Parish Newsletters – July 2022

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – 31st July 2022

Mass Times And Intentions

Sat 30th17.30 Sunday Vigil MassSpecial IntentionR-Peter Pozzoni, Tim Storrie M-Stuart Jones
Sun 31st09:0018th in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Clare & John Gibbons M-John Flynn
Sun 31st11:00 Moira & Wilf DuddyR-Gerard McCreesh, Tony Andrews; M-Andrea Ross
Mon 1st St Alphonsus LiguoriNO MASSR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 2nd    NO MASS
Wed 3rd St OswaldNO MASS 
Thur 4th St John VianneyNO MASS 
Fri 5th    NO MASS 
Sat 6th    17.30Sunday Vigil MassJaqueline NewallR-Brenda Pozzoni Nicola Jones; M-Moya Higham
Sun 7th09.0018th in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Stewart Gardiner Nick Ross M-Virginia Williamson
Sun 7th11:00 Andrea Ross IntentionsR-Andrea Ross Ann Long M-Jim Flood


All those who are sick or housebound.

Congratulations and welcome Halle Lily Lenihan & Bonnie Violet Grogan who were baptised here last weekend.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Ted Kelly, Bernard Bairstow, Joan Anthistle, John Foskin, Raymond Neville. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

MISSION APPEAL: Today we welcome Fr Willie Hattie who will appeal on behalf of the Xaverian Missionaries. I am sure you will respond very generously to support their work.

 ANNUAL PARISH FINANCIAL REPORT: Copies are available of our Parish Financial Report for the year 1 April 2021-31 March 2022. Please take a copy. I am very grateful to Graham Alcock, our Gift Aid Co-ordinator who has produced this report. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask Graham or Fr David.

DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES: On Friday our Diocese returned to Lourdes after a 2year absence. It is a joy to be able to return to this wonderful place of Pilgrimage. FR David is Director of the Pilgrimage and will be joined by some of our own parishioners from St Vincent’s. WE will keep the whole Diocese in our thoughts and prayers throughout the Pilgrimage. If you wish to join with us via the livestream for the International Mass on Sunday, 31 July at 8.30am BST and for our Mass in the Grotto on Monday 1 August at 9am BST please go to the Sanctuaries website and click on the link. Bishop Mark has proposed the following prayer intentions for the Pilgrimage:

  • For the renewal of our Shrewsbury Diocesan Pilgrimage that we may wholeheartedly respond as pilgrims to the message of Our Lady of Lourdes.
  • For the peace of the world as we entrust all humanity and especially Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
  • For all the people of Shrewsbury Diocese that we may return to the Eucharist with renewed faith and joy
  • For all young people of our Diocese that amidst the uncertainties of our time they may respond with joy to their vocation in life.

Please keep the Pilgrimage and the intentions in your prayers.



Sat 23rd17.30Sunday Vigil MassMary McCarthyR-Irene Ward, John ArmstrongM- Moya Higham
Sun 24th09:0017th in Ordinary TimeJim Vallely (Anniv)R-Mary McCorkell, Sheila Flynn; M-Graham Alcock
Sun 24th11:00Nancy WattsR-Alice Bailey, Angela Caudwell; M-Louise Culshaw
Mon 25th09.30St JamesOur Parish FamilyR = ReadersM = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 26th    09.30Ss Joachim & AnnPat Larsen (Anniv)
Wed 27th    NOONREQUIEM: Anne Bailey 
Thur 28thNO MASS 
Fri 29th   Ss Mary, Martha, LazarusNO MASS 
Sat 30th    17.30Sunday Vigil MassSpecial IntentionR-Peter Pozzoni, Tim StorrieM-Stuart Jones
Sun 31st09.0018th in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Clare & John GibbonsM-John Flynn
Sun 31st11:00Moira & Wilf DuddyR-Gerard McCreesh, Tony Andrews; M-Andrea Ross


All those who are sick or housebound.

Congratulations and welcome to Lily Amber Grace Winter-Maestre and Amelia Moreno-Bennison who were baptised here last weekend.

Congratulations to Chris Clarke and Libby Naylor who were married here last Saturday.

Anne Bailey who has died recently and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Jim Valley, Betty Prentice, Arthur Green, Robert Walsh, Kay Crowley, Pat Larsen. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.


MISSION APPEAL: Next weekend we welcome Fr Willie Hattie who will appeal on behalf of the Xaverian Missionaries. I am sure you will respond very generously to support their work.

 MANY THANKS for your very generous weekly offerings during June which totalled £5165.61.

ANNUAL PARISH FINANCIAL REPORT: Copies are available of our Parish Financial Report for the year 1 April 2021-31 March 2022. Please take a copy. I am very grateful to Graham Alcock, our Gift Aid Co-ordinator who has produced this report. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask Graham or Fr David.

DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES: This Friday our Diocese returns to Lourdes after a 2year absence. It is a joy to be able to return to this wonderful place of Pilgrimage. FR David is Director of the Pilgrimage and will be joined by some of our own parishioners from St Vincent’s. WE will keep the whole Diocese in our thoughts and prayers throughout the Pilgrimage. If you wish to join with us via the livestream for the International Mass on Sunday, 31 July at 8.30am BST and for our Mass in the Grotto on Monday 1 August at 9am BST please go to the Sanctuaries website and click on the link. Bishop Mark has proposed the following prayer intentions for the Pilgrimage:

  • For the renewal of our Shrewsbury Diocesan Pilgrimage that we may wholeheartedly respond as pilgrims to the message of Our Lady of Lourdes.
  • For the peace of the world as we entrust all humanity and especially Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
  • For all the people of Shrewsbury Diocese that we may return to the Eucharist with renewed faith and joy
  • For all young people of our Diocese that amidst the uncertainties of our time they may respond with joy to their vocation in life.

Please keep the Pilgrimage and the intentions in your prayers.

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – 17 July 2022

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 16th17.30 Sunday Vigil MassAllen MolesworthR-John Daley, Stephen Benson; M-Nick Johnson
Sun 17th09:0016th in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Jane McKenna, James Rowley M-Helen Broom
Sun 17th11:00 Gary GreenwoodR- Angela Perls, Tony Andrews; M-Pat Flood
Mon 18th09.30 Allen MolesworthR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 19th    09.30St John PlessingtonHoly Souls
Wed 20th    19.00 Special Intention 
Thur 21st09.30 Special Intention (Molesworth) 
Fri 22nd   St Mary MagdaleneHoly Souls 
Sat 23rd  Sunday Vigil MassMary McCarthyR-Irene Ward, John Armstrong M- Moya Higham
Sun 24th09.0017th in Ordinary TimeJim Vallely (Anniv)R-Mary McCorkell, Sheila Flynn; M-Graham Alcock
Sun 24th11:00 Nancy WattsR-Alice Bailey, Angela Caudwell; M-Louise Culshaw


All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Mary Dignan, Bernard Hennessey, Elizabeth Keane, Suzanne Lloyd, Sarah Turley, Ron McCormick. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

PLANNING PARISH SOCIAL EVENTS: A very productive meeting was held where we agreed a number of events to bring our Parish community together. A quiz night is planned for 10 September. It was agreed we would hold a Parish Dinner probably at Knutsford Golf Club. In November there will be a shared table with a speaker and in the build up to Christmas there will be a Carol Service in Church followed by Mulled wine and mince pies in the hall. We also hope to organise informal parish walks each month.  For next year we are hoping to arrange a Wine tasting evening, an International Mass followed by shared food celebrating the great variety of nationalities that now make up our parish family.

MINNIE VINNIES: We welcome today representatives of the Minnie Vinnies Group at St Vincent’s school who will talk about their work and serve tea and coffee in the hall after 11am Mass

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Mass in the sacristy or by appointment at a convenient time.

CIVIC SERVICE at St John’s Church today 17 July at 3pm.

LEGACY: We are very grateful to have received a donation of £1000 from the estate of Mary Kathleen (Maureen) Sayers. We remember Maureen very specially in our prayers.

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – 10 July 2022

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 9th17.30 Sunday Vigil MassHoly SoulsR-Brenda Pozzoni, Dick Browne; M-Moya Higham
Sun 10th09:0015th in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Lisa Senior, Stewart Gardiner; M-Virginia Williamson
Sun 10th11:00 Norah Butler (Anniv)R- Angela Caudwell, Andrea Ross; M-Jim Flood
Mon 11th St BenedictNO MASSR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 12th     NO MASS
Wed 13th  NO MASS 
Thur 14th  NO MASS 
Fri 15th   St BonaventureHoly Souls 
Sat 16th   14.00    17.30Wedding Service Sunday Vigil MassChris Clarke & Libby Naylor Allen MolesworthR-John Daley, Stephen Benson M- Nick Johnson
Sun 17th09.0016th in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Jane McKenna, James Rowley; M-Helen Broom
Sun 17th11:00 Gary GreenwoodR-Angela Perls, Tony Andrews; M-Pat Flood


All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Patrick Foskin, Jack Andrews, Francis Myerscough, Ricardo de la Cruz, Vera Goffin, Valerie Oakes. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

PLANNING PARISH SOCIAL EVENTS: A very productive meeting was held where we agreed a number of events to bring our Parish community together. A quiz night is planned for 10 September. It was agreed we would hold a Parish Dinner probably at Knutsford Golf Club. In November there will be a shared table with a speaker and in the build up to Christmas there will be a Carol Service in Church followed by Mulled wine and mince pies in the hall. We also hope to organise informal parish walks each month.  For next year we are hoping to arrange a Wine tasting evening, an International Mass followed by shared food celebrating the great variety of nationalities that now make up our parish family.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Mass in the sacristy or by appointment at a convenient time.

CIVIC SERVICE at St John’s Church next Sunday 17 July at 3pm.

Fourteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time – 3 July 2022

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 2nd17.30 Sunday Vigil MassMary TigheR-Peter Pozzoni, Maura Welch; M-Nick Johnson
Sun 3rd09:0014th in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Clare and John Gibbons; M-John Flynn
Sun 3rd11:00 Thomas Bailey (Sick)R- Tony Andrews, Alice Bailey; M-Andrea Ross
Mon 4th  NO MASSR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 5th     NO MASS
Wed 6th  NO MASS 
Thur 7th  NO MASS 
Fri 8th    NO MASS 
Sat 9th   17.30Sunday Vigil MassHoly SoulsR-Brenda Pozzoni, Dick Browne M- Moya Higham
Sun 10th09.0015th in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Lisa Senior, Stewart Gardiner; M-Virginia Williamson
Sun 10th11:00 Norah Butler (Anniv)R-Angela Caudwell, Andrea Ross; M-Jim Flood


All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Janet Tighe, Winnie Wilding, Norah Butler, Joseph Doran, Danny Burgess. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

PARISH FLOWER FESTIVAL: Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make our Flower Festival such a great success. Thank you to the ladies for their wonderful displays, to the Catenians for all their help, for those who made and served the refreshments and for anyone who helped in any way. After expenses we made £636.18 for the various charities that our parish is supporting. Photos are available here.

THE DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES will take place from 29 July-4 August by air and 28 July-5 August by coach. Booking forms are available to download from the Pilgrimage Website or from the Pilgrimage Office, Curial Offices, 2, Park Rd South, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 4UX.

ST VINCENT’S SCHOOL have vacancies for two part time teaching assistants from September. For more information email

PLANNING PARISH SOCIAL EVENTS: A very productive meeting was held last Thursday where we agreed a number of events to bring our Parish community together. A quiz night is planned for 10 September. It was agreed we would hold a Parish Dinner probably at Knutsford Golf Club. In November there will be a shared table with a speaker and in the build up to Christmas there will be a Carol Service in Church followed by Mulled wine and mince pies in the hall. We also hope to organise informal parish walks each month.  For next year we are hoping to arrange a Wine tasting evening, an International Mass followed by shared food celebrating the great variety of nationalities that now make up our parish family.

FESTIVAL ON THE FIELD: St Vincent’s School PTA will be hosting a Festival on the Field on Saturday, 9 July from Noon-4pm. There will be live entertainment and lots of exciting stalls. Everyone is welcome, so please come along.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Mass in the sacristy or by appointment at a convenient time.