrinityOur Parish FamilyR: Brenda Pozzoni, Stewart Gardiner; M: Virginia Williamson, Bernadette O’ Groarke
Sun 4th11:00 Alan Albiston (Sick)R: Angela Perls, Eve Nichols M: Andrea Ross, John and Ann Long
Mon 5th St BonifaceNO MASSR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 6th  NO MASS
Wed 7th09.30 Holy Souls 
Thurs 8th09.30 Gail Molesworth 
Fri 9th09.30 Holy Souls 
Sat 10th11.00 17.30  Vigil Mass of SundayFirst Holy Communion Children Holy SoulsR: John Daley, Alice Bailey M: Steve and Sikha Dutton
Sun 11th09.00Body and Blood of ChristOur Parish FamilyR:Jane McKenna, Gerard McCreesh M: Graham Alcock, Jan Armstrong
Sun 11th11:00 Holy SoulsR: Angela Caudwell, Tony Andrews M: Hilary Heap, Andrea Ross, Ann Long

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All the children who will make their first Holy Communion next Saturday. May it be a day of great joy for them and their families.

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Harold Myerscough, Edith Berrell, Meg Kendall, David Walsh, George Kendall, Sheila Clarke, Jim Comley, Ivan White, Gerald D’Arcy, Margaret Keeling, Members of the Blaxter Family may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

ROTAS FOR EHCHARISTIC MINISTERS AND READERS: The new rotas are not available at the time of going to press, please check whether you are required online.

FINAL MEETING this Wednesday, 7 June at 7.15pm in the hall for parents of children preparing for first Holy Communion. The first Holy Communion Mass will be next Saturday, 10 June at 11am. The children will be presented to the parish at the 11am Mass next Sunday.

CONFIRMATION PREPARATION MEETING this Thursday 8 June at 7pm in the hall.

DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND 8-15 February 2024. This has been organised by Fr David and will be led by Bishop Mark. We will stay in Jerusalem and Galilee, visiting all the sites associated with our Lord’s ministry. Full itineraries and booking forms can be downloaded from the parish website or speak to Fr David.

ST VINCENT’S MUMS AND TODDLERS GROUP meets each Friday (except the first Friday of the month) from 10am until noon. We meet in the parish hall and the cost is £3 per session. If you are interested in attending, please contact Cath Davies on 01565 651948 or If anyone can help with serving teas and coffees on a rota basis, please get in touch.

SUPPORTING REFUGEES: Many thanks to all those who donated warm clothing for refugees. Our SVP are now requesting donations of men’s summer clothing. Please leave any donations in the lobby by the Parish Hall. Also, if anyone has a computer desk and chair, dining rooms chairs and a fridge freezer, please contact our SVP members.