Table of Contents
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time -31st January, 2021
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday Vigil Mass of Sunday | 30th | 5.30pm | Our Parish Family |
Sunday | 31st | 9.00am | James Burke |
4th in Ordinary Time | 11.00am | Private Intention | |
Monday | 1st | No Mass | |
Tuesday Presentation of the Lord | 2nd | 9.30am | John Duffy |
Wednesday | 3rd | 9.30am | Mark Bennett |
Thursday | 4th | 9.30am | Holy Souls |
Friday St Vincent | 5th | 9.30am | Holy Souls |
Saturday Vigil Mass of Sunday | 6th | 5.30pm | Our Parish Family |
Sunday | 7th | 9.00am | Deceased Shrewsbury Secular Clergy |
5th in Ordinary Time | 11.00am | John & Norah Walsh |
All those who are sick, housebound or isolating at home.
All who have died especially Margaret Clifford and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially May Rimmer, Lola Davenport, Peter Rose, Robert Morrison, Philip Smith, and Brian Elliott. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment.
HOLY HOUR WITH SPIRITUAL REFLECTION AND ROSARY: Please join me each Friday at 11am on the livestream where will pray for an end to the Pandemic. The service will be recorded for you to join in with at your convenience.
A NOTE FROM OUR GIFT AID CO-ORDINATOR: OFFERORY DONATIONS: Dear Parishioner, we are reaching that time of year when we will be ordering new Offertory envelopes for those who use them. Given the restrictions that we have experienced over the last year with the virus and which look likely to be with us for some time to come we would ask you to consider making your offering by Standing Order. If you wish to stay as present you do not need to do anything and your new envelopes will be available shortly. If though you would be happy to move to payment by Standing Order then please email me with your name, address and telephone number at or by leaving your details on the office telephone number 01565 633040. Thank you for your support. Graham Alcock, Gift Aid Officer.
RETIRED PRIESTS FUND SPECIAL COLLECTION: A basket will remain at the Church exit until after Mass today for your contributions to the Retired Priests’ Fund. With your help we can build up the Fund to help meet the future needs of our sick and retired priests. If you wish to Gift Aid your donation, please make your donation online. To donate online please go to An electronic version of a leaflet about the fund is available at the same address and this explains how you can donate to the Fund by cheque or Standing Order and how to Gift Aid donations made using these methods.
BAPTISM: I am happy to celebrate Baptisms by arrangement although Government regulations permit a maximum of 6 people to be present at this time. The Service can be live streamed for family and friends to watch online. Please call me for more information.
NEW DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available to buy at £5 from the table as you leave church. Please place money in the basket.
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox or; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances. (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 24th January, 2021
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday (Sunday Vigil Mass) | 23rd | 5.30pm | Holy Souls |
Sunday | 24th | 9.00am | Private Intention |
3rd in Ordinary Time | 11.00am | Moira & Wilfrid Duddy | |
Monday Conversion of St Paul | 25th | No Mass | |
Tuesday Ss Timothy & Titus | 26th | 9.30am | Colette Murphy |
Wednesday | 27th | 9.30am | Martha Armstrong |
Thursday St Thomas Aquinas | 28th | 9.30am | Holy Souls |
Friday St Vincent | 29th | 9.30am | Allen Oakes (Anniv) |
Saturday Vigil Mass of Sunday | 30th | 5.30pm | Our Parish Family |
Sunday | 31st | 9.00am | James Burke |
4th in Ordinary Time | 11.00am | Private Intention |
All those who are sick, housebound or isolating at home.
All who have died especially Margaret Clifford and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially John Thomas Graham, Peter Kerr, Frank Manning, Eddie O’Donnell, Paul Condon, Bernard McCauley, Joan Harris, Pat Delaney, Mary Bowden, May Rimmer and Allen Oakes. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
The Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity concludes on Monday. Let us pray with Jesus that “the church may be one”
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment.
HOLY HOUR WITH SPIRITUAL REFLECTION AND ROSARY: Please join me each Friday at 11am on the livestream where will pray for an end to the Pandemic. The service will be recorded for you to join in with at your convenience.
A NOTE FROM OUR GIFT AID CO-ORDINATOR: OFFERORY DONATIONS: Dear Parishioner, we are reaching that time of year when we will be ordering new Offertory envelopes for those who use them. Given the restrictions that we have experienced over the last year with the virus and which look likely to be with us for some time to come we would ask you to consider making your offering by Standing Order. If you wish to stay as present you do not need to do anything and your new envelopes will be available shortly. If though you would be happy to move to payment by Standing Order then please email me with your name, address and telephone number at or by leaving your details on the office telephone number 01565 633040. Thank you for your support. Graham Alcock, Gift Aid Officer.
RETIRED PRIESTS FUND SPECIAL COLLECTION: A basket will remain at the Church exit until next weekend for your contributions to the Retired Priests’ Fund. With your help we can build up the Fund to help meet the future needs of our sick and retired priests. If you wish to Gift Aid your donation, please make your donation online. To donate online please go to An electronic version of a leaflet about the fund is available at the same address and this explains how you can donate to the Fund by cheque or Standing Order and how to Gift Aid donations made using these methods.
BAPTISM: I am happy to celebrate Baptisms by arrangement although Government regulations permit a maximum of 6 people to be present at this time. The Service can be live streamed for family and friends to watch online. Please call me for more information.
NEW DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available to buy at £5 from the table as you leave church. Please place money in the basket.
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox or; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances. (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 17 January 2021
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday Vigil Mass | 16th | 5.30pm | Holy Souls |
Sunday | 17th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
2nd in Ordinary Time | 11.00am | Private Intention | |
Monday | 18th | No Mass | |
Tuesday | 19th | 9.30am | Holy Souls |
Wednesday | 20th | 9.30am | Holy Souls |
Thursday St Agnes | 21st | 9.30am | Catherine Camden-Woodley |
Friday St Vincent | 22nd | 9.30am | Holy Souls |
Saturday Vigil Mass | 23rd | 5.30pm | Our Parish Family |
Sunday | 24th | 9.00am | Private Intention |
3rd in Ordinary Time | 11.00am | Moira & Wilfrid Duddy |
All those who are sick, housebound or isolating at home.
All who have died especially Catherine Camden-Woodley & Anne Davies and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Cathleen O’Brien, Sheila Ryan, Ivy Hackling, Bernard Tickle, Brian Brownhill, Beryl Cooper, Mary O’Reilly, Mary O’Callaghan, Frances Ford, Kathleen West, Dora D’Arcy, Max Burrows, and Frank Hughes. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
This week marks the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity. Let us pray with Jesus that “the church may be one”
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment.
LATEST LOCKDOWN: It is good that the latest Government Regulations do allow Places of Worship to remain open during the present lockdown. It is vital that we adhere stringently to all the guidelines and remember to sanitise our hands on entering and leaving church and wear a face covering whilst in church. Please remember always to keep a safe distance of 2 metres from anyone who is not in your household both in church and also anywhere in the church grounds. Please do not congregate outside the church doors so that everyone can exit keeping a safe distance.
HOLY HOUR WITH SPIRITUAL REFLECTION AND ROSARY: Please join me each Friday at 11am on the livestream where will pray for an end to the Pandemic and this week for Christian Unity. The service will be recorded for you to join in with at your convenience.
CRIB OFFERINGS: Many thanks for your offerings at the Crib which raised £242.69 to support the work of Caritas with poor and vulnerable families in our diocese. I am also grateful for a further £75 received in separate donations for Caritas..
RETIRED PRIESTS FUND SPECIAL COLLECTION: Today the annual collection for the Retired Priests’ Fund will be held. With your help we can build up the Fund to help meet the future needs of our sick and retired priests. Please place your donations in the special basket at the exit of the church. If you wish to Gift Aid your donation, please make your donation online. To donate online please go to An electronic version of a leaflet about the fund is available at the same address and this explains how you can donate to the Fund by cheque or Standing Order and how to Gift Aid donations made using these methods.
BAPTISM: I am happy to celebrate Baptisms by arrangement although Government regulations permit a maximum of 6 people to be present at this time. The Service can be live streamed for family and friends to watch online. Please call me for more information.
NEW DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available to buy at £5 from the table as you leave church. Please place money in the basket.
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox or; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances. (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)
Baptism of the Lord – 10 January, 2021
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday Vigil Mass | 9th | 5.30pm | Shrewsbury Secular Clergy Fund |
Sunday | 10th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
Baptism of the Lord | 11.00am | Holy Souls | |
Monday | 11th | No Mass | |
Tuesday | 12th | 9.30am | Martha Armstrong |
Wednesday | 13th | 9.30am | John & Mary Burke |
Thursday | 14th | 9.30am 11.00am | Holy Souls Requiem: Bernard Fitzgibbons |
Friday | 15th | 9.30am | James Boyes |
Saturday Sunday Vigil Mass | 16th | 11.00am 5.30pm | Deceased members of Catenians Holy Souls |
Sunday | 17th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
2nd in Ordinary Time | 11.00am | Holy Souls |
All those who are sick, housebound or isolating at home.
All who have died especially Bernard Fitzgibbon & Anne Davies and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially John Duffy, Anthony Barton, Pat Colquoun, Albert Sanderson, Lhind Chesters, and Michael Boston. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment.
LATEST LOCKDOWN: It is good that the latest Government Regulations do allow Places of Worship to remain open during the present lockdown. It is vital that we adhere stringently to all the guidelines and remember to sanitise our hands on entering and leaving church and wear a face covering whilst in church. Please remember always to keep a safe distance of 2 metres from anyone who is not in your household both in church and also anywhere in the church grounds. Please do not congregate outside the church doors so that everyone can exit keeping a safe distance.
CRIB OFFERINGS: The Crib will be taken down after today’s Masses and so this is your last chance to make a donation at the Crib to support Caritas and its work with poor and vulnerable families in our Diocese.
RETIRED PRIESTS FUND SPECIAL COLLECTION: Next weekend the annual collection for the Retired Priests’ Fund will be held. With your help we can build up the Fund to help meet the future needs of our sick and retired priests. Please place your donations in the special basket at the exit of the church. If you wish to Gift Aid your donation, please make your donation online. To donate online please go to An electronic version of a leaflet about the fund is available at the same address and this explains how you can donate to the Fund by cheque or Standing Order and how to Gift Aid donations made using these methods.
BAPTISM: I am happy to celebrate Baptisms by arrangement although Government regulations permit a maximum of 6 people to be present at this time. The Service can be live streamed for family and friends to watch online. Please call me for more information.
NEW DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available to buy at £5 from the table as you leave church. Please place money in the basket.
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox or; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances. (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)
2nd Sunday of Christmas – 3 January 2021
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday | 2nd | 5.30pm | Holy Souls |
Sunday | 3rd | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
2nd of Christmas | 11.00am | Simeon Stocco | |
Monday | 4th | No Mass | |
Tuesday Vigil of the Epiphany | 5th | 9.30am 7.00pm | Padraig Gubbins Our Parish Family |
Wednesday HOLY DAY The Epiphany | 6th | 9.30am Noon | All at St Vincent’s School Martha Armstrong |
Thursday | 7th | 9.30am | Colette Murphy |
Friday | 8th | 9.30am | Martha & John Walsh & Deceased family |
Saturday Sunday Vigil Mass | 9th | 5.30pm | Shrewsbury Secular Clergy Fund |
Sunday | 10th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
Baptism of the Lord | 11.00am | Holy Souls |
All those who are sick, housebound or isolating at home.
All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Lenard Gregory, Liam Ward, Nancy Haynes, Michael McGowan, Eileen Mary Carter, Teresa Kubiak, George Poyner, Bob Cullen. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment.
LOOKING FORWARD TO A NEW YEAR: None of us could ever imagined twelve months ago how 2020 was going to pan out. It has been a year of incredible challenges and much sadness, worry and fear for so many. But now we commence a New Year still facing many challenges but also, I hope, with some optimism that with the greater availability of vaccines we may soon begin to gain control over this awful virus and a chance to return to some normality. I am so looking forward to working with all of you once we are allowed to meet and plan to talk about our parish and how you would like things to develop. Whilst we are still unable to meet we can still begin to work to plan for the future and here we need the Lord’s help. Please pray that God’s Spirit will be poured out on us all so that together we can discover God’s plans for our future and then work together to implement them. In the coming weeks I will look for ways via the livestream to develop this prayer of discernment..
FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY: Wednesday, 6 January is the Feast of the Epiphany and is traditionally a Holy Day of Obligation (although in this time of pandemic the Obligation is suspended). Masses for the Holy day are Vigil Mass on Tuesday at 7pm and 9.30am and Noon on 6th. Please book to attend in the usual way. All Masses will be livestreamed.
CRIB OFFERINGS: The Crib will remain in Church until next Sunday. All offerings made at the Crib go to support Caritas and its work with poor and vulnerable families in our Diocese.
BAPTISM: I am happy to celebrate Baptisms by arrangement although Government regulations permit a maximum of 6 people to be present at this time. The Service can be live streamed for family and friends to watch online. Please call me for more information.
NEW DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available to buy at £5 from the table as you leave church. Please place money in the basket.
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox or; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances. (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)