Parish Newsletters – December 2023

Holy Family – 31 December 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sun 31st09:00Holy FamilyJoseph WilcoxR-P Longinotti, P Pozzoni M-Jan Armstrong, S Jones, S Gardiner
Sun 31st11:00 Our Parish FamilyR-B Pozzoni, Andrea Ross M-Ann Long, Louise Culshaw, Eve Nichols
Mon 1stNOONMary Mother of GodDorothy RooneyR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 2nd19.00St Basil the GreatMASS IN LYMM
Wed 3rd09.30 Hannah Shaw and family 
Thurs 4th09.30 MASS IN LYMM 
Fri 5th09.30 Anne Davies 
Sat 6thNoon Marie Prescott 
Sun 7th09.00Epiphany of the LordOur Parish FamilyR-Lisa Senior, Tim Storrie M-Dick Browne, G Alcock, Alison Jones
Sun 7th11:00 Marie Armstrong (Anniv)R-John Armstrong, P Daly, M-Sue Reeves, A Ross, L Culshaw

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Michael Willis, Ellen Anderson, Lenard Gregory, Barbara McDonald, Liam Ward. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

Congratulations and welcome to Jonathan Arthur Bradley Devine, Mila Olive Devine-Gaunt and Sawyer Arrabella Butler who were baptised last week.

News and Information

SOLEMNITY OF MARY MOTHER OF GOD: Mass on Monday, New Year’s Day will be at 12 Noon.

MANY THANKS FROM FR DAVID for all your cards, presents and kind messages at Christmas. Also thank you for your very generous Christmas Offering. I am immensely grateful to everyone who helped to make our Christmas celebrations so special: our musicians and singers, those who arranged the flowers, Christmas tree and crib and so many who work quietly in the background. It was wonderful to see the church completely full at all our Christmas Masses.

CLOTHES FOR REUGEES: Many thanks for all those who donated summer clothes for refugees. Now we would welcome donations of autumn and winter men’s clothes particularly jumpers, socks and footwear.

CRIB OFFERINGS: All offerings at the crib go to Caritas to support their work with poor and vulnerable families in our diocese.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND CONFESSIONS each Saturday from 11.30am-Noon. Confessions are also available after weekday Mass.

NEW DIOCESAN YEARS BOOKS are available to purchase on the table in the porch at £6 each.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION AND FORGIVENESS: Our preparation for these sacraments will begin on Wednesday, 31 January with a meeting for parents at 7pm in the hall. Would any parents of children in year 3 or above, at non-Catholic schools, who would like their children to receive these sacraments this year please contact Fr David.

Fourth Sunday in Advent – 24 December 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sun 24th09:004th Sunday in AdventOur Parish FamilyR- J McKenna, M. McCorkell; M-J Gibbons, V Williamson, B Groarke
Sun 24th11:00 Raymond BoyesR- Ann Long, Alice Bailey M-Eve Nichols, A Ross, Mary Cullen
  Sun 24th Sun 24th Mon 25th  17.00 21.00 11.00CHRISTMAS MASSES Christmas Vigil Mass Midnight Mass Christmas Day Mass  Our Parish Family Priest’s own Intention Greenwood family & RelativesR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 26thNOONSt StephenMASS IN LYMM
Wed 27th09.30St JohnKathleen Bryers 
Thurs 28th09.30Holy InnocentsMASS IN LYMM 
Fri 29th09.30St Thomas BecketJack Duxbury 
Sat 30thNoon Sr Theresa Shannon 
Sun 31st09.00Holy FamilyJoseph WilcoxR-P Longinotti, P Pozzoni M-Jan Armstrong, S Jones, S Gardiner
Sun 31st11:00 Our Parish FamilyR-B Pozzoni, Andrea Ross M-Ann Long, Louise Culshaw, Eve Nichols

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Doris Longinotti, Mary Foskin, James Yearsley, Rosa Gallie, Joan Armstrong, Marie Evans, Ted Yaets, Anne McQuade, Fergus O’Brien, Michael Willis. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

CHRISTMAS MASSES HERE AT ST VINCENT’S: Vigil Mass 5pm and Midnight Mass at 9pm on Christmas Eve; 11am on Christmas morning. There will be Carols before 9pm Mass. (There will be a Vigil Mass preceded by Carols from 6.30pm in Lymm on Christmas Eve and 9am on Christmas morning.)

CHRISTMAS OFFERING: This is your traditional offering to Fr David. Any cheques should be made payable to St Vincent’s Knutsford (rest assured your offering will make its way to Fr David). If you usually make your offering by Standing Order this does not form part of the Christmas Offering to Fr David so special Gift Aid envelopes are available in the porch if you wish to make an offering to him.

MANY THANKS for your generous response to the collection last Sunday for Caritas which raised £603.86 to support their work with poor and vulnerable families in our diocese. Your offerings at the Crib will also go to Caritas.

APF RED MISSION BOXES: Thanks to those who returned their boxes. A total of £128.11 has been sent to Missio to support their work in the missions. Your boxes can be collected from the table in the porch.

CLOTHES FOR REUGEES: Many thanks for all those who donated summer clothes for refugees. Now we would welcome donations of autumn and winter men’s clothes particularly jumpers, socks and footwear.

READERS AND EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS AT CHRISTMAS MASSES: 5pm Vigil: Readers: Gerard McCreesh, John Armstrong: Ministers: Fran O’Brien, Graham Alcock, Stuart Jones; 9pm Midnight: Readers James Rowley, Eve Nichols; Ministers: Nick Johnson, Andrea Ross, Jan Armstrong; 11am: Readers Ann Long, Jane McKenna; Ministers: Louise Culshaw John Long.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND CONFESSIONS each Saturday from 11.30am-Noon. Confessions are also available after weekday Mass.

Third Sunday in Advent – 17 December 2023

Mass Times And Intentions

Sun 17th09:003rd Sunday in AdventOur Parish FamilyR-Sheila Flynn, James Rowley; M-D Browne, F O’Brien, N Johnson
Sun 17th11:00 Margaret HayesR-A Perls, G McCreesh, M-Eve Nichols, Mary Cullen, Sue Reeves
Mon 18th09.30 Dorothy LehmanR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 19th19.30 MASS IN LYMM
Wed 20th09.30 Williams & Caunce families 
Thurs 21st13.00 REQUIEM MASS IN LYMM 
Fri 22nd09.30 Alan Taylor 
Sat 23rdNoon Deceased Gubbins/Kelly families 
Sun 24th09.004th Sunday in AdventOur Parish FamilyR- J McKenna, M. McCorkell; M-J Gibbons, V Williamson, B Groarke
Sun 24th11:00 Raymond BoyesR- Ann Long, Alice Bailey M-Eve Nichols, A Ross, Mary Cullen

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially John Crowley, Karen McDonald, Fracisco Rodrighez, Charles Hacking, Adam Miller. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

CLOTHES FOR REUGEES: Many thanks for all those who donated summer clothes for refugees. Now we would welcome donations of autumn and winter men’s clothes particularly jumpers, socks and footwear.

A SPECIAL COLLECTION will be held after all Masses today to support Caritas and their work with vulnerable families. Your offerings at the Crib will also support Caritas.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND CONFESSIONS each Saturday from 11.30am-Noon. Confessions are also available after weekday Mass.

APF RED MISSION BOXES: Could those who use these, hand them in to Fr David with the money collected (and preferably counted) by 17 December. Many thanks.

CHRISTMAS MASSES HERE AT ST VINCENT’S: Vigil Mass 5pm and Midnight Mass at 9pm on Christmas Eve; 11am on Christmas morning. There will be Carols before 9pm Mass. (There will be a Vigil Mass preceded by Carols from 6.30pm in Lymm on Christmas Eve and 9am on Christmas morning.)

LADIES GROUP: Many thanks to everyone who helped make the ladies’ Christmas lunch such a success.Commiserations to those who couldn’t attend (you were included in the raffle but not successful).

CHRISTMAS OFFERING: This is your traditional offering to Fr David. Any cheques should be made payable to St Vincent’s Knutsford (rest assured your offering will make its way to Fr David). If you usually make your offering by Standing Order this does not form part of the Christmas Offering to Fr David so special Gift Aid envelopes are available in the porch if you wish to make an offering to him.

A VIGIL OF READINGS AND CAROLS will be held in Church this Thursday, 21 December at 7pm. Afterwards the Catenians will be serving mince pies and mulled wine in the hall.

Second Sunday in Advent – 10 December 2023

Mass Times And Intentions

Sun 10th09:002nd Sunday in AdventOur Parish FamilyR-Clare Gibbons, Peter Swift; M-J Armstrong, S Gardiner, G Alcock
Sun 10th11:00 John Cummins (Anniv)R-John Armstrong, P Daly M-Eve Nichols, Andrea Ross, Sue Reeves
Mon 11th09.30 Adrian PrescottR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 12th19.30 MASS IN LYMM
Wed 13th09.30St LucyChristine Mary Rogers 
Thurs 14th09.15St John of the CrossMASS IN LYMM 
Fri 15th12.30 REQUIEM: Jacqueline Booth 
Sat 16thNoon Kathleen Oakes 
Sun 17th09.003rd Sunday in AdventOur Parish FamilyR-Sheila Flynn, James Rowley; M-D Browne, F O’Brien, N Johnson
Sun 17th11:00 Margaret HayesR-A Perls, G McCreesh, M-Eve Nichols, Mary Cullen, Sue Reeves


All those who are sick or housebound.

Jacqueline Booth who has died recently and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Ethel Williams, Clifford Hener-Carter, Kathleen Quinn, Jim Cahill, Alan Armstrong, Brian Whittle, Christine Rodgers, Julia Harkin, Frank Walker, Joseph Keogh, Ann Patricia Evans, Rita Farron, Marion Rayner, Jim Long, Phyllis Dowthwaite, Patricia moody, Jacj Colley, Irene McGeogh, Ruth Yarsley may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.


A SERVICE OF PENANCE AND RECONCILIATION will be held in Church this Thursday, 14 December at 7pm. There will be readings and reflection and an opportunity for individual confession. Please take this opportunity to prepare spiritually for the coming feast of Christmas.

CLOTHES FOR REUGEES: Many thanks for all those who donated summer clothes for refugees. Now we would welcome donations of autumn and winter men’s clothes particularly jumpers, socks and footwear.

A SPECIAL COLLECTION will be held after all Masses next Sunday, 17 December to support Caritas and their work with vulnerable families this Christmas time.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND CONFESSIONS each Saturday from 11.30am-Noon. Confessions are also available after weekday Mass.

APF RED MISSION BOXES: Could those who use these, hand them in to Fr David with the money collected (and preferably counted) by 17 December. Many thanks.

CHRISTMAS MASSES HERE AT ST VINCENT’S: Vigil Mass 5pm and Midnight Mass at 9pm on Christmas Eve; 11am on Christmas morning. (There will be a Vigil Mass preceded by Carols from 6.30pm in Lymm on Christmas Eve and 9am on Christmas morning.)

LADIES GROUP: Thanks to all who supported our recent Coffee Morning and Cake Sale, we raised £115.00 with an additional £384.00 from the Christmas craft stall organised by Clare Gibbons. There is no meeting in January so the next coffee and cakes sale is on Fri. Feb.2nd after morning Mass. 

CHRISTMAS OFFERING: This is your traditional offering to Fr David. Any cheques should be made payable to St Vincent’s Knutsford (rest assured your offering will make its way to Fr David). If you usually make your offering by Standing Order this does not form part of the Christmas Offering to Fr David so special Gift Aid envelopes are available in the porch if you wish to make an offering to him.

A VIGIL OF READINGS AND CAROLS will be held in Church on Thursday, 21 December at 7pm. Afterwards the Catenians will be serving mince pies and mulled wine in the hall.

First Sunday in Advent – 3 December 2023

Mass Times And Intentions

Sun 3rd09:001st Sunday in AdventOur Parish FamilyR-Peter & Brenda Pozzoni M-John Gibbons, B Groarke,V Williamson
Sun 3rd11:00 Peter Ross (Anniv)R-Tim Storrie, Angela Caudwell M-Eve Nichols, A Ross, S Reeves
Mon 4th09.30 Martha ArmstrongR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 5th09.30Mass in SchoolShrewsbury Secular Clergy Fund
Wed 6th09.30 Philomena Naughton 
Thurs 7th09.15St AmbroseMASS IN LYMM 
Fri 8th09.30Immaculate ConceptionJack Duxbury 
Sat 9thNoon Christine Mary Rodgers 
Sun 10th09.002nd Sunday in AdventOur Parish FamilyR-Clare Gibbons, Peter Swift; M-J Armstrong, S Gardiner, G Alcock
Sun 10th11:00 John Cummins (Anniv)R-John Armstrong, P Daly M-Eve Nichols, Andrea Ross, Sue Reeves

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Jacqueline Booth who has died recently and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Alan Coulson, Rita Aston, Marguerite Dakin, Jack Record, Hilary Chapman, Betty McGhee, Germana Rosa, Luigi Pani, Moira McLeish, John Joseph Dolan, Margaret Pickup, Peter Ross, John Cummins, may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

KNUTSFORD CHRITMAS CRIB: The blessing of the Crib outside Lost and Found will take place next Saturday, 9 December at 4pm. Our school choir will be singing and the Catenians will provide Mince Pies and Mulled Wine. All are welcome.

A SERVICE OF PENANCE AND RECONCILIATION will be held in Church on Thursday, 14 December at 7pm. There will be readings and reflection and an opportunity for individual confession. Please take this opportunity to prepare spiritually for the coming feast of Christmas.

THE LADIES CHRISTMAS LUNCH is planned for Tuesday, 12 December at 1pm in the Church Hall. The cost is £12 payable by 30 November. Forms available after Sunday Mass from Sheila Flynn or Andrea Ross.

CLOTHES FOR REUGEES: Many thanks for all those who donated summer clothes for refugees. Now we would welcome donations of autumn and winter men’s clothes particularly jumpers, socks and footwear.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND CONFESSIONS each Saturday from 11.30am-Noon. Confessions are also available after weekday Mass.

APF RED MISSION BOXES: Could those who use these, hand them in to Fr David with the money collected (and preferably counted) by 17 December. Many thanks.

MASS IN SCHOOL this Tuesday, 5 December at 9.30am. All are welcome.

 A SPECIAL COLLECTION will be held after all Masses on Sunday 17 December to support Caritas and their work with vulnerable families this Christmas time.

ST PAUL SUNDAY MISSALS are now available for your use at Mass.