Table of Contents
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – 9 February 2025
Mass Times and Intentions
Sun 9th | 09:00 | Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time | Billy Igoe | R-Sheila Flynn, Peter Pozzoni M-V Williamson, A Jones, J Armstrong |
Sun 9th | 11:00 | Our Parish Family | R-G McCreesh, P Daly M-Sue Reeves, Ann Long, Eve Nichols | |
Mon 10th | St Scholastica | NO MASS TODAY | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister | |
Tue 11th | 19.00 | Our Lady of Lourdes | MASS IN LYMM | |
Wed 12th | NO MASS TODAY | |||
Thurs 13th | 09.30 | MASS IN LYMM | ||
Fri 14th | Ss Cyril & Methodius | NO MASS TODAY | ||
Sat 15th | NOON | Gerry Gough | ||
Sun 16th | 09.00 | Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time | Jim Quinn | R- Brenda Pozzoni, James Rowley M-S Raham, B Groarke, N Johnson |
Sun 16th | 11:00 | Our Parish Family | R-Angela Perls, Tim Storrie, M- Sue Reeves, Andrea Ross, L Culshaw |
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
All those who are sick or housebound.
All whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Freda Green, Wilson Hamman, Eileen Hussey, Frank Wronko, Bernard Myerscough, Charlie Bolton, Mary Shevloff may they rest in peace.
Congratulations and welcome to Rowan James Taylor who was baptised here last Sunday.
News and Information
CAMBODIA LINK: I am delighted to be visiting Fr Totet in the coming week or so. It will be lovely to celebrate Mass with the Parish there and to see how their work is progressing. I will take all our good wishes and prayers to them. We now have a special bank account for our link with Fr Totet and his work in Cambodia. When he visited last year, we promised to help him raise $40,000 to build a classroom to support his work with children. If you would like to donate, please make cheques payable to “Knutsford and Lymm Cambodia Link.” Cash Donations would be welcomed and if you would be interested in taking out a standing order to make a regular donation please give your name to Fr David. You can also make payments direct via BACS to Knutsford and Lymm Cambodia Link, Lloyds Bank, Account No. 68321468; Sort Code 30-15-52.
DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available on the table in the porch priced £7. These contain information about all the parishes of the Diocese, together with information about all diocesan agencies and groups.
THE ENQUIRY GROUP: Our next meeting will be at 7pm on Thursday, 20 February in the hall.
ST VINCENT’S PRE-SCHOOL: If any parents have younger children who are due to start Pre-school before September 2025, please ensure that their child’s name is on the waiting list.
We are starting a Holiday Club from the spring half term in February. This is for children up to the age of 5 who are attending either St Vincent’s Pre-school or the reception class in St Vincent’s Primary School. The club will run for 47 weeks per year, closing for 2 weeks at Christmas and the last 2 weeks of the summer holidays.
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT from 11.30am until Noon on Saturdays.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available after weekday Mass and during Adoration on Saturdays.
The Presentation of The Lord – 2 February 2025
Mass Times And Intentions
Sun 2nd | 09:00 | The Presentation of the Lord | Jim Quinn | R-Jane McKenna Peter Swift M-J Gibbons, B Groarke, S Gardiner |
Sun 2nd | 11:00 | Our Parish Family | R-J Armstrong, Alice Bailey M-Eve Nichols, Andrea Ross, Hilary Heap | |
Mon 3rd | 09.30 | St Werburgh | Mona & John Welch and family | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister |
Tue 4th | 19.00 | MASS IN LYMM | ||
Wed 5th | St Agatha | NO MASS TODAY | ||
Thurs 6th | 09.30 | St Paul Miki and Companions | MASS IN LYMM | |
Fri 7th | NO MASS TODAY | |||
Sat 8th | NO MASS TODAY | |||
Sun 9th | 09.00 | Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time | Billy Igoe | R-Sheila Flynn, Peter Pozzoni M-V Williamson, A Jones, J Armstrong |
Sun 9th | 11:00 | Our Parish Family | R-G McCreesh, P Daly M-Sue Reeves, Ann Long, Eve Nichols |
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
All those who are sick or housebound.
All whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Lola Davenport, Mary O’Brien, Peter Rose, Robert Morrison, Philip Smith, Brian Elliott may they rest in peace.
News and Information
ST VINCENT’S LADIES GROUP: Our next coffee morning will be this Friday 7th February from 9.30am till 11.30. The proceeds this year will be shared between Cafod and Cambodia. Come along and buy some excellent cakes for incredible value.
CAMBODIA LINK: I am delighted to be visiting Fr Totet in the coming week or so. It will be lovely to celebrate Mass with the Parish there and to see how their work is progressing. I will take all our good wishes and prayers to them. We now have a special bank account for our link with Fr Totet and his work in Cambodia. When he visited last year, we promised to help him raise $40,000 to build a classroom to support his work with children. If you would like to donate, please make cheques payable to “Knutsford and Lymm Cambodia Link.” Cash Donations would be welcomed and if you would be interested in taking out a standing order to make a regular donation please give your name to Fr David. You can also make payments direct via BACS to Knutsford and Lymm Cambodia Link, Lloyds Bank, Account No. 68321468; Sort Code 30-15-52.
THE ENQUIRY GROUP: Our next meeting will be at 7pm on Thursday, 20 February in the hall.
PRIESTS RETIREMENT FUND: Many thanks for last week’s collection which raised £474.26 to support our retired priests in the Diocese.
ST VINCENT’S PRE-SCHOOL: If any parents have younger children who are due to start Pre-school before September 2025, please ensure that their child’s name is on the waiting list.
We are starting a Holiday Club from the spring half term in February. This is for children up to the age of 5 who are attending either St Vincent’s Pre-school or the reception class in St Vincent’s Primary School. The club will run for 47 weeks per year, closing for 2 weeks at Christmas and the last 2 weeks of the summer holidays.
DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available on the table in the porch priced £7. These contain information about all the parishes of the Diocese, together with information about all diocesan agencies and groups.