Parish Newsletters – February 2024

Second Sunday in Lent – 25 February 2024

Mass Times and Intentions

Sun 25th09:002nd Sunday in LentPaul Holehouse (Anniv)R-Peter Swift, James Rowley M- V Williamson, J Gibbons, F O’Brien
Sun 25th11:00 Our Parish FamilyR-A Caudwell, J Armstrong; M-Eve Nichols, Louise Culshaw, Ann Long
Mon 26th09.30 Margaret SmythR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 27th19.00 MASS IN LYMM
Wed 28th09.30 Colin Parry 
Thurs 29th09.30 MASS IN LYMM 
Fri 1st13.00St DavidREQUIEM: Frances Gore 
Sat 2ndNOON Brian Hurtley 
Sun 3rd09.003rd Sunday in LentOur Parish FamilyR-Peter & Brenda Pozzoni M-Dick Browne, J Gibbons, V Williamson
Sun 3rd11:00 Fran GoreR-Peter Daly, Ann Long M-Eve Nichols, Hilary Heap, Andrea Ross

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Fran Gore and Jo Healey who have died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Samuel Smith, Tony Debio, Bridget Cragg, Keith Hewitt, Bruian Hurtley, Ted Lowe, Bridget McCormick may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

Congratulations and welcome to Thomas William Shaw, Kaylem Joel, Ariah Janelle and Eliza Jenaya Hayford who were baptised last Sunday.

News and Information

CONFIRMATION: Bishop Mark will be visiting our parish 0n 12 May and will celebrate Confirmation that day. Any young person in Year 8 upwards who would like to be confirmed this year should download a Registration Form from the parish website and return it to Fr David. Our first meeting will be on Thursday, 14 March at 7pm in the church hall.

MANY THANKS for your incredible response to support Fr Panus in Cambodia. The total raised was £3000.20 which included a number of very generous individual donations.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS will be celebrated after 9.30am Mass each Wednesday in Lent.

FIRST FORGIVENESS PARENTS MEETING this Wednesday, 28 February at 7pm in the hall.

First Sunday in Lent – 18 February 2024

Mass Times and Intentions

Sun 18th09:001st Sunday in LentJoyce LiveseyR-Brenda Pozzoni, Sheila Flynn M-D Browne, G Alcock, A Jones
Sun 18th11:00 Our Parish FamilyR-Alice Bailey, Tim Storrie M-Sue Reeves, Ann Long, Louise Culshaw
Mon 19th09.30 Evelyn O’ReganR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 20th19.00 MASS IN LYMM
Wed 21st09.30 Peter McDonnell (Anniv) 
Thurs 22nd09.30Chair of St PeterMASS IN LYMM 
Fri 23rd09.30St PolycarpStephanie Breslin 
Sat 24thNOON Bernadette Neville Ints 
Sun 25th09.002nd Sunday in LentPaul Holehouse (Anniv)R-Peter Swift, James Rowley M- V Williamson, J Gibbons, F O’Brien
Sun 25th11:00 Our Parish FamilyR-A Caudwell, J Armstrong; M-Eve Nichols, Louise Culshaw, Ann Long

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Fran Gore who has died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Patrick McKenzie, George Rimmer, Annie Coop, Michael Crowther, Peter McDonnell, Allie Daniel, Doug Saven, Terence Tratalos, Peter Saunders-Lee, William George Poynor, Hazel Mary Lockhead may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

SUPPORT FOR THE CHURCH IN CAMBODIA: Many of you will know that recently Fr David visited Cambodia where his previous two parishes have supported the work of the Church there. One of the priests, Fr Panus, is trying to build up a parish in the border town of Poipet and is trying to raise $25,000 (US) to build a parish house and office. We will hold a collection this Sunday but if any of you felt able to make a special donation that would be wonderful. Please make cheques payable to St Vincents, Knutsford Parish Account and indicate that your donation is to support Fr Panus.

TEA AND COFFEE will be served after 11am Mass. Please come along and say, “hello and welcome to Fr David”.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS will be celebrated after 9.30am Mass each Wednesday in Lent.

THE ANNUAL WORLD DAY OF PRAYER is being held at St. Cross Church, Mobberley Road, on Friday 1 March at 1.30pm. Please contact Marie Prescott on 07970 714221, for any further information.

FAMILY FAST DAY: Next Friday is Family Fast Day when we are encouraged to cut down on what we eat and give the money that we save to CAFOD to support their work with the poor and destitute. Envelopes are available in the porch and will be collected after all Masses next Sunday.

CLOTHES FOR REUGEES: Many thanks for all those who donated summer clothes for refugees. Now we would welcome donations of autumn and winter men’s clothes particularly jumpers, socks and footwear.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available after weekday Mass and during our period of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament each Saturday at 11.30am.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT each Saturday from 11.30am-Noon.

SERVING OUR PARISH FAMILY: If you would like to offer your service to our parish as a Eucharistic Minister, Reader or Welcomer, especially at our 11am Mass could you please speak to Fr David.

CONFIRMATION: Bishop Mark will be visiting our parish 0n 12 May and will celebrate Confirmation that day. Any young person in Year 8 upwards who would like to be confirmed this year should download a Registration Form from the parish website and return it to Fr David.

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 11 February 2024

Mass Times and Intentions

Sun 11th09:006th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Clare Gibbons, Mike Regan; M-b Groarke, J Armstrong, S Gardiner
Sun 11th11:00 Betty KellyR-Angela Perls, G McCreesh, M-Ann Long, Eve Nichols, A Ross
Mon 12th09.30 Bernard NeilsonR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 13th19.00 MASS IN LYMM
Wed 14th09.30 19.00ASH WEDNESDAYJoe Kennedy Shrewsbury Secular Clergy Fund 
Fri 16th09.30 Kathy Hopkins 
Sat 17thNOON Tony Ranfield 
Sun18th09.001st Sunday in LentJoyce Livesey (Anniv)R-Brenda Pozzoni, Sheila Flynn M-D Browne, G Alcock, A Jones
Sun 18th11:00 Our Parish FamilyR-Alice Bailey, Tim Storrie M-Sue Reeves, Ann Long, Louise Culshaw

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Edna Booker and Fran Gore who have died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Eileen Hussey, Frank Wronko, Bernard Myerscough, Charlie Bolton, Mary Shevloff, James Earley, Paul Holehouse, Joyce Livesey may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

TEA AND COFFEE will be served after 11am Mass next Sunday when we welcome Fr David Irwin to St Vincent’s. Please come along and say, “hello and welcome to Fr David”.

MANY THANKS for your generous offering to the Priests’ Retirement Fund last Sunday which totalled £533.92

ASH WEDNESDAY: This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. It is a day of fasting and abstinence. There will be Mass at 9.30am and 7pm. Ashes will be blessed and distributed at both Masses.

CLOTHES FOR REUGEES: Many thanks for all those who donated summer clothes for refugees. Now we would welcome donations of autumn and winter men’s clothes particularly jumpers, socks and footwear.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available after weekday Mass and during our period of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament each Saturday at 11.30am.

THANKS to all who supported last week’s Ladies Coffee Morning and cake sale. £175 was raised to support CAFOD.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT each Saturday from 11.30am-Noon.

SERVING OUR PARISH FAMILY: If you would like to offer your service to our parish as a Eucharistic Minister, Reader or Welcomer, especially at our 11am Mass could you please speak to Fr David.

SUPPORT FOR THE CHURCH IN CAMBODIA: Many of you will know that recently Fr David visited Cambodia where his previous two parishes have supported the work of the Church there. One of the priests, Fr Panus, is trying to build up a parish in the border town of Poipet and is trying to raise $25,000 (US) to build a parish house and office. We will hold a collection next Sunday, 18 February but if any of you felt able to make a special donation that would be wonderful. Please make cheques payable to St Vincents, Knutsford Parish Account and indicate that your donation is to support Fr Panus.

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 4 February 2024

Mass Times And Intentions

Sun 4th09:005th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Peter Pozzoni, Lis Senior M-Fran O’Brien, J Gibbons, V Williamson
Sun 4th11:00 Fran LoweR-John Armstrong, Peter Daley  M- Ann Long Sue Reeves, A Ross
Mon 5th09.30St AgathaAlan Oakes (Anniv)R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 6th19.00St Paul Miki & CompanionsMASS IN LYMM
Wed 7th09.30 Nora Dennehy 
Thurs 8th09.30 MASS IN LYMM 
Fri 9th09.30 Irene Doyle 
Sat 10thNOONSt ScholasticaFrancis Hay and family 
Sun11th09.006th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-Clare Gibbons, Mike Regan; M-b Groarke, J Armstrong, S Gardiner
Sun 11th11:00 Betty KellyR-Angela Perls, G McCreesh, M-Ann Long, Eve Nichols, A Ross

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All the children who will be enrolled today for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.

All those who are sick or housebound.

Edna Booker who has died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Robert Morrison, Philip Smith, Brian Elliott, Freda Green, Wilson Hamman., may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

NEW APPOINTMENT: In order to keep two Masses at Lymm on a Sunday Bishop Mark Has appointed Fr David Irwin, a new member of the Team Ministry in Wythenshawe, to cover Mass here and at St Winefride’s on alternate Sunday mornings. I am sure you will all make Fr David very welcome.Fr David will begin his ministry amongst us on 18 February, the First Sunday in Lent.

MANY THANKS for your weekly offerings during January which totalled £5910.66.

CLOTHES FOR REUGEES: Many thanks for all those who donated summer clothes for refugees. Now we would welcome donations of autumn and winter men’s clothes particularly jumpers, socks and footwear.

PRIEST’S RETIREMENT FUND: The annual collection to support the retired priests of our diocese will take place after all Masses today.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available after weekday Mass and during our period of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament each Saturday at 11.30am.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT each Saturday from 11.30am-Noon.

SERVING OUR PRAISH FAMILY: If you would like to offer your service to our parish as a Eucharistic Minister, Reader or Welcomer, especially at our 11am Mass could you please speak to Fr David.

SUPPORT FOR THE CHURCH IN CAMBODIA: Many of you will know that recently Fr David visited Cambodia where his previous two parishes have supported the work of the Church there. One of the priests, Fr Panus, is trying to build up a parish in the border town of Poipet and is trying to raise $25,000 (US) to build a parish house and office. We will hold a collection on 18 February but if any of you felt able to make a special donation that would be wonderful. Please make cheques payable to St Vincents, Knutsford Parish Account and indicate that your donation is to support Fr Panus.