Parish Newsletters – June 2022

Thirteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time – 26th June 2022

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 25th17.30 Sunday Vigil MassDavid DenneR-Irene Ward, John Armstrong; M-Stuart Jones
Sun 26th09:0013th in Ordinary TimeMartin ButterfieldR-Mary McCorkell, Sheila Flynn; M-Graham Alcock
Sun 26th11:00 Our Parish FamilyR- Ann Long, Andrea Ross; M-Hilary Heap
Mon 27th 09.30St CyrilHoly SoulsR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 28th     09.30     19.00St Irenaeus Vigil Mass Holy DayAllen Lizzie Philbin Our Parish Family
Wed 29th    09.30     NoonSS Peter & Paul Holy Day of Obligation(IN SCHOOL) Fr David Craig Tighe Family 
Thur 30th09.30 Sarah Flynn 
Fri 1st    NO MASS 
Sat 2nd   17.30Sunday Vigil MassMary TigheR-Peter Pozzoni, Maura Welch; M- Nick Johnson
Sun 3rd09.0014th in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Steve Graham, Marie Prescott; M-John Flynn
Sun 3rd11:00 Thomas Bailey (Sick)R-Tony Andrews, Alice Bailey; M-Andrea Ross


All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Bob Harrison, Jason Hayes, Emily Crowley, Bernard Pickup, Maurice Egerton, Mike Tighe, Janek Werakso, Norah Butler. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

PARISH FLOWER FESTIVAL: Please do come this afternoon between 12 noon and 4pm and invite your family and friends to our first major social event since lockdown The festival will celebrate Parish life in flower displays created by our own Flower Ladies and supported by the Catenians. There will be refreshments available, children’s activities and Gardeners Question time. We would welcome any donations towards the flowers; please hand them in to Fr David or post through the presbytery letterbox.

LADIES GROUP COFFEE MORNING AND CAKE SALE next Friday, 1 July from 9.30-11.30am in the Church Hall.

PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE: Following on from our Parish Open Meeting I would like to invite anyone to come and join a group planning social activities for our parish this Wednesday, 29 June at 7pm in the Church Hall.

HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION: Wednesday 29th is the Feast of St Peter and St Paul. There will be a Vigil Mass at 7pm on Tuesday, Mass in school at 9.30 and in church at 12 Noon.

THE DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES will take place from 29 July-4 August by air and 28 July-5 August by coach. Booking forms are available to download from the Pilgrimage Website or from the Pilgrimage Office, Curial Offices, 2, Park Rd South, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 4UX.

ST VINCENT’S SCHOOL have vacancies for two part time teaching assistants from September. For more information email

ST VINCENT’S PRE SCHOOL OPEN MORNING: 2 July from 10am-12 Noon. If you would like to attend to have a look round our wonderful new setting, please contact

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Mass in the sacristy or by appointment at a convenient time.


Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 18th17.30 Sunday Vigil MassMary Boyd IntentionsR-John Daley; M-Moya Higham
Sun 19th09:00Body and Blood of ChristOur Parish FamilyR-james Rowley, Tim Storrie; M-Helen Broom
Sun 19th11:00 Pat Raffo (Anniv)R- Angela Perls; Tony Andrews;  M-Pat Flood
Mon 20th 09.30St AlbanShrewsbury Secular Clergy FundR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 21st  NOONSt Aloysius GonzagaAllen Molesworth
Wed 22nd 11.30amSS John Fisher & Thomas MoreREQUIEM: Mary Tighe 
Thur 23rd09.30Birth of John the BaptistMarcia & Norman Buckley (Sick) 
Fri 24th   09.30Sacred Heart of JesusEdward Hulmes 
Sat 25th   17.30Sunday Vigil MassDavid Denne (Anniv)R-Irene Ward, John Armstrong; M- Stuart Jones
Sun 26th09.0013th in Ordinary TimeMartin Butterfield (Anniv)R-Mary McCorkell, Sheila Flynn; M-Graham Alcock
Sun 26th11:00 Our Parish FamilyR-Ann Long, Andrea Ross; M-Hilary Heap


All those who are sick or housebound.

Mary Tighe, Mgr Chris Lightbound and Fr Paul Hughes who have died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Roger Stuart, Chris Carey, William & Jeanie Galvin, Frances Holden, John Coyne, Bernard Ganley, Lynn Tucker, Arthur Joe Sayers, Martin Butterfield. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

Congratulations and welcome to Theo Anthony Sanson who was baptised here last Sunday.

News and Information

PARISH FLOWER FESTIVAL: Please do come along next Saturday or Sunday between 12 noon and 4pm and invite your family and friends to our first major social event since lockdown The festival will celebrate Parish life in flower displays created by our own Flower Ladies and supported by the Catenians. There will be refreshments available, children’s activities and Gardeners Question time. We would welcome any donations towards the flowers; please hand them in to Fr David or post through the presbytery letterbox. Thank you for £140 donated so far.

PARISH OFFERTORY FOR MAY: The total received from the offertory plate and standing orders in May was £5619.13. many thanks for your generosity.

LADIES GROUP: Last week’s Coffee morning raised £101 for Cafod. Many thanks. There will be a Ladies Buffet Lunch on 19 July at 1pm in the Church Hall. Please sign the list in the porch if you wish to come.

PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE: Following on from our Parish Open Meeting I would like to invite anyone to come and join a group planning social activities for our parish on Wednesday, 29 June at 7pm in the Church Hall.

THE DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES will take place from 29 July-4 August by air and 28 July-5 August by coach. Booking forms are available to download from the Pilgrimage Website or from the Pilgrimage Office, Curial Offices, 2, Park Rd South, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 4UX.

CARITAS: a copy of the latest Caritas newsletter is at the back of the church. Our parish total last year was £548. Boxes can be obtained by or You can also make spontaneous or regular donations by using the QR Code displayed at the back of the church.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Mass in the sacristy or by appointment at a convenient time.

Most Holy Trinity -12 June 2022

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 11th17.30Sunday Vigil MassFrank HeenanR-Dick Browne & Lisa Senor; M-Nick Johnson
Sun 12th09:00Most Holy TrinityOur Parish FamilyR-Stewart Gariner, Jane McKenna; M-Virginia Williamson
Sun 12th11:00Special IntentionR–Alice Baiuley, Angela Caudwell; Ross; M-Jim Flood
Mon 13th09.30St Anthony of PaduaPete RathboneR = ReadersM = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 14th  09.30Kathleen Cuthbert (Anniv)
Wed 15th  09.30Margaret Maescal 
Thur 16th09.30Allen Molesworth 
Fri 17th  09.30Holy Souls 
Sat 18th  17.30Sunday Vigil MassMary Boyd IntentionsR- John Daley, Stephen Benson; M- Moya Higham
Sun 19th09.00The Body and Blood of ChristOur Parish FamilyR-James Rowley, Tim Storrie; M-Helen Broom
Sun 19th11:00Pat Raffo (Anniv)R-Angela Perls, Tony Andrews; M-Pat Flood


All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Michael Sullivan, Pat Raffo, Kathleen Cuthbert, John Wilkes, Anne Dobson, Francis Xavier Berrell, Betty Corlett, Sally Tonkyn, Christopher Wardhough, Maureen Sanderson. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

Congratulations to Craig Dawson and Sinead Kelly who were married recently here at St Vincent’s.

For all the children who will receive their first Holy Communion next Saturday.

News and Information

PARISH FLOWER FESTIVAL: Do spread the news about our Flower Festival which will take place over the weekend of 25/26 June from 12pm-4pm. The festival will celebrate Parish life in flower displays created by our own Flower Ladies and supported by the Catenians. There will be refreshments available, children’s activities and Gardeners Question time. We would welcome any donations towards the flowers; please hand them in to Fr David or post through the presbytery letterbox.

FAMILY WALK IN TATTON PARK: The Catenians invite you to join a Family Walk in Tatton Park next Saturday, 18 June at 10am. All are welcome: Families, friends and dogs! Meet in the Church car park, For those unable to walk you are welcome to join us for Coffee and cake around 11am in the Coffee shop in Stable yard.

THE DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES will take place from 29 July-4 August by air and 28 July-5 August by coach. Prices start from as little as £440 which includes travel, full board accommodation and full Pilgrimage Programme. Booking forms are available to download from the Pilgrimage Website or from the Pilgrimage Office, Curial Offices, 2, Park Rd South, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 4UX. 

CAN YOU HELP taking up the collection or bringing up the offertory gifts at the 11am Mass? Please contact to join the rota. Many thanks.

ST VINCENT’S PRE-SCHOOL OPEN MORNING on Saturday, 2 July 10am-12pm. If you would like to attend and look round our wonderful new setting, please contact . We are now allocating places. Application forms and further information are available on our website

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Mass in the sacristy or by appointment at a convenient time.

Pentecost Sunday – 5 June 2022

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 4th17.30 Sunday Vigil MassFR Robin SuttonR-Peter & Brenda Pozzoni; M-Stuart Jones
Sun 5th09:00Pentecost SundayOur Parish FamilyR-Clare & John Gibbons M-John Flynn
Sun 5th11:00 Christopher ReganR–Tony Andrews & Andrea Ross; M-Hilarey Heap
Mon 6th 09.30Mary Mother of the ChurchAllen MolesworthR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 7th   09.30 Nicola Allen
Wed 8th   09.30St JustinEthel Curran 
Thurs 9th09.30 Jesus Eternal High PriestThanksgiving (Brennan) 
Fri 10th   09.30 Holy Souls 
Sat 11th   17.30Sunday Vigil MassFrank HeenanR- Dick Browne & Lisa Senor; M- Nick Johnson
Sun 12th09.00Most Holy TrinityOur Parish FamilyR-Stewart Gardiner & Jane McKenna; M-Virginia Williamson
Sun 12th11:00 Special IntentionR-Alice Bailey & Angela Caudwell; M-Jim Flood


All those who are sick or housebound.

Heather Margaret Lewis who has died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Edith Berrell., Meg Kendal, David Walsh, George Kendall, Sheila Clarke, Jim Comley, Ivan White, Gerald D’Arcy, Margaret Keeling, Blaxton Family, Carlos Filegatra. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

Welcome to Henry Liam and Oscar Daniel Hutchings who were baptised last Sunday.

For all the children who will receive their first Holy Communion next Saturday.

News and Information

PARISH MEETING REPORT: Copies of the report from the Parish Meeting are available in the porch and also on the Parish Website.

ST VINCENT’S LADIES GROUP: the next Coffee Morning and Cake Sale will be this Friday, 10 June.

SPECIAL COLLECTION today for World Communications

 PARISH FLOWER FESTIVAL: Do spread the news about our Flower Festival which will take place over the weekend of 25/26 June from 12pm-4pm and (if you haven’t already) make a note in your diary. The festival will celebrate Parish life in flower displays created by our own Flower Ladies and supported by the Catenians. There will be refreshments available, children’s activities and Gardeners Question time. We would welcome any donations towards the flowers; please hand them in to Fr David or post through the presbytery letterbox.

FAMILY WALK IN TATTON PARK: The Catenians invite you to join a Family Walk in Tatton Park Saturday, 18 June at 10am. All are welcome: Families, friends and dogs! Meet in the Church car park, For those unable to walk you are welcome to join us for Coffee and cake around 11am in the Coffee shop in Stable yard.

THE DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES will take place from 29 July-4 August by air and 28 July-5 August by coach. Prices start from as little as £440 which includes travel, full board accommodation and full Pilgrimage Programme. Booking forms are available to download from the Pilgrimage Website or from the Pilgrimage Office, Curial Offices, 2, Park Rd South, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 4UX.

CAN YOU HELP taking up the collection or bringing up the offertory gifts at the 11am Mass? Please contact to join the rota. Many thanks.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Mass in the sacristy or by appointment at a convenient time.