Parish Newsletters – August 2021

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 29th August, 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass28th5.30pmPrivate Intention
Sunday29th9.00amOur Parish Family
22nd Sunday in ordinary time11.00amFrank Butler (anniv)
Monday St Margaret Clitheroe30th9.30amPrivate Intention
Tuesday St Bartholomew31st9.30amPrivate Intention
Wednesday1st9.30amJohn & Andrea Ross Ints
Thursday 2nd9.30amPrivate Intention
Friday  St Gregory the Great3rd9.30amShrewsbury Secular Clergy
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday4th5.30pmNuala Campbell (Anniv)
SUNDAY   5th9.00amOur Parish Family
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amArthur Dickens (Anniv)



All those who are sick or housebound especially Beryl Morrison.

Brian Mitchell & Norah Roberts  who have died and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Shiona Turley, Patrick Biesty, Patricia McGuire, Frank Acton, Ann Jemeta, Esther Henderson, Patrick Henderson, Beatrice Pye, Paul Henderson, William Cook, Beatrice Cook, Laurence Keeling, Olive Smith, Arthur Dickens, Anne Brereton. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends

Congratulations and welcome to Avery Ruth Rusell who was baptised here last Sunday.

MASSES THIS WEEK: It is possible that Mass times may change this week, please check the website.

CHURCH CLEANING: Can you help our parish by joining a rota to help clean the church. If so please hand your name and contact details (email and/or phone number) to Fr David. Many thanks.

UPDATE ON FACE COIVERINGS IN CHURCH: We want everyone to feel comfortable and safe when they come back to Mass in church. This includes those who no longer wish to wear a face covering. Our plan from 4 September is to keep an area in church for those who do not wish to wear a face covering. This area will be clearly marked at the front left of the church (as you walk in) and a pew will be kept free between this area and those behind. Initially three benches will be reserved but We will continue to review this regularly and adjust according to demand.

CIVIC SERVICE: many of you will know Stewart Gardiner, one of our parishioners, who is Mayor of Knutsford. Stewart would like to invite you to join him at his Civic Service which will be held next Sunday, 5 September at 3pm at St Cross Church. If you are attending the Service and are not part of the parade please be seated in church by 2.45pm. Tea and cakes will be served afterwards so for catering purposes please contact the Mayors PA on 01565 653929 or email

HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK OR HOUSEBOUND: Please let Fr David know of anyone who is unable to get to church and would like him to call with Holy Communion.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment.

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time – 22nd August, 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass21st5.30pmBridget Counce
Sunday22nd9.00amOur Parish Family
Sunday11.00amDoreen Hayes
Monday 23rdNO MASS TODAY
Tuesday24th9.30amHugh Harkin
Wednesday25th9.30amPrivate Intention
Thursday 26th9.30amPrivate Intention
Friday  St Bernard27th9.30amRequiem: Joan Carruthers
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday28th5.30pmPrivate Intention
SUNDAY   29th9.00amOur Parish Family
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amFrank Butler (Anniv)



All those who are sick, housebound or isolating at home.

Joan Carruthers & Norah Roberts who have died and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Paul Foskin, Sally Carroll,, Elsie Morris, John Finn, Frank Butler. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends

Congratulations and welcome to Anna Evelyn Bailey who was baptised here last Sunday.

CHURCH CLEANING: Can you help our parish by joining a rota to help clean the church. If so please hand your name and contact details (email and/or phone number) to Fr David. Many thanks.

PLEASE NOTE THAT Mass on Friday this week will be at 11.30am and is a Requiem Mass Joan Carruthers. It is open to parishioners to attend.

UPDATE ON FACE COIVERINGS IN CHURCH: We want everyone to feel comfortable and safe when they come back to Mass in church. This includes those who no longer wish to wear a face covering. Our plan from 4 September is to keep an area in church for those who do not wish to wear a face covering. This area will be clearly marked at the front left of the church (as you walk in) and a pew will be kept free between this area and those behind. Initially three benches will be reserved but We will continue to review this regularly and adjust according to demand.

HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK OR HOUSEBOUND: Please let Fr David know of anyone who is unable to get to church and would like him to call with Holy Communion.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Masses in the sacristy or by appointment.

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox; thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – 8th August 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass14th5.30pmShrewsbury Secular Clergy Deceased
Sunday15th9.00amOur Parish Family
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin11.00amTom Regan (Anniv)
Monday 16thNO MASS TODAY
Tuesday17th9.30amPeggy Halloran
Wednesday18th11.00amREQUIEM: Tom Burnside
Thursday 19h9.30amAlan & Wyn Robertshaw
Friday  St Bernard20th9.30amSimeon Stocco
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday21st5.30pmBridget Caunce
SUNDAY   22nd9.00amOur Parish Family
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amDoreen Heyes



All those who are sick,  housebound or isolating at home.

Tom Burnside  who has died and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Tom Regan, Irene Summer, John Crowley, Michael Pickup. Terry Armstrong, Mary Anne Regan, Mary Kendrew, Lucas Briscoe. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends

Congratulations and welcome to Olivia May Verano-Lambert who was baptised here last Sunday.

Congratulations to Oliver Paley and Hannah Cotton who were married here last Thursday.

CHURCH CLEANING: Can you help our parish by joining a rota to help clean the church. If so please hand your name and contact details (email and/or phone number) to Fr David. Many thanks.

PLEASE NOTE THAT Mass on Wednesday of this week will be at 11am and is a Requiem Mass for Tom Burnside. It is open to parishioners to attend.

HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: I have started taking Holy Communion to those whose names have been handed in. If you know of anyone who is unable to get to church and would like Holy Communion bringing to them at home please let me have their names and contact details.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment.

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 1st August 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass`7st5.30pmPrivate Intention
Sunday8th9.00amOur Parish Family
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amNoeline Stewart
Monday  St Theresa Benedicta9th9.30amHelen Miekle
Tuesday St Lawrence10th9.30amNancy McCarthy (Anniv)
Wednesday St Clare11thNOONDoreen Hughes (Sick)
Thursday 12h9.30amPrivate Intention
Friday 13th9.30amDeceased of Culshaw Family
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday14th5.30pmShrewsbury Secular Clergy Fund Private Intention
SUNDAY   15th9.00amOur Parish Family
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin11.00amTom Regan (Anniv)



All those who are sick,  housebound or isolating at home.

Tom Burnside and Teresa Ball who have died and All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Alan Wilkinson, Bernadette Agnes Sykes, James Foy, Theresa Carey, Hugh Harkin, Bernard Brown, Martin Kerr. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends

Congratulations and welcome to Beth Ivy Harrold who was baptised here last Sunday.

LIFTING OF RESTRICTIONS AT MASS: As you will be aware the Government has lifted most restrictions from 19 July. I am conscious that some of you may be cautious about returning to church at this time and please note that the Bishops have agreed that the Sunday obligation to attend Mass remains suspended for the time being. There will no longer be any requirement to book your place at Mass. We do, however, ask you to sanitise your hands when entering Church and to wear a face covering during Mass to protect yourself and others. We would also encourage you to try and maintain some distance from those not in your household. Stewards will still be at the church door to welcome you and to take your details for track and trace purposes or you may use the Covid app if you have it. You can enter or leave by either door. Those who wish are welcome to kneel in Church. Holy Communion will be distributed in the traditional manner with people coming in two lines up the centre aisle to receive Communion and then returning by the side aisles. Holy Communion will only be under one kind i.e. the sacred host. Congregational singing can resume, The sign of peace remains suspended. The Parish Hall will remain closed until September.

CHURCH CLEANING: Can you help our parish by joining a rota to help clean the church. If so please hand your name and contact details (email and/or phone number) to Fr David. Many thanks.

PLEASE NOTE THAT Mass on Wednesday of this week will be at 12 Noon.

HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: I have started taking Holy Communion to those whose names have been handed in. If you know of anyone who is unable to get to church and would like Holy Communion bringing to them at home please let me have their names and contact details.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment.

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 1st August 2021

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday  Sunday Vigil Mass31st5.30pmPrivate Intention
Sunday1st9.00amOur Parish Family
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amPauline Gough
Monday 2nd9.30amBridget Cooper
Tuesday3rd9.30amLourdes Pilgrimage
Wednesday St John Vianney4th9.30amPrivate Intention
Thursday 5th9.30amPrivate Intention
Friday  Transfiguration6th9.30amPrivate Intention
Saturday Vigil Mass Of Sunday7th9.30am 5.30pmPrivate Intention Private Intention
SUNDAY   8th9.00amOur Parish Family
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time11.00amNoeline Stewart



All those who are sick,  housebound or isolating at home.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Ted Kelly, Bernard Bairstow, Joan Anthistle, John Foskin, Raymond Neville, Judith Moore, Sandra Quin. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends

Congratulations and prayers for Ashish Abraham and Aiswara Roy and William Jones and Jenny Tyson Berry who have been married at St Vincent’s recently.

Congratulations and welcome to Alban John Thompson-Murphy who was baptised last Sunday.

LIFTING OF RESTRICTIONS AT MASS: As you will be aware the Government has lifted most restrictions from 19 July. I am conscious that some of you may be cautious about returning to church at this time and please note that the Bishops have agreed that the Sunday obligation to attend Mass remains suspended for the time being. There will no longer be any requirement to book your place at Mass. We do, however, ask you to sanitise your hands when entering Church and to wear a face covering during Mass to protect yourself and others. We would also encourage you to try and maintain some distance from those not in your household. Stewards will still be at the church door to welcome you and to take your details for track and trace purposes or you may use the Covid app if you have it. You can enter or leave by either door. Those who wish are welcome to kneel in Church. Holy Communion will be distributed in the traditional manner with people coming in two lines up the centre aisle to receive Communion and then returning by the side aisles. Holy Communion will only be under one kind i.e. the sacred host. Congregational singing can resume, The sign of peace remains suspended. The Parish Hall will remain closed until September.

NEW ROTAS FOR READERS AND EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: As we gradually return to normal at Mass we need to regenerate our rotas for readers and Eucharistic Ministers. If you were previously on the rota and are happy to carry on, or if you would like to start, please let Fr David or Stuart Jones know or contact us on

LOURDES VIRTUAL PILGRIMAGE: Sadly once again we have been unable to travel to Lourdes this year. However, we have planned a Virtual Pilgrimage with daily Masses and various reflections and devotions from 31 July- 4 August.. The full programme is on our Website. Please note that the Grotto Mass on Tuesday, 3 August will be celebrated here at St Vincent’s. You are welcome to attend any of the Masses either in person or on the Internet go to Shrewsbury Diocese Lourdes for the full programme of liturgies and reflections.

HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: I have started taking Holy Communion to those whose names have been handed in. If you know of anyone who is unable to get to church and would like Holy Communion bringing to them at home please let me have their names and contact details.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  is offered after Weekday Masses  in the sacristy or by appointment.

THANK YOU For your Offertory gifts Please place any offertory envelopes or offerings in the baskets at the church door or post through the presbytery letterbox;  thank you for your continued support of the parish in such difficult circumstances.

 (Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity)