Table of Contents
Fourth Sunday of Easter – 30 April 2023
Mass Times and Intentions
Sat 29th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Holy Souls | R-Nicola Jones, Nick Johnson M-Moya Higham |
Sun 30th | 09:00 | 4th Sunday of Easter | Our Parish Family | R-Clare & John Gibbons M-John Flynn |
Sun 30th | 11:00 | Brian Cullen | R-Alice Bailey, Tony Andrews M-Andrea Ross | |
Mon 1st | St Joseph the Worker | NO MASS | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister | |
Tue 2nd | St Athanasius | NO MASS | ||
Wed 3rd | Ss Philip and James | NO MASS | ||
Thurs 4th | The English Martyrs | NO MASS | ||
Fri 5th | 09.30 | REQUIEM: Bernard McLenaghan | ||
Sat 6th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Our Parish Family | R-Peter & Brenda Pozzoni M-Steve Graham, Stuart Jones |
Sun 7th | 09.00 | 5th Sunday of Easter | His Majesty King Charles III | R-Stewart Gardiner Jane McKenna M-Virginia Williamson, John Gibbons |
Sun 7th | 11:00 | Melanie Jennings | R-Angela Perls, Peter Daly M-Louise Culshaw, Ann Long, Andrea Ross |
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
All those who are sick or housebound.
Bernard McLenaghan who has died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Marian Blair, Olive Ryder, Stirling Blair, Paul Edward Sadler, Walter McDonald, Liz Stone, Vera Walker, Bridget Willis, Ethel Curran, Ruth Smethurst may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
News and Information
CORONATION OF KING CHARLES III: Please pray very specially for King Charles next Saturday, the day of his coronation. Our 9.30am Mass next Sunday will be offered for him.
CORONATION CREAM TEA: To celebrate the Coronation of his Majesty King Charles III we are planning to hold a cream tea with a glass of fizz at 3pm on Sunday, 7 May in the hall. Donations only to cover expenses; any profits will go to Cafod.
CONFIRMATION will be celebrated this year at St Teresa’s, Wilmslow on 23 June. If there are any young people in Year 8 upwards who would like to be confirmed this year, please hand your name and contact details to Fr David or complete a Confirmation Registration form on the Parish Website. The introductory meeting will be on 11 May at 7pm in the hall.
LADIES COFFEE MORNING AND CAKE SALE next Friday, 5 May after 9.30am Mass. All proceeds support CAFOD
MISSION APPEAL: Many thanks for your very generous response to Sr Anne’s appeal last week which raised £1230.51.
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND 8-15 February 2024. This has been organised by Fr David and will be led by Bishop Mark. We will stay in Jerusalem and Galilee, visiting all the sites associated with our Lord’s ministry. Full itineraries and booking forms can be downloaded from the parish website or speak to Fr David.
ST VINCENT’S MUMS AND TODDLERS GROUP will start again from 12 May and each Friday (except the first Friday of the month) from 10am until noon. We will meet in the parish hall and the cost is £3 per session. If you are interested in attending, please contact Cath Davies on 01565 651948 or If anyone can help with serving teas and coffees on a rota basis, please get in touch.
HOLY COMMUNION UNDER BOTH KINDS: We will re-commence Holy Communion under both kinds next weekend at all Masses. The chalice with the precious blood will be offered to anyone who wishes. There is absolutely no obligation to receive from the chalice it is simply offered for those who wish. The whole Lord is received either in the sacred host or the chalice.
Third Sunday of Easter – 23 April 2023
Mass Times and Intentions
Sat 22nd | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Our Parish Family | R-John Armstrong, Maura Welch M-Stuart Jones |
Sun 23rd | 09:00 | 2nd Sunday of Easter | Nicola Allen (Anniv) | R-James Rowley, Peter Longinotti M-Helen Broom |
Sun 23rd | 11:00 | Tom Regan | R-Ann Long, Peter Daley M-Hilary Heap | |
Mon 24th | 09.30 | St George | Ann & Tony Mitchell (60th Wedding) | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister |
Tue 25th | 11.00 | St Mark | REQUIEM: Joan Duffy | |
Wed 26th | 09.30 14.00 | Robert Allright (Anniv) REQUIEM: Colin Tighe | ||
Thurs 27th | NO MASS | |||
Fri 28th | NO MASS | |||
Sat 29th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Holy Souls | R-Nicola Jones, Nick Johnson M-Moya Higham |
Sun 30th | 09.00 | 4th Sunday of Easter | Our Parish Family | R-Clare & John Gibbons M-John Flynn |
Sun 30th | 11:00 | Brian Cullen | R-Alice Bailey, Tony Andrews M-Andrea Ross |
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
All those who are sick or housebound.
Colin Tighe & Joan Duffy who have died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Francis Berrell, Michael Giulliano, Maria Floyd, Gerard Doirrian, Jean Shaw, Myra Tallon, Joan Goff, Celia Sweeney, Marie Bell, Ben Crowley, Mary Kendall, Brian Fecitt, may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
News and Information
MISSION APPEAL: Today we welcome Sr Anne Moore FMSI who will be appealing on behalf of the Missionary Sisters of England and Wales to support their work in Kenya, Uganda and Ecuador. I am sure you will respond with your usual generosity.
PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI: Fr David and a group from the parish will depart on Thursday. We will keep you all very much in prayer whilst on pilgrimage.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PARENTS MEETING: This Tuesday 25 April at 7.15pm in the hall.
CORONATION CREAM TEA: To celebrate the Coronation of his Majesty King Charles III we are planning to hold a cream tea with a glass of fizz at 3pm on Sunday, 7 May in the hall. Donations only to cover expenses; any profits will go to Cafod.
CONFIRMATION will be celebrated this year at St Teresa’s, Wilmslow on 23 June. If there are any young people in Year 8 upwards who would like to be confirmed this year, please hand your name and contact details to Fr David or complete a Confirmation Registration form on the Parish Website. The introductory meeting will be on 11 May at 7pm in the hall.
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND 8-15 February 2024. This has been organised by Fr David and will be led by Bishop Mark. We will stay in Jerusalem and Galilee, visiting all the sites associated with our Lord’s ministry. Full itineraries and booking forms can be downloaded from the parish website or speak to Fr David.
ST VINCENT’S MUMS AND TODDLERS GROUP will start again from 12 May and each Friday (except the first Friday of the month) from 10am until noon. We will meet in the parish hall and the cost is £3 per session. If you are interested in attending, please contact Cath Davies on 01565 651948 or If anyone can help with serving teas and coffees on a rota basis, please get in touch.
HOLY COMMUNION UNDER BOTH KINDS: We will re-commence Holy Communion under both kinds from the first weekend in May at all Masses. The chalice with the precious blood will be offered to anyone who wishes. There is absolutely no obligation to receive from the chalice it is simply offered for those who wish. The whole Lord is received either in the sacred host or the chalice.
Second Sunday of Easter – 16 April 2023
Mass Times And Intentions
Sat 15th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Arthur Green | R-John Daley, Irene Ward M-Nick Johnson |
Sun 16th | 09:00 | 2nd Sunday of Easter | Fr Michael O’Dowd | R-Lisa Senior, Gerard McCreesh M-Graham Alcock |
Sun 16th | 11:00 | Our Parish Family | R-Angela Caudwell, Andrea Ross; M-Pat Flood | |
Mon 17th | NO MASS | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister | ||
Tue 18th | NO MASS | |||
Wed 19th | NO MASS | |||
Thurs 20th | NOON | Canon Joe Cahill | ||
Fri 21st | 09.30 | Greg Dowie (Anniv) | ||
Sat 22nd | 09.30 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Shrewsbury Secular Clergy Fund Our Parish Family | R-John Armstrong, Maura Welch M-Stuart Jones |
Sun 23rd | 09.00 | 3rd Sunday of Easter | Nicola Allen (Anniv) | R-James Rowley, Peter Longinotti M-Helen Broom |
Sun 23rd | 11:00 | Tom Regan | R-Ann Long, Peter Daley M-Hilary Heap |
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
All those who are sick or housebound.
Colin Tighe & Joan Duffy who have died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Jim Turley, Greg Dowie Matthew Christopher Cumming, Brian Cullen, George Kendall, Judi Keighran, Peter Keighran, Patrick Cole, Clem McFarlane, Colin Meade, Ann Connolly, David Myerscough-Jones, may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
News and Information
THANK YOU from Fr David for all your kind wishes, cards and gifts at Easter and for your very generous Easter Offerings. Thanks too to all who helped in any way to make our Holy Week and Easter celebrations so special.
CONFIRMATION will be celebrated this year at St Teresa’s, Wilmslow on 23 June. If there are any young people in Year 8 upwards who would like to be confirmed this year, please hand your name and contact details to Fr David or complete a Confirmation Registration form on the Parish Website. The introductory meeting will be on 11 May at 7pm in the hall.
TRAINING AND REFLECTION: There will be a morning of training and reflection for all Eucharistic Ministers (both present and new ministers) next Saturday, 22 April beginning with Mass at 9.30am.
CORONATION CREAM TEA: To celebrate the Coronation of his Majesty King Charles III we are planning to hold a cream tea with a glass of fizz at 3pm on Sunday, 7 May in the hall. Donations only to cover expenses; any profits will go to Cafod.
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND 8-15 February 2024. This has been organised by Fr David and will be led by Bishop Mark. We will stay in Jerusalem and Galilee, visiting all the sites associated with our Lord’s ministry. Full itineraries and booking forms can be downloaded from the parish website or speak to Fr David.
THANKS for your generous offertory to the parish in March which totalled £6109.03
MISSION APPEAL: Next weekend we welcome Sr Anne Moore fmsj who will be appealing on behalf of the Missionary Sisters of England and Wales to support their work in Kenya, Uganda and Ecuador. I am sure you will respond with your usual generosity.
Easter Sunday – 9 April 2023
Mass Times And Intentions
Sat 8th | 20.00 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Marie Prescott | R- Peter Daley, Andrea Ross, Clare Gibbons, Graham Alcock, Peter Pozzoni M-Nick Johnson |
Sun 9th | 09:00 | Easter Sunday | Our Parish Family | R-Stewart Gardiner, Jane McKenna M-Virginia Williamson |
Sun 9th | 11:00 | Oliver Kiersnowski | R-Angela Perls, Tony Andrews M-Jim Flood | |
Mon 10th | 09.30 | Hannah Shaw | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister | |
Tue 11th | 09.30 | Special Intention | ||
Wed 12th | 09.30 | Betty Rathbone | ||
Thurs 13th | 09.30 | Jackie Butler | ||
Fri 14th | 09.30 | Joan Duffy | ||
Sat 15th | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Arthur Green | R-John Daley, Irene Ward M-Nick Johnson |
Sun 16th | 09.00 | 2nd Sunday of Easter | Fr Michael O’Dowd | R-Lisa Senior, Gerard McCreesh M-Graham Alcock |
Sun 16th | 11:00 | Our Parish Family | R-Angela Caudwell, Andrea Ross; M-Pat Flood |
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
All those who are sick or housebound.
Joan Duffy who has died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Joyce Raffo, Winifred McDonald, Peony Nelstrop, Alan Trott, James Harris, Bernard Raffo, Stan Burgess, Rosemary Edwards, Harold Edward Floyd, Win Thomas, Kathleen Pexton, may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
News and Information
SVP: Many thanks to those who have donated warm clothes, coats, etc to support the refugees they are hugely grateful for all your help. For the time being no more clothes are needed.
NEW OFFERTORY ENVELOPES: These are available in the porch for those who use them. Please take your box.
CONFIRMATION will be celebrated this year at St Teresa’s, Wilmslow on 23 June. If there are any young people in Year 8 upwards who would like to be confirmed this year, please hand your name and contact details to Fr David or complete a Confirmation Registration form on the Parish Website. The programme of preparation will begin after Easter.
EASTER OFFERING: The offering today, Easter Sunday, is your traditional Easter Offering to Fr David. For those who give by standing order this does not form part of the offering to Fr David. Special Envelopes are available in the porch which you may wish to use for your Easter Offering. Anyone giving by cheque should still make cheques payable to St Vincent’s Parish and this will eventually find its way to Fr David.
TRAINING AND REFLECTION: There will be a morning of training and reflection for all Eucharistic Ministers (both present and new ministers) on Saturday, 22 April beginning with Mass at 9.30am.
MANY THANKS for your kind offering on Good Friday which raised £623.55 to support the Christian Community in the Holy Land.
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND 8-15 February 2024. This has been organised by Fr David and will be led by Bishop Mark. We will stay in Jerusalem and Galilee, visiting all the sites associated with our Lord’s ministry. Full itineraries and booking forms can be downloaded from the parish website or speak to Fr David.
Palm Sunday – 2 April 2023
Mass Times and Intentions
Sat 1st | 17.30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Holy Souls | R-Dick Browne, Brenda & Peter Pozzoni M-Stuart Jones |
Sun 2nd | 09:00 | Palm Sunday | Our Parish Family | R-Sheila Flynn, James Rowley, Peter Longinotti M- John Flynn |
Sun 2nd | 11:00 | Peter Allen (Anniv) | R-Alice Bailey, Angela Perls, Gerard McCreesh M-Andrea Ross | |
Mon 3rd | NO MASS | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister | ||
Tue 4th | 09.30 | Judi Weible Intentions | ||
Wed 5th | 09.30 | Christopher Regan (Anniv) | ||
Thurs 6th | 19.00 | Holy Thursday | Anne Woods | |
Fri 7th | NOON 15.00 | Good Friday | STATIONS OF THE CROSS PASSION OF THE LORD | |
Sat 8th | 20.00 | Easter Vigil | Marie Prescott | R- Peter Daley, Andrea Ross, Clare Gibbons, Graham Alcock, Peter Pozzoni M-Nick Johnson |
Sun 9th | 09.00 | Easter Sunday | Our Parish Family | R-Stewart Gardiner, Jane McKenna M-Virginia Williamson |
Sun 9th | 11:00 | Oliver Kiersnowski | R-Angela Perls, Tony Andrews M-Jim Flood |
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
Frankie Thomas Davies who was baptised last Sunday, congratulations and welcome!
All those who are sick or housebound.
Joan Duffy and Bernard McLenaghan who have died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Ronald Dowthwaite, Ted Roberts, Christopher Regan, Dennis Eastwood, Sarah Groves, Ann Morrison may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
News and Information
A SERVICE OF PENANCE AND RECONCILIATION will be held on Tuesday, 4 April at 7pm in Church. This is a wonderful way to prepare for the celebrations of Holy Week and Easter.
WASHING OF THE FEET: I would be very grateful if 12 people could sign the list in the porch for the Washing of the Feet at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper this Thursday.
SVP: Many thanks to those who have donated warm clothes, coats, etc to support the refugees. More are still needed. Please leave them in the entrance to the hall. If you are aware of anyone who would welcome a visit from one of our members, please hand in their names and addresses.
NEW OFFERTORY ENVELOPES: These are available in the porch for those who use them. Please take your box.
THE CHRISM MASS where the Holy Oils used in the Sacraments are blessed and the priests of the Diocese renew their ordination promises will be celebrated this year at St Anthony’s, Dunkery Rd, Wythenshawe at 7pm on Wednesday. All are welcome. Car parking should be available in the school car park.
CONFIRMATION will be celebrated this year at St Teresa’s, Wilmslow on 23 June. If there are any young people in Year 8 upwards who would like to be confirmed this year please hand your name and contact details to Fr David. The programme of preparation will begin after Easter.
EASTER OFFERING: The offering on Easter Sunday is your traditional Easter Offering to Fr David. For those who give by standing order this does not form part of the offering to Fr David. Special Envelopes are available in the porch which you may wish to use for your Easter Offering. Anyone giving by cheque should still make cheques payable to St Vincent’s Parish and this will eventually find its way to Fr David.
TRAINING AND REFLECTION: There will be a morning of training and reflection for all Eucharistic Ministers (both present and new ministers) on Saturday, 22 April beginning with Mass at 9.30am.
GOOD FRIDAY COLLECTION is to support the Christian Communities in the Holy Land. Please give generously.