Table of Contents
Holy Family – 27 December 2020
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday | 26th | 5.30pm | Joseph Dalton |
Sunday | 27th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
Holy Family | 11.00am | Stocco & Ross Families | |
Monday Holy Innocents | 28th | 9.30am | George Williams |
Tuesday St Thomas Becket | 29th | 9.30am | Jackie Butler Intentions |
Wednesday | 30th | 9.30am | Sick & Housebound |
Thursday | 31st | 9.30am | Deceased family & friends of Alma Williams |
Friday Mary Mother of God | 1st | NOON | Holy Souls |
Saturday Sunday Vigil Mass | 2nd | 5.30pm | Holy Souls |
Sunday | 3rd | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
2nd of Christmas | 11.00am | Simeon Stocco |
Please Remember in your prayers
All those who are sick, housebound or isolating at home.
All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Joan Armstrong, Marie Evans, Ted Yates, Anne McQuade, Fergus O’Brien, Michael Willis, Ellen Anderson, Barbara McDonald.. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment.
MANY THANKS for all your cards, gifts, good wishes and Christmas Offerings over the Christmas period. I feel very much at home with you all in Knutsford and that is thanks to your kindness. Let’s hope and pray that 2021 will be a better year and that there will be lots of chances for us to meet properly and really get to know each other. God bless you all.
CRIB OFFERINGS: All offerings made at the Crib go to support Caritas and its work with poor and vulnerable families in our Diocese.
NEW YEAR’S DAY MASS: Please note that Mass on 1 January will be at 12 Noon.
BAPTISM: I am happy to celebrate Baptisms by arrangement although Government regulations permit a maximum of 6 people to be present at this time. The Service can be live streamed for family and friends to watch online. Please call me for more information.
NEW DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available to buy at £5 from the table as you leave church. Please place money in the basket.
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox or; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances. (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)
4th SUNDAY OF ADVENT – 20 December 2020
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday | 19th | 5.30pm | Tom Regan |
Sunday | 29th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
4th Sunday of Advent | 11.00am | Our Parish Family | |
Monday | 21st | No Mass | |
Tuesday | 22nd | 9.30am | Jim Dunne (Sick) |
Wednesday | 23rd | 9.30am | Pauline Chibber |
Thursday Christmas Vigil Mass Christmas Midnight Mass | 24th | 9.30am 5.30pm 9.00pm | Helen Whickham Eileen Hickey Our Parish Family |
Friday Christmas Dawn Mass CHRISTRMAS DAY Dawn Mass | 25th | 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am | Kevin Brennan James Boyes Private Intention |
Saturday St Stephen Vigil Mass of Sunday | 26ht | 9.30am 5.30pm | Anne Reardon Joseph Dalton |
Sunday | 27th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
Holy Family | 11.00am | Stocco & Ross families |
All those who are sick, housebound or isolating at home.
All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Karen McDonald, Francisco Rodreghez, Charles Hackling, Adam Miller, Doris Longinotti, Mary Foskin, James Yearsley, Rosa Gallie. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment
VIRTUAL VIGIL OF READINGS AND CAROLS: As part of our celebrations for Christmas Fr David and the choir will lead a Vigil of Readings and Carols telling the Christmas story on the livestream at 7pm this Tuesday, 22 December. This will be recorded so you can watch at any convenient time.
CHRISTMAS MASSES: All our Christmas Masses are now fully booked. Christmas is celebrated over 8 days up to and including 1 January. You might like to choose one of those days for your Christmas Mass this year in these very difficult times. Alternatively all our Masses are live streamed if you wish to join us from your home on the internet.
FROM FR JOHN: I wish you all a very happy Christmas and New Year. Thank you for all your cards and kind words. My years in St Vincent’s were among the best in my life. I will always remember with gratitude your unfailing support and generosity.
MANY THANKS for your generous response to last week’s appeal for Caritas which raised £640.57 including £111.06 from the Caritas Boxes. I have also sent away £299.68 to the APF Mill Hill from the Red Boxes that were handed in.
CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS: A note from our Gift Aid Co-Ordinator, Graham Alcock: Traditionally the Christmas and Easter Offerings are for the priests and form a substantial part of Fr David’s salary. If you use gift-aid orange envelopes you will find one marked “Christmas Offering”. Please use this for your Christmas Offering. If you pay by cheque please make your cheque payable to St Vincent’s Church, Knutsford, your offering will still make its way to Fr David. If you normally make your Parish Offering by Standing Order, then please note that this money does not form part of the Christmas Offering to the priest but goes to the parish. As such Gift Aid Envelopes for any donation you wish to make are available from the table at the church door. Thank you for your kindness and support.
BAPTISM: I am happy to celebrate Baptisms by arrangement although Government regulations permit a maximum of 6 people to be present at this time. The Service can be live streamed for family and friends to watch online. Please call me for more information.
NEW DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available to buy at £5 from the table as you leave church. Please place money in the basket.
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox or; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances. (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)
3rd SUNDAY OF ADVENT – 13 December 2020
Web-site: Parish Priest: Fr David Long
Tel: 01565-633040 E-mail:;
Pre-School: 651948; Primary School: 633637; St Nicholas High: 01606-706000
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday | 12th | 5.30pm | Michael Harrison (anniv) |
Sunday | 13th | 9.00am | Christine Mary Rodgers (anniv) |
3rd Sunday of Advent | 11.00am | Our Parish Family | |
Monday St John of the Cross | 14th | No Mass | |
Tuesday | 15th | 9.30am | Fr Bernard Green |
Wednesday | 16th | 9.30am | Barbara Cuthbert |
Thursday | 17th | 9.30am | Barry Hewitt (Sick) |
Friday | 18th | 9.30am | Stella Bailey (Anniv) |
Saturday | 19ht | 5.30pm | Tom Regan |
Sunday | 20th | 9.00am | Our Parish Family |
4th Sunday of Advent | 11.00am | Simeon Stocco |
All those who are sick, housebound or isolating at home.
Martha Armstrong and John O’Regan who have died and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Christine Rodgers, Julia Harkin,
Frank Walker, Joseph Keogh, Ann Patricia Evans, Rita Farron, Marion Rayner, Jim Long, Phyllis Downside, Patrick Moody, Jack Colley, Irene McGeogh, Ruth Yearsley, John Crowley. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
VIRTUAL VIGIL OF READINGS AND CAROLS: As part of our celebrations for Christmas Fr David and the choir will lead a Vigil of Readings and Carols telling the Christmas story on the livestream at 7pm on Tuesday, 22 December. This will be recorded so you can watch at any convenient time.
CHRISTMAS MASSES: All our Christmas Masses are now fully booked. Christmas is celebrated over 8 days up to and including 1 January. You might like to choose one of those days for your Christmas Mass this year in these very difficult times. Alternatively all our Masses are live streamed if you wish to join us from your home on the internet.
MISSIO AND MILL HILL RED BOXES: Many of you have kindly taken these boxes to support the work of Missio. The time has come for them to be emptied. I would be grateful if you could hand them in at the presbytery or at church by today.
CARITAS DIOCESE OF SHREWSBURY exists to support families in need throughout our diocese. Many are struggling particularly at this time of National Crisis and Caritas is keen to reach out to offer practical support A collection will be held after all Masses today. Please place your offerings in the special Basket marked CARITAS at the church door or through the presbytery letter box and help Caritas to give a special Christmas to poor in our diocese.
CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS: A note from our Gift Aid Co-Ordinator, Graham Alcock: Traditionally the Christmas and Easter Offerings are for the priests and form a substantial part of Fr David’s salary. If you use gift-aid orange envelopes you will find one marked “Christmas Offering”. Please use this for your Christmas Offering. If you pay by cheque please make your cheque payable to St Vincent’s Church, Knutsford, your offering will still make its way to Fr David. If you normally make your Parish Offering by Standing Order, then please note that this money does not form part of the Christmas Offering to the priest but goes to the parish. As such Gift Aid Envelopes for any donation you wish to make are available from the table at the church door. Thank you for your kindness and support.
NEW DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available to buy at £5 from the table as you leave church. Please place money in the basket.
HOME NATIVITY SCENES: A wonderful Christmas tradition is to have a Crib in our homes. The Diocese has produced a pamphlet with prayers and reflections that you might like to use as a family whilst assembling your own Crib. Copies are available on the table as you leave church.
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox or; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances. (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)
2nd SUNDAY OF ADVENT – 6 December 2020
Web-site: Parish Priest: Fr David Long Tel: 01565-633040 E-mail:; Pre-School: 651948; Primary School: 633637; St Nicholas High: 01606-706000
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday | 5th | 5.30pm | Tony & Jose Bailey (Golden Wedding) |
Sunday | 6th | 9.00am | Shrewsbury Secular Clergy Fund |
2nd Sunday of Advent | 11.00am | Our Parish Family | |
Monday St Ambrose | 7th | No Mass | |
Tuesday Immaculate Conception of BVM | 8th | 9.30am | Deceased members of Gubbins & Kelly Families |
Wednesday | 9th | 9.30am | Christine Mary Rodgers |
Thursday | 10th | 9.30am | Kathleen Oakes (Anniv) |
Friday | 11th | 9.30am | Emma & Joshua Stocco |
Saturday | 12ht | 5.30pm | Michael Harrison (Anniv) |
Sunday | 13th | 9.00am | Christine Mary Rodgers (Anniv) |
3rd Sunday of Advent | 11.00am | Our Parish Family |
Please remember in your prayers
All those who are sick, housebound or isolating at home.
Katherine Mary Armstrong and John O’Regan who have died and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Betty McGhee, Gernana Rossa, Luigi Pani, Moira McLeish, John Joseph Dolan, Margaret Pickup, Ethel Williams, Clifford Henry Carter, Kathleen Quin, Jim Cahill, Alan Armstrong, Brian Whittle, Kathleen Oakes & Michael Harrison. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
CHRISTMAS MASSES: Because of Covid regulations the numbers at Mass will be restricted and so we are offering some extra Masses: Christmas Vigil Mass 5.30pm, Midnight Mass 9pm on Christmas Eve and 9am,10am & 11am on Christmas morning. Booking will open on the Booking Platform from this Monday, 7 December. Please only book one Mass. Christmas is celebrated over the 8 days of the Octave of Christmas so you may prefer to attend Mass on another day in that Octave.
LIVESTREAMING AT ST VINCENT’S: I am delighted to say that our new Livestreaming from Church Services TV will be installed on Tuesday. You will be able to access the new livestream from a link on the Parish Website or via Church Services TV and choosing St Vincent de Paul Knutsford. My thanks to the many people who have made donations towards this. Thanks too to the Stocco family who have loaned their equipment that has enabled us to livestream on YouTube during the recent lockdown.
MISSIO AND MILL HILL RED BOXES: Many of you have kindly taken these boxes to support the work of Missio. The time has come for them to be emptied. I would be grateful if you could hand them in at the presbytery or at church by next Sunday.
CARITAS DIOCESE OF SHREWSBURY exists to support families in need throughout our diocese. Many are struggling particularly at this time of National Crisis and Caritas is keen to reach out to offer practical support. We will hold a collection next Sunday, 3rd Sunday of Advent to support Caritas in their work to help those struggling in our Diocese to celebrate Christmas.
NEW DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available to buy at £5 from the table as you leave church. Please place money in the basket.
CATHOLIC VOICE: Copies of the latest edition of our Diocesan magazine are available at the Church door.
HOME NATIVITY SCENES: A wonderful Christmas tradition is to have a Crib in our homes. The Diocese has produced a pamphlet with prayers and reflections that you might like to use as a family whilst assembling your own Crib. Copies are available on the table as you leave church.
THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox or; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances. (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)