Table of Contents
1st Sunday in Lent – 26 February 2023
Mass Times and Intentions
Sat 25th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Rick Davies (Recovery) | R-Tim Storrie, Maura Welch M-Stuart Jones |
Sun 26th | 09:00 | 1st Sunday in Lent | Paul Holehouse | R-Clare & John Gibbons M-John Flynn |
Sun 26th | 11:00 | Our Parish Family | R-Alice Bailey, Angela Perls M-Louise Culshaw | |
Mon 27th | 09.30 | REQUIEM: Rose Colley | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister | |
Tue 28th | 09.30 | Maureen Wood and Family | ||
Wed 1st | 09.30 | St David | Special Intention | |
Thurs 2nd | 09.30 | Brian Hurtley (Anniv) | ||
Fri 3rd | 09.30 | Marcia & Norman Buckley | ||
Sat 4th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Marlies Isenring | R-Peter & Brenda Pozzoni M-Stuart Jones |
Sun 5th | 09.00 | 2nd Sunday in Lent | Our Parish Family | R-Clare & John Gibbons M-John Flynn |
Sun 5th | 11:00 | Raymond Boyes (Anniv) | R-Tony Andrews, Angela Caudwell; M-Andrea Ross |
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
All those who are sick or housebound.
Rose Colley who has died recently and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Samuel Smith, Tony Debio, Bridget Cragg, Keith Hewitt, Brian Hurtley, Ted Lowe, Bridget McCormick, Ann Hammond., Raymond Boyes. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
News and Information
REQUIEM: I was recently contacted by the son of Rose Colley, a former parishioner, who has died and whose funeral took place recently at Altrincham Crematorium. Rose has very kindly left a donation of £1000 to our parish. I will offer a Requiem Mass for her this Monday at 9.30am.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS: This Friday at 10am in church.
LAFDIES GROUP COFFEE MORNING AND CAKE SALE next Friday after Mass. All proceeds go to support CAFOD.
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: This year we are hosting this Ecumenical Prayer Event on 3 March at 1.30pm in Church followed by light refreshments in the hall. For information contact Marie Prescott on 07970 714221.
OFFERINGS TO SUPPORT OUR PARISH: Many thanks for your generous offerings each week to our parish. New offertory envelopes will be available shortly for those who use them. If you do not use them but would like a set or if you would prefer to make your offering by Standing Order please contact us on 01565 633040 or at
FAMILY WALK IN TATTON PARK: The Catenians invite you to join them for a family walk in Tatton Park on Saturday, 11 March at 10am. All are welcome: families, friends and dogs. We will meet at 10am in the Church car park. For those unable to join the walk you are welcome to join us for coffee and cake at 11am in the Coffee Shop in the Stable Yard.
ATTENTION ALL GIFT AID DONORS: The Tax year ends on 5 April after which we will then claim back Gift Aid refunds on your kind donations. If your circumstances have changed and you no longer pay tax or if you wish to leave the Gift Aid Scheme please email or call 633040. Please also advise any change of address.
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: I am conscious that there are several parishioners who served our parish as Eucharistic Ministers before the pandemic who are not on the present list. Could you please let Fr David know if would be prepared to take up this ministry once again for our parish?
HYMNS BOOKS AND NEW CHAIRS: I hope you like the new hymn books in church and the new chairs in the hall. A new kitchen is almost finished in the hall together with the new flooring in the hall and sacristy. The hall will be decorated shortly.
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 19 February 2023
Mass Times and Intentions
Sat 18th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Holy Souls | R-Peter Pozzoni, John Armstrong; M-Nick Johnson |
Sun 19th | 09:00 | 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | R-Gerard McCreesh, Mike Regan; M-Graham Alcock |
Sun 19th | 11:00 | Mike Tompkinson | R-Peter Daly, Tony Andrews M-Hilary Heap | |
Mon 20th | 09.30 | Joyce Livesey | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister | |
Tue 21st | 09.30 | Peter McDonnell (Anniv) | ||
Wed 22nd | 09.30 19.00 | Ash Wednesday Fasting & Abstinence | Thanksgiving Shrewsbury Secular Clergy Fund | |
Thurs 23rd | 09.30 | St Polycarp | Raymond Neville | |
Fri 24th | 11.00 | REQUIEM: Horace Miller | ||
Sat 25th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Rick Davies (Recovery) | R-Tim Storrie, Maura Welch M-Stuart Jones |
Sun 26th | 09.00 | 1st Sunday in Lent | Paul Holehouse | R-Clare & John Gibbons M-John Flynn |
Sun 26th | 11:00 | Our Parish Family | R-Alice Bailey, Angela Perls M-Louise Culshaw |
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
All those who are sick or housebound.
Horace Miller who has died recently and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Annie Coop, Michael Crowther, Peter McDonnell, Allie Daniel, Doug Saven, Terence Tratalos, Peter Saunders-Lee, William George Poynor, Hazel Mary Lockhead. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
News and Information
ASH WEDNESDAY this Wednesday (22nd) marks the beginning of Lent. There will be an extra Mass at 7pm. Ashes will be distributed at both Masses. It is a day of fasting & abstinence.
THE SVP are requesting, once again, warm men’s clothing: jackets, hats, scarves, gloves, underwear, Tee shirts, Sweaters etc for refugees. Please leave them in the hall. Many thanks to all who have responded; the refugees are so grateful.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Will be celebrated each Friday in Lent at 10am in church.
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: This year we are hosting this Ecumenical Prayer Event on 3 March at 1.30pm in Church followed by light refreshments in the hall. For information contact Marie Prescott on 07970 714221.
OFFERINGS TO SUPPORT OUR PARISH: Many thanks for your generous offerings each week to our parish. New offertory envelopes will be available shortly for those who use them. If you do not use them but would like a set or if you would prefer to make your offering by Standing Order please contact us on 01565 633040 or at
FAMILY WALK IN TATTON PARK: The Catenians invite you to join them for a family walk in Tatton Park on Saturday, 11 March at 10am. All are welcome: families, friends and dogs. We will meet at 10am in the Church car park. For those unable to join the walk you are welcome to join us for coffee and cake at 11am in the Coffee Shop in the Stable Yard.
ATTENTION ALL GIFT AID DONORS: The Tax year ends on 5 April after which we will then claim back Gift Aid refunds on your kind donations. If your circumstances have changed and you no longer pay tax or if you wish to leave the Gift Aid Scheme please email or call 633040. Please also advise any change of address.
TURKEY AND SYRIA EARTHQUAKE APPEAL: We have all been horrified by the terrible suffering caused by the recent earthquake. We keep the victims very much in our prayers. Both CAFOD and Caritas have launched appeals to provide food, water and shelter to survivors. The following links have more information and online donation forms: or
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 12 February 2023
Mass Times and Intentions
Sat 11th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Jessica Mortimer | R-John Daley, Irene Ward M-Moya Higham |
Sun 12th | 09:00 | 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | R-Jane McKenna, James Rowley M-Marie Prescott |
Sun 12th | 11:00 | Horace Miller | R-Angela Caudwell, Ann Long M-Pat Flood | |
Mon 13th | 09.30 | Holy Souls | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister | |
Tue 14th | 09.30 | Ss Cyril & Methodius | David O’Donnell | |
Wed 15th | 09.30 | Mary Tompkinson | ||
Thurs 16th | 09.30 | Beryl Davies | ||
Fri 17th | 09.30 | Bernadette Neville | ||
Sat 18th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Holy Souls | R-Peter Pozzoni, John Armstrong; M-Nick Johnson |
Sun 19th | 09.00 | 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | R-Gerard McCreesh, Mike Regan; M-Graham Alcock |
Sun 19th | 11:00 | Mike Tompkinson | R-Peter Daly, Tony Andrews M-Hilary Heap |
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
All those who are sick or housebound.
Canon John Marmion, Horace Miller and Eddie Condon who have died recently and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Frank Wronko, Bernard Myerscough, Charlie Bolton, Mary Shevlofff, James Earley, Paul Holehouse, Patrick McKenzie, George Rimmer. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
News and Information
PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI: from 27 April-4 May. There are still a few places available. Itineraries and booking forms are available on the table in the main porch or can be downloaded from the parish website.
THE SVP are requesting, once again, warm men’s clothing: jackets, hats, scarves, gloves, underwear, Tee shirts, Sweaters etc for refugees. Please leave them in the hall.
THE ENQUIRY GROUP will meet again this Thursday at 7pm in the hall. Please remember all those who are preparing to be received into the Church in your prayers.
MANY THANKS for your generous offerings to support our parish which totalled £6056.89 in January.
MANY THANKS for those who supported the recent Coffee Morning and Cake Sale which raised £148 for CAFOD.
OFFERINGS TO SUPPORT OUR PARISH: Many thanks for your generous offerings each week to our parish. New offertory envelopes will be available shortly for those who use them. If you do not use them but would like a set or if you would prefer to make your offering by Standing Order please contact us on 01565 633040 or at
ROTA FOR READERS AND EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: If you would like to serve our Parish as a Reader, Eucharistic Minister or Steward/Welcomer, speak to Fr David or Stuart Jones or send an email to
WOMENS WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: This year we are hosting this Ecumenical Prayer Event for women on 3 March at 1.30pm in Church followed by light refreshments in the hall. For information contact Marie Prescott on 07970 714221.TURKEY AND SYRIA EARTHQUAKE APPEAL: We have all been horrified by the terrible suffering caused by the recent earthquake. We keep the victims very much in our prayers. Both CAFOD and Caritas have launched appeals to provide food, water and shelter to survivors. The following links have more information and online donation forms: or
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 5 February 2023
Mass Times and Intentions
Sat 4th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Holy Souls | R-Margaret Leonard, Dick Browne M-Steve Graham |
Sun 5th | 09:00 | 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | R-Lisa Senior, Stewart Gardiner M-Virginia Williamson |
Sun 5th | 11:00 | Tom Brennan Intentions | R-Andrea Ross, Tony Andrews M-Jim Flood | |
Mon 6th | 09.30 | St Paul Miki | Margaret Heyes | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister |
Tue 7th | 09.30 | Joan Duffy (Sick) | ||
Wed 8th | 09.30 | Bill Derbyshire & Linda Hughes | ||
Thurs 9th | 09.30 | Sue Walsh (Recovery) | ||
Fri 10th | 09.30 | St Scholastica | Thanksgiving (Sika Dutton) | |
Sat 11th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Jessica Mortimer | R-John Daley, Irene Ward M-Moya Higham |
Sun 12th | 09.00 | 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | R-Jane McKenna, James Rowley M-Marie Prescott |
Sun 12th | 11:00 | Horace Miller | R-Angela Caudwell, Ann Long M-Pat Flood |
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
All the children who will be an enrolled at our 11am Mass today for the sacraments of Forgiveness and Holy Communion.
All those who are sick or housebound.
Canon John Marmion, Horace Miller and Eddie Condon who have died recently and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Robert Morrison, Philip Smith, Brian Elliott, Freda Green, William Hamman, Eileen Hussey. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
News and Information
PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI: from 27 April-4 May. There are still a few places available. Itineraries and booking forms are available on the table in the main porch or can be downloaded from the parish website.
NEW DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available to buy on the table in the main porch priced £6. They contain information on all churches and groups and agencies in the Diocese as well as various articles of interest about our Diocese.
THE SVP are requesting, once again, warm men’s clothing: jackets, hats, scarves, gloves, underwear, Tee shirts, Sweaters etc for refugees. Please leave them in the hall.
THE ENQUIRY GROUP will meet again this Thursday at 7pm in the hall. Please remember all those who are preparing to be received into the Church in your prayers.
MISSIO RED BOXES: Many thanks to those who sent these in. They have been emptied and £166.47 has been sent to support the Missions. Please collect your empty box from the porch.
MANY THANKS for your generous response to last week’s collection for our retired priests which raised £587.21. Thanks too for your recent Crib offerings that totalled £288.88, and which has been sent to support the work of Caritas with poor and vulnerable families in our Diocese.
OFFERINGS TO SUPPORT OUR PARISH: Many thanks for your generous offerings each week to our parish. New offertory envelopes will be available shortly for those who use them. If you do not use them but would like a set or if you would prefer to make your offering by Standing Order please contact us on 01565 633040 or at