Parish Newsletters – January 2023

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 29 January 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 28th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayMoira & Wilf DuddyR-Tim Storrie, Maura Welch M-Stuart Jones
Sun 29th09:004th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Sheila Flynn, Mary McCorkell M-John Flynn
Sun 29th11:00 Allen Verdin Oakes (Anniv)R-Alice Bailey, Angela Perls M-Andrea Ross
Mon 30th09.30 Holy SoulsR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 31st09.30St John BoscoClare Lomas
Wed 1st09.30 Barbara Andrews 
Thurs 2nd09.30Presentation of the LordBernadette Neville Intentions 
Fri 3rd11.45St WerburghREQUIEM: Mary Boyd 
Sat 4th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayHoly SoulsR-Margaret Leonard, Dick Browne M-Steve Graham
Sun 5th09.005th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Lisa Senior, Stewart Gardiner M-Virginia Williamson
Sun 5th11:00 Tom Brennan IntentionsR-Andrea Ross, Tony Andrews M-Jim Flood

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Canon John Marmion, Horace Miller and Mary Boyd who have died recently and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Barnrad McCauley, Allen Verdin Oakes, John Harris, Pat Delaney, Mary Bowden, May Rimmer, Lola Davenport, Mary O’Brien, Peter Rose. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends

Congratulations and welcome to Ellodie Veronica Eveline and Lennon Charles Jack Fisher who were baptised last Sunday..

News and Information

PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI: from 27 April-4 May next year. Itineraries and booking forms are now available on the table in the main porch or can be downloaded from the parish website.

NEW DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available to buy on the table in the main porch priced £6. They contain information on all churches and groups and agencies in the Diocese as well as various articles of interest about our Diocese.

LADIES GROUP COFFEE MORNING AND CAKE SALE Next Friday from 9.30am until 11.30am All proceeds go to CAFOD.

THE ENQUIRY GROUP will meet again this Thursday at 7pm in the hall. Please remember all those who are preparing to be received into the Church in your prayers.

RETIRED PRIESTS’ FUND – SPECIAL COLLECTION: Today the annual collection for the Retired Priests’ Fund will be held. With your help we can build up the fund to help meet the needs of our sick and retired priests. If you wish to Gift Aid your donation, please make your donation online: go to An electronic version of a leaflet about the Fund is available at the same link together with details of how to contribute by cheque or Standing Order.

THE SVP are requesting, once again, warm men’s clothing: jackets, hats, scarves, gloves, underwear, Tee shirts,, Sweaters etc for refugees. Please leave them in the hall.

OFFERINGS TO SUPPORT OUR PARISH: Many thanks for your generous offerings each week to our parish. New offertory envelopes will be available shortly for those who use them. If you do not use them but would like a set or if you would prefer to make your offering by Standing Order please contact us on 01565 633040 or at

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 22 January 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 21st17.30Vigil Mass of SundayHoly SoulsR-Peter Pozzoni, John Armstrong M-Nick Johnson
Sun 22nd09:003rd Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Peter Swift, Mike Regan M-Graham Alcock
Sun 22nd11:00 Bernadette Regan and familyR-Peter Daley, Tony Andrews M-Hilary Heap
Mon 23rd09.30 Shrewsbury Secular Clergy FundR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 24th09.30St Francis de SalesBernadette & Pauline (IN SCHOOL)
Wed 25th09.30Conversion of St PaulJackie Butler Intentions 
Thur 26th09.30 14.00Ss Timothy & TitusMartin Ward Barbara Knight (Funeral Service) 
Fri 27th09.30 Danny McLauglin 
Sat 28th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayMoira & Wilf DuddyR-Tim Storrie, Maura Welch M-Stuart Jones
Sun 29th09.004th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Sheila Flynn, Mary McCorkell M-John Flynn
Sun 29th11:00 Allen Verdin Oakes (Anniv)R-Alice Bailey, Angela Perls M-Andrea Ross

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Christine Gregory, Barbara Knight, and Mary Boyd who have died recently and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Kathleen West, Dora D’Arcy, Max Burrows, Frank Hughes, John Thomas Graham, Peter Kerr, Frank Manning, Eddie O’Donnell, Paul Condon. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

In this week of prayer for Christian Unity we remember our Christian brothers and sisters in the other churches in Knutsford and pray for the unity of Christ’s Church.

News and Information

PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI: from 27 April-4 May next year. Itineraries and booking forms are now available on the table in the main porch or can be downloaded from the parish website.

FIRST FORGIVENESS AND FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: The first meeting of parents of children who will receive the sacraments of Forgiveness and Holy Communion this year will take place this Tuesday, 24 January at 7.15pm in the church hall.

NEW DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available to buy on the table in the main porch priced £6. They contain information on all churches and groups and agencies in the Diocese as well as various articles of interest about our Diocese.

MASS ON TUESDAY will be in school at 9.30am. Parishioners are welcome to attend.

THE ENQUIRY GROUP will meet again this Thursday at 7pm in the hall. Please remember all those who are preparing to be received into the Church in your prayers.

RETIRED PRIESTS’ FUND – SPECIAL COLLECTION: Next weekend the annual collection for the Retired Priests’ Fund will be held. With your help we can build up the fund to help meet the needs of our sick and retired priests. If you wish to Gift Aid your donation, please make your donation online: go to An electronic version of a leaflet about the Fund is available at the same link together with details of how to contribute by cheque or Standing Order.

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 15 January 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 14th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayMarie PrescottR-John Daley, Irene Ward Moya Higham
Sun 15th09:002nd Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Jane McKenna, James Rowley M-Helen Broom
Sun 15th11:00 Raymond BoyesR-Angela Caudwell, Ann Long M-Pat Flood
Mon 16th  NO MASSR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 17th St AnthonyNO MASS
Wed 18th  NO MASS 
Thur 19th  NO MASS 
Fri 20th09.30 Betty Rathbone 
Sat 21st17.30Vigil Mass of SundayHoly SoulsR-Peter Pozzoni, John Armstrong M-Nick Johnson
Sun 22nd09.003rd Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Peter Swift, Mike Regan M-Graham Alcock
Sun 22nd11:00 Bernadette Regan and familyR-Peter Daley, Tony Andrews M-Hilary Heap

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Christine Gregory, Barbara Knight, Josephine Bairsto and Marie Armstrong who have died recently and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Pat Colquhoun, Albert Sanderson, LhInd Chesters, Michael Boston, John Selby, Celia Day, Cathleen O’Brien, Sheila Ryan, Ivy Hackling, Bernard Tickle, Brian Brownhill, Beryl Cooper, Mary O’Reilly, Mary O’Callaghan, Frances Ford. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI: from 27 April-4 May next year. Itineraries and booking forms are now available on the table in the main porch or can be downloaded from the parish website.

FIRST FORGIVENESS AND FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: We will begin our programme of preparation on 24 January. Would any parents of children in Year 3 or above at non-Catholic schools who wish their children to receive these sacraments please contact Fr David to register with a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate.

NEW DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available to buy on the table in the main porch priced £6. They contain information on all churches and groups and agencies in the Diocese as well as various articles of interest about our Diocese.

The Baptism of The Lord – 8 January 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 7th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayHannah ShawR-Margaret Leonard, Dick Browne, M-Steve Graham
Sun 8th09:00The Baptism of the LordOur Parish FamilyR-Lisa Senior, Stewart Gardiner M-Virginia Williamson
Sun 8th11:00 John CumminsR-Tony Andrews, Andrea Ross M-Jim Flood
Mon 9th  NO MASSR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 10th  NO MASS
Wed 11th  NO MASS 
Thur 12th  NO MASS 
Fri 13th  NO MASS 
Sat 14th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayMarie PrescottR-John Daley, Irene Ward Moya Higham
Sun 15th09.002nd in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Jane McKenna, James Rowley M-Helen Broom
Sun 15th11:00 Raymond BoyesR-Angela Caudwell, Ann Long M-Pat Flood

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Christine Gregory, Barbara Knight, Josephine Bairsto and Marie Armstrong who have died recently and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Michael McGowan, Eileen Mary Carter, Teresa Kubiak, George Poyner, Bob Cullen, John Duffy, Anthony Barton. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI: from 27 April-4 May next year. Itineraries and booking forms are now |\available on the table in the main porch or can be downloaded from the parish website.

OFFERINGS AT THE CRIB will go to support the work of Caritas in our Diocese with poor and vulnerable families. The Crib will be removed after Mass today.

FIRST FORGIVENESS AND FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: We will begin our programme of preparation on 24 January. Would any parents of children in Year 3 or above at non-Catholic schools who wish their children to receive these sacraments please contact Fr David to register with a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate.

NEW DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available to buy on the table in the main porch priced £6. They contain information on all churches and groups and agencies in the Diocese as well as various articles of interest about our Diocese.

Mary Mother of God – 1 January 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 31st17.30Vigil Mass of SundaySpecial Intention (Greenwood)R-Maura Welch, Nicola Jones M-Stuart Jones
Sun 1st09:00Mary Mother of GodMarlies IsnenringR-John & Clare Gibbons M-John Flynn
Sun 1st11:00 Our Parish FamilyR-Alice Bailey, Angela Perls M-Andrea Ross
Mon 2nd09.30St Basil & St GregoryArthur GreenR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 3rd13.00 REQUIEM: Eileen Wood
Wed 4th09.30 Noon Maria Prescott FUNERAL SERVICE: Maureen Horrabin 
Thur 5th09.30 19.00  Vigil of the EpiphanyAnne Davies Our Parish Family 
Fri 6thNOON 14.00 Epiphany of the LordJackie Butler REQUIEM: Tony Gillick 
Sat 7th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayHannah ShawR-Margaret Leonard, Dick Browne, M-Steve Graham
Sun 8th09.00Baptism of the LordOur Parish FamilyR-Lisa Senior, Stewart Gardiner M-Virginia Williamson
Sun 8th11:00 John CumminsR-Tony Andrews, Andrea Ross M-Jim Flood

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Pope Benedict XVI, Tony Gillick, Josephine Bairsto, Maureen Horrabin and Eileen Ford who have died recently and all whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Ellen Anderson, Barbara McDonald, Leonard Gregory, Liam Ward, Nancy Haynes. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

POPE BENEDICT XVI: The Vatican has announced the death of Pope Benedict XVI the morning of 31 December. We give thanks to God for his long and faithful service to the Church and pray that the Lord will now welcome him to heavenly peace.

PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI: from 27 April-4 May next year. Itineraries and booking forms are now available on the table in the main porch or can be downloaded from the parish website.

ENQUIRY GROUP: We will resume this Thursday, 5 January at 7.30pm (after Vigil Mass) in the hall.

OFFERINGS AT THE CRIB will go to support the work of Caritas in our Diocese with poor and vulnerable families.

FEAST OF THE EPIPHAY: Friday, 6 January is the Feast of the Epiphany and is a Holy Day of Obligation. There will be a Vigil Mass at 7pm on Thursday Evening and Mass at 12 Noon on Friday.

FIRST FORGIVENESS AND FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: We will begin our programme of preparation in the New Year. Would any parents of children in Year 3 or above at non-Catholic schools who wish their children to receive these sacraments please contact Fr David to register with a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your very generous Christmas Offerings and for the many cards and gifts that I received. I am truly blessed to be your parish priest. Let us pray that the New Year will a time of continued growth and blessings for our Parish Family.

NEW DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available to buy on the table in the main porch priced £6. They contain information on all churches and groups and agencies in the Diocese as well as various articles of interest about our Diocese.