Parish Newsletters – June 2021

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 27th June, 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass26th5.30pmMartin Butterfield
Sunday27th9.00amOur Parish Family
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amArthur Joe Sayers
Monday Vigil for SS Peter & Paul28th7.00pmOur Parish Family
Tuesday SS Peter & Paul29thNOONKaren Jordan
Wednesday 1st Martyrs of Church of Rome30th9.30amCaroline Higgins & family
Thursday  St Oliver Plunkett1st9.30amAnna Miller
Friday2nd9.30amIan Miller
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday3rd5.30pmShovelin Family
SUNDAY   4th9.00amOur Parish Family
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amJoseph Doran



All those who are sick,  housebound or isolating at home.

Emily Agnes Shaw who was baptised last Sunday: welcome and congratulations to her and to her family.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Bob Harrison, Jason Hayes, Helen Walsh, James Maher, Emily Crowley, Bernard Pickup, Maurice Egerton, Mike Tighe, Janek Werasko, Norah Butler, Winnie Wilding. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

INCREASED CAPACITY IN CHURCH: We have now been able to increase our capacity to 30 household or social bubbles. Please do continue to book in using the booking system as usual.

FEAST OF ST PETER AND ST PAUL: This Tuesday, 29th, is the feast of  SS Peter and Paul and is a Holy Day. There will be a Vigil Mass at 7pm on Monday evening and Mass at 12 Noon on Tuesday.

MAYOR OF KNUTSFORD’S SUMMER BALL: Sadly due to the extension of the Covid 19 restrictions the Mayor’s Summer Ball has been cancelled and will be replaced by an Autumn Ball on Saturday, 9 October. Full details will follow..

HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: I have started taking Holy Communion to those whose names have been handed in. If you know of anyone who is unable to get to church and would like Holy Communion bringing to them at home please let me have their names and contact details.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment.

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 20th June, 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass19th5.30pmFr John Wright
Sunday20th9.00amPrivate Intention
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amOur Parish Family
Monday21stNo Mass today
Tuesday SS John Fisher & Thomas More22nd9.30amSpecial Intention (Boyd)
Wednesday23rd9.30amMary Reardon
Thursday  Birth of St John the Baptist24th9.30amPrivate Intention
Friday25th9.30amDavid Denne
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday26th5.30pmMartin Butterfield
SUNDAY27th9.00amOur Parish Family
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amArthur Joe Sayers



All those who are sick,  housebound or isolating at home.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Roger Stuart, Chris Carey, William Galvin, Jeannie Galvin, Frances Holden, John Coyne, Bernard Ganley, Lynn Tucker, Arthur Joe Sayers, Martin Butterfield. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

INCREASED CAPACITY IN CHURCH: We have now been able to increase our capacity to 30 household or social bubbles. Please do continue to book in using the booking system as usual.

MAYOR OF KNUTSFORD’S SUMMER BALL: Sadly due to the extension of the Covid 19 restrictions the Mayor’s Summer Ball has been cancelled and will be replaced by an Autumn Ball on Saturday, 9 October. Full details will follow..

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: Congratulations to those who made their first Holy Communion over the last two Saturdays. We are sorry that due to the present restrictions the whole Parish could not join in these special celebrations but do please keep the children and their families in your prayers..

HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: I have started taking Holy Communion to those whose names have been handed in. If you know of anyone who is unable to get to church and would like Holy Communion bringing to them at home please let me have their names and contact details.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment.

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 13th June, 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass12th5.30pmOur Parish Family
Sunday13th9.00amCanon Brendan Hoban
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amPat Raffo (Anniv)
Monday14thNo Mass today
Tuesday15th9.30amKathleen Cuthbert (Anniv)
Wednesday16th9.30amRhona Flynn
Thursday 17th9.30amSpecial Int (Boyd)
Friday18th9.30amLillian Mooney
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday19th5.30pmFr John Wright
SUNDAY20th9.00amPrivate Intention
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amOur Parish Family



Olivia Madeleine Kingsley-Williams who was baptised recently, Welcome and many congratulations to her and her parents.

All those who are sick,  housebound or isolating at home.

Jim McGuiness who has died recently and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Michael Sullivan, Pat Raffo, John Wilkes, Anne Dobson, Betty Corlett, Francis Xavier Berrell, Sally Tonkn, Christine Wardhough, Maureen Sanderson.. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

INCREASED CAPACITY IN CHURCH: We have now been able to increase our capacity to 30 household or social bubbles. Please do continue to book in using the booking system as usual.

MAYOR OF KNUTSFORD’S SUMMER BALL: Our town mayor, Stewart Gardiner has kindly chosen the SVP as one of his two charities which he wants to support this year. Due to Covid restrictions there have been fewer opportunities to fund raise but one event which is planned is the Mayor’s Summer Ball on 16 July at the Mere, Knutsford, WA16 6LJ. This is a black tie event. Reception is at 6.45pm The price is £48 and it will be necessary to RSVP by 21 June with payment to secure a place. Details of the menu and booking form are on the Parish website or contact Pat Flood on 07552 611218.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: Congratulations to those who made their first Holy Communion yesterday. Next Saturday the remaining children in Year 4 will make their first Holy Communion. We are sorry that due to the present restrictions the whole Parish cannot join in these special celebrations but do please keep the children and their families in your prayers..

HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: I have started taking Holy Communion to those whose names have been handed in. If you know of anyone who is unable to get to church and would like Holy Communion bringing to them at home please let me have their names and contact details.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment.

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)

Corpus Christi – 6th June, 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass5th5.30pmOur Parish Family
Sunday6th9.00amShrewsbury Secular Clergy Fund
Corpus Christi11.00amOliver McNeil
Monday7thNo Mass today
Tuesday8th9.30amAnna McBanagh
Wednesday9th9.30amDavid Yates
Thursday 10th9.30amFr Michael Dyson
Friday Sacred Heart of Jesus11th9.30am 4.00pmDavid Nichols Int Holy Hour and Rosary
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday12th5.30pmOur Parish Family
SUNDAY13th9.00amCanon Brendan Hoban
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amPat Raffo (Anniv)



All the children who will be receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion for the first time.

All those who are sick,  housebound or isolating at home especially David Nichols who will be having an operation.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Meg Kendall, David Walsh, George Kendall, Sheila Clarke, Jim Comley, Ivan White, Gerald D’Arcy, Margaret Keeling, Members of Blaxter family, Carlos Filegatra. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

INCREASED CAPACITY IN CHURCH: We have now been able to increase our capacity to 30 household or social bubbles. Please do continue to book in using the booking system as usual.

HOLY HOUR AND ROSARY: There will be a Holy Hour and Rosary next Friday, the Feast of the Sacred Heart at 4pm. Please join me in Church or on the livestream.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: We have finally been able to arrange dates for the celebration of first Holy Communion for those children who should have received it last year. This will take place 0n Saturdays 12 and 19 June. Sadly because of the present restrictions we cannot open the celebrations up to parishioners generally but please do keep the children and their families very much in your thoughts and prayers. For those children  in Year 3 this year arrangements will be announced later.

THE GUILD OF OUR LADY MOTHER OF PRIESTS is a new initiative to pray for the sanctification of priests. Prayer cards are on the table in the porch if you would like to take part.

HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: I have started taking Holy Communion to those whose names have been handed in. If you know of anyone who is unable to get to church and would like Holy Communion bringing to them at home please let me have their names and contact details.

MAINTAINING THE GARDENS AROUND THE CHURCH: Some of you will have noticed that the gardens and hedges around the church need some attention. My thanks to Tom Hughes and his daughter for cutting the grass last week. Knutsford Catenians have offered to help out and would welcome help from other parishioners. If you would like to get involved in an occasional bit of mowing and tidying up please let the Catenians know via

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment.

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)