Table of Contents
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time – 27 August 2023
Mass Times and Intentions
Sat 26th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Paddy McLaughlan | R-Peter & Brenda Pozzoni M-Dick Browne, Rachel Greaves |
Sun 27th | 09:00 | 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | R-Clare Gibbons, Peter Longinotti M-S Gardiner, Jan Armstrong |
Sun 27th | 11:00 | Simeon Stocco | R-Angela Perls, Gerard McCreesh M-Ann & John Long, Andrea Ross | |
Mon 28th | 09.30 | St Augustine | Fran Lowe | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister |
Tue 29th | 09.30 | Passion of John the Baptist | Gail Molesworth Intentions | |
Wed 30th | 09.30 | St Margaret Clitherow et al | Peace in Ukraine | |
Thurs 31st | 09.30 | Welfare of Priests | ||
Fri 1st | 09.30 | Allen Molesworth | ||
Sat 2nd | NOON | Homeless, hungry & lapsed | ||
Sun 3rd | 09.00 | 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | To be advised |
Sun 3rd | 11:00 | Arthur Dickens | To be advised |
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
All those who are sick or housebound.
All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Frank Butler, Shiona Turley, Patrick Biesty, Patricia Maguire, Frank Acton, Ann Jemetta, Esther, Patrick, & Paul, Henderson, Beatrice Pye, William & Beatrice Cook, Laurence Keeling. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
Congartulations and welcome to Feargal Patrick Coleman-Munday who was baptised here last Sunday.
News and Information
MASS CHANGES: Please note that when Fr David takes over as Parish Priest at Lymm alongside St Vincent’s next weekend there will no longer be a Saturday Vigil Mass here in Knutsford. Please note the Mass times at the 2 Churches:
- 17.45 Vigil Mass Lymm
- 09.00 Mass here in Knutsford
- 10.30 Mass in Lymm
- 11.00 Mass in Knutsford
NEW MASS: As we will be discontinuing the Vigil Mass here at St Vincent’s from 2 September, we will start a Saturday Mass at 12 Noon which will be preceded by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 11.30am and the opportunity for Confessions.
LADIES GROUP COFFEE MORNING AND CAKE SALE this Friday, 1 September after 9.30am Mass. All proceeds will go to CAFOD.
FROM CARITAS: Love the Stranger and the Illegal Migration Act. In response to the passing of the Illegal Migration Bill in Parliament in July Bishop Paul McAleenan, the lead Bishop for Migrants and Refugees, has stated “This legislation stands at odds with the teaching of the church on welcoming, protecting, promoting and integrating refugees.” The Love the Stranger publication from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales provides a Catholic response to migrants and refugees and can be found at as is the accompanying Call to Action document from the national Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN). Caritas Shrewsbury as a CSAN member is supporting diocesan study and action in response to Love the Stranger and the Call to Action. Please get in touch with them if you can help speak up about this issue – Telephone: 0151 652 1281; Mobile: 07824 329 344; Email: CSAN’s update on this topic including links to the documents can be found at
ENQUIRY GROUP: Are you interested in becoming a Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith? The Enquiry Group will start meeting again later this year. IF you would like to know more please speak to Fr David.
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 20 August 2023
Mass Times and Intentions
Sat 19th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Terry Armstrong | R-John Armstrong, Tim Storrie M-Sue Reeves, Steve Dutton |
Sun 20th | 09:00 | 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | R-Jane McKenna, Sheila Flynn M-V Williamson, Stuart Jones |
Sun 20th | 11:00 | Tom Regan | R-Alice Bailey, Tony Andrews M-A Ross, E Nichols, Mary Cullen | |
Mon 21st | St Pius X | NO MASS | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister | |
Tue 22nd | The Queenship of Our Lady | NO MASS | ||
Wed 23rd | NO MASS | |||
Thurs 24th | 09.30 | St Bartholomew | Fran Lowe | |
Fri 25th | 09.30 | St Thomas of Hereford | Margaret Smyth | |
Sat 26th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Paddy McLaughlan | R-Peter & Brenda Pozzoni M-Dick Browne, Rachel Greaves |
Sun 27th | 09.00 | 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | R-Clare Gibbons, Peter Longinotti M-S Gardiner, Jan Armstrong |
Sun 27th | 11:00 | Simeon Stocco | R-Angela Perls, Gerard McCreesh M-Ann & John Long, Andrea Ross |
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
All those who are sick or housebound.
All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Lucas Briscoe, Paul Foskin, Sally Carroll, Elsie Morris, John Finn, may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
News and Information
MASS CHANGES: Please note that when Fr David takes over as Parish Priest at Lymm alongside St Vincent’s the weekend of 2/3 September there will no longer be a Saturday Vigil Mass here in Knutsford. Please note the Mass times at the 2 Churches: 17.45 Vigil Mass Lymm 09.00 Mass here in Knutsford 10.30 Mass in Lymm 11.00 Mass in Knutsford
Weekday Masses will be 9.30am Monday, Wednesday & Friday, and 12 Noon Saturday at St Vincent’s and 7.30pm Tuesday and 9.15am Thursday at Lymm. There will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 7pm on Tuesdays at Lymm and at 11.30am at St Vincent’s on Saturdays.
NEW MASS: As we will be discontinuing the Vigil Mass here at St Vincent’s from 2 September, we will start a Saturday Mass at 12 Noon which will be preceded by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 11.30am and the opportunity for Confessions.
FROM CARITAS: Love the Stranger and the Illegal Migration Act. In response to the passing of the Illegal Migration Bill in Parliament in July Bishop Paul McAleenan, the lead Bishop for Migrants and Refugees, has stated “This legislation stands at odds with the teaching of the church on welcoming, protecting, promoting and integrating refugees.” The Love the Stranger publication from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales provides a Catholic response to migrants and refugees and can be found at as is the accompanying Call to Action document from the national Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN). Caritas Shrewsbury as a CSAN member is supporting diocesan study and action in response to Love the Stranger and the Call to Action. Please get in touch with them if you can help speak up about this issue – Telephone: 0151 652 1281; Mobile: 07824 329 344; Email: CSAN’s update on this topic including links to the documents can be found at
ENQUIRY GROUP: Are you interested in becoming a Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith? The Enquiry Group will start meeting again later this year. IF you would like to know more please speak to Fr David.
Sat 12th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Gail Molesworth | R-Dick Browne, John DaleyM-Rachel Greaves, Jan Armstrong |
Sun 13th | 09:00 | 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | R-James Rowley, Peter SwiftM-Fran O’Brien, Hugo McCorkell |
Sun 13th | 11:00 | Fran Lowe | R-Gerard McCreesh, Ann LongM-H Heap, A Ross, Eve Nichols | |
Mon 14th | 09.3019.00 | St Maximilian KolbeVigil of Assumption | Holy SoulsOur Parish Family | R = ReadersM = Eucharistic Minister |
Tue 15th | NOON | Assumption of the BVM | Rita Birch | |
Wed 16th | 09.30 | Holy Souls | ||
Thurs 17th | 09.30 | MC Mathew (Anniv) | ||
Fri 18th | 09.30 | Greg Dowie | ||
Sat 19th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Terry Armstrong | R-John Armstrong, Tim StorrieM-Sue Reeves, Steve Dutton |
Sun 20th | 09.00 | 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | R-Jane McKenna, Sheila FlynnM-V Williamson, Stuart Jones |
Sun 20th | 11:00 | Tom Regan | R-Alice Bailey, Tony AndrewsM-A Ross, E Nichols, Mary Cullen |
All those who are sick or housebound.
All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Theresa Carey, Hugh Harkin, Bernard Brown, Martin Kerr, Tom Regan, Irene Sumner, John Crowley, Michael Pickup, Terry Armstrong, Mary Anne Regan, Mary Kendrew, M C Mathews, may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
Congratulations and welcome to Otto Hamish and Augustus Wolf Gibney-Scanlan who were baptised last Sunday.
MASS CHANGES: Please note that when Fr David takes over as Parish Priest at Lymm alongside St Vincent’s the weekend of 2/3 September there will no longer be a Saturday Vigil Mass here in Knutsford. Please note the Mass times at the 2 Churches: 17.45 Vigil Mass Lymm 09.00 Mass here in Knutsford 10.30 Mass in Lymm 11.00 Mass in Knutsford
Weekday Masses will be 9.30am Monday, Wednesday & Friday, and 12 Noon Saturday at St Vincent’s and 7.30pm Tuesday and 9.15am Thursday at Lymm. There will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 7pm on Tuesdays at Lymm and at 11.30am at St Vincent’s on Saturdays.
HOLY DAY: Tuesday is the Feast of the Assumption of Our Blessed Lady and is a Holy Day of Obligation. There will be a Vigil Mass on Monday at 7pm and Mass at Noon on Tuesday.
FROM CARITAS: Love the Stranger and the Illegal Migration Act. In response to the passing of the Illegal Migration Bill in Parliament in July Bishop Paul McAleenan, the lead Bishop for Migrants and Refugees, has stated ‘This legislation stands at odds with the teaching of the church on welcoming, protecting, promoting and integrating refugees’. The Love the Stranger publication from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales provides a Catholic response to migrants and refugees and can be found at as is the accompanying Call to Action document from the national Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN). Caritas Shrewsbury as a CSAN member is supporting diocesan study and action in response to Love the Stranger and the Call to Action. Please get in touch with them if you can help speak up about this issue – Telephone: 0151 652 1281; Mobile: 07824 329 344; Email: CSAN’s update on this topic including links to the documents can be found at
Sat 5th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Shrewsbury Secular Clergy Fund | R-Maura Welch, Lisa Senior M-Sikha & Steve Dutton |
Sun 6th | 09:00 | Transfiguration of the Lord | Our Parish Family | R-Mike Regan, Mary McCorkell M-John Gibbons, Stewart Gardiner |
Sun 6th | 11:00 | Canon John Marmion | R-Peter Daly, Tony Andrews M-Andrea Ross, Eve Nichols | |
Mon 7th | 09.30 | Fran Lowe | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister | |
Tue 8th | NOON | St Dominic | Holy Souls | |
Wed 9th | 09.30 | St Teresa Bendicta of the Cross | Holy Souls | |
Thurs 10th | 09.30 | St Lawrence | Gail Molesworth | |
Fri 11th | 09.30 | St Clare | Holy Souls | |
Sat 12th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Gail Molesworth | R-Dick Browne, John Daley M-Rachel Greaves, Jan Armstrong |
Sun 13th | 09.00 | 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Our Parish Family | R-James Rowley, Peter Swift M-Fran O’Brien, Hugo McCorkell |
Sun 13th | 11:00 | Fran Lowe | R-Gerard McCreesh, Ann Long M-H Heap, A Ross, Eve Nichols |
All those who are sick or housebound.
All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Raymond Neville, Judith Moore, Sandra Quin, Alan Wilkinson, Bernadette Agnes Sykes, James Foy, may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
OFFERORY GIVING: We are most grateful to you for your very generous weekly offerings which support our parish, enabling us to maintain and develop our properties and cover all our bills. At the recent parish meeting it was noted that a large part of the weekly offering is in loose plate. If this was Gift Aided it would increase your offering to the parish by 25% as we could reclaim the tax paid from the Government. If you do not already Gift Aid please consider doing so by using a weekly offertory envelope or a standing order. Contact Graham Alcock or leave your name and telephone number with Fr David if you would like more information. We are also exploring the introduction of contactless machines in church.
FAMILY WALK IN TATTON PARK: The Catenians invite you to join them in a family walk in Tatton Park next Saturday, 12 August at 10am. All are welcome: families, friends and dogs!. Please meet in the church car park. We will, of course, have a stop at the café in Tatton Park for tea/coffee and cake.
A REMINDER that the Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered after any weekday Mass or by appointment.
HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE: There are still places available on this Pilgrimage that Fr David is organising for the Diocese although they are booking fast. The dates are 8-15th February 2024. We will be staying in Jerusalem and Galilee, visiting all the major sites associated with Our Lord. The cost is £1795 which includes flights from Manchester, Half board accommodation and all transport and tours. Full itineraries can be downloaded from the Diocesan website or
CAFOD IS RECRUITING! Could you inspire Catholics to participate in the Church’s mission, by working to overcome poverty and injustice? Could you work for CAFOD within the Diocese of Shrewsbury and the Archdiocese of Birmingham? Are you good at inspiring and working with volunteers? Then you might like to become our Community Participation Coordinator. Use the following link for more details and please pass on to any friends or relatives who might be interested: Closing date 13th August 2023 or contact John Woods via
MASS CHANGES: Please note that when Fr David takes over as Parish Priest at Lymm alongside St Vincent’s the weekend of 2/3 September there will no longer be a Saturday Vigil Mass here in Knutsford. Please note the Mass times at the 2 Churches:
17.45 Vigil Mass Lymm
09.00 Mass here in Knutsford
10.30 Mass in Lymm
11.00 Mass in Knutsford