Table of Contents
2nd Sunday of Easter – 24th April 2022
Mass Times And Intentions
Sat 23rd | 17.30 | Sunday Vigil Mass | Tom Regan | R – John Daley & Irene Ward M – Nick Johnson |
Sun 24th | 09:00 | 2nd Sunday of Easter | Our Parish Family | R – Tim Storrie & Mary McCorkell; M – Graham Allcock |
Sun 24th | 11:00 | Robert Allright | R – Alice Bailey & Tony Andrews; M – Pat Flood | |
Mon 25th | 09.30 | St Mark | John Curtis | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister |
Tue 26th | 09.30 | St George | George Watt (Anniv) | |
Wed 27th | 09.30 | Private Intention (Boyd) | ||
Thur 28th | 09.30 | Gloria Paige | ||
Fri 29th | 09.30 | St Catherine of Siena | Melanie Jennings (recovery) | |
Sat 30th | 17.30 | Sunday Vigil Mass | John Duffy | R – John Armstrong & Maura Welch; M – Jan Armstrong |
Sun 1st | 09.00 | Third Sunday of Easter | Our Parish Family | R –Stewart Gardiner & Jane McKenna; M –John Flynn |
Sun 1st | 11:00 | Robert Allright | R – Ann Long & Andrea Ross; M – Hilary Heap |
All those who are sick or housebound.
All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Jean Shaw, Myra Tallon, Joan Goff, Celia Sweeney, Marie Bell, Ben Crowley, Mary Kendall, Brian Fecitt, Marian Blair, George Watt. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Mass in the sacristy or by appointment at a convenient time.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PREPARATION: Our next meeting for parents is this Tuesday at 7.15pm in the parish hall.
CONFIRMATION PREPARATION: Our next preparation meeting for those being confirmed this year will be on Thursday evening at 7pm in the parish hall. The final meeting will be next Sunday, 1 May at 3pm. Both meetings are for candidates only.
KNUTSFORD HERITAGE: A local man, John Howard, has kindly provided free copies of a book that he has written entitled “This is 60 King Street”. Please feel free to take a copy from the table in the porch.
THANK YOU so much for your cards, good wishes, presents and generous Easter Offerings.
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES: It is wonderful that finally we will be able to return to Lourdes. Our Diocesan Pilgrimage will take place from 29 July-4 August by air and 28 July-5 August by coach. Prices start from as little as £440 which includes travel, full board accommodation and full Pilgrimage Programme. Booking forms are available to download from the Pilgrimage Website or from the Pilgrimage Office, Curial Offices, 2, Park Rd South, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 4UX
Easter Sunday – 17th April 2022
Mass Times And Intentions
Sat 16th | 20.00 | Easter Vigil & first Mass of Easter | Colette Murphy | R – See List in porch M – Moya Higham |
Sun 17th | 09:00 | Easter Sunday | Margaret Mescal | R – James Rowley & Gerard McCreesh; M – Helen Broom |
Sun 17th | 11:00 | Our Parish Family | R – Angela Caudwell & Andrea Ross; M – Jim Flood | |
Mon 18th | 09.30 | Monday of Easter Octave | Brian Cullen (Anniv) | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister |
Tue 19th | 09.30 | Tuesday of Easter Octave | James Turley | |
Wed 20th | 11.00 | Wednesday Easter Octave | REQUIEM: Peter Allen | |
Thur 21st | 09.30 | Thursday of Easter Octave | Bernadette Bailey (Sick) | |
Fri 22nd | 09.30 | Friday of Easter Octave | Kenneth McKeown | |
Sat 23rd | 17.30 | Sunday Vigil Mass | Tom Regan | R – John Daley & Irene Ward; M – Nick Johnson |
Sun 24th | 09.00 | Second Sunday of Easter | Our Parish Family | R –Tim Storrie & Mary McCorkell; M – Graham Alcock |
Sun 24th | 11:00 | Robert Allright | R – Alice bailey & Tony Andrews; M – Pat Flood |
All those who are sick or housebound.
Peter Allen who has died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Brian Cullen, George Kendal, Judi & Peter Keighran, Patrick Cole, Clem McFarlane, Colin Meade, Ann Connolly, David Myerscough-Jones, Francis Berrell, Michael Giulliano, Maria Floyd, Gerard Dorrian. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
Sarah, Clare, Poppy, Jake and Dan who have been received into the Church at our Easter Vigil and to Sarah and Clare’s children who received their first Holy Communion.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Mass in the sacristy or by appointment at a convenient time.
ST GEORGE’S NIGHT DINNER: Knutsford Catenians are organising a St George’s Night Dinner on Friday, 22 April at ‘Lost and Found’. We would love it if you could join us. The cost is £35 a head which includes some fizz on arrival, a three course menu and entertainment provided by a very talented local singer. If you want to come, please contact John Long, Nick Johnson or Stuart Jones (or send an email to and we can give you more details.
LADIES GROUP COFFEE MORNING raised £120 for Cafod. Many thanks to all who supported us.
EASTER OFFERING: Your offering today is the traditional Easter offering for Fr David.
MISSIO RED BOXES: In 2021 St Vincent’s raised £1040.57 through our Red Boxes and donations to Missio and the Mill Hill Missionaries. Thank you! Our missionary community here at St Vincent’s is part of a worldwide network of people supporting missionaries through prayer and financial assistance. The founder of this network, Pauline Jaricot, will be beatified on 22 May this year. This remarkable lay woman’s life was marked by intense suffering and great trust in God. Pauline’s life helps us to see how every prayer however short, and every contribution, however small is valued by God and can transform the world for the better. Thank you for being part of Pauline’s legacy. There are some red boxes waiting to be collected in the main entrance.
THANK YOU to all who have helped in any way to make our Holy Week and Easter celebrations so special: especially our musicians, our servers, readers and ministers and those who have arranged the flowers and cleaned the church. It has been wonderful to come together without restrictions after 3 years!
Palm Sunday – 10th April 2022
Mass Times And Intentions
Sat 9th | 17:30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Vera Danaher | R – Margaret Leonard & Nick Browne M – Stuart Jones |
Sun 10th | 09:00 | Palm Sunday | Special Intention (Molesworth) | R – John & Clare Gibbons; M – Virginia Williamson |
Sun 10th | 11:00 | Our Parish Family | R – Angela Perls & Tony Andrews; M – Hilary Heap | |
Mon 11th | 09.30 | Tom Philbin | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister | |
Tue 12th | 09.30 Noon | Christopher Regan REQUIEM: Mary Monson | ||
Wed 13th | 09:30 | Rosemary Edwards (Anniv) | ||
Thur 14th | 19.30 | Holy Thursday | Paul Dobson | |
Fri 15th | Noon 15.00 | Good Friday | Stations of the Cross Passion of the Lord | |
Sat 16th | 20:00 | Easter Vigil Mass | Colette Murphy (Anniv) | R – Lisa Senior & Stephen Benson; M – Moya Higham |
Sun 17th | 09.00 | Easter Sunday | Margaret Mescal | R –James Rowley & Gerard McCreesh M- Helen Broom |
Sun 17th | 11:00 | Our Parish Family | R – Angela Caudwell & Andrea Ross; M – Jim Flood |
All those who are sick or housebound.
Mary Monson and Peter Allen who have died and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Peony Nelstrop, Alan Trott, James Harris, Bernard Raffo, Stan Burgess, Rosemary Edwards, Harold Edward Floyd, Win Thomason, Kathleen Pexton, Matthew Christopher Cumming. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
For several weeks I have been instructing Sarah, Clare, Poppy, Jake and Dan and am delighted to say that they will be received into the Church at our Easter Vigil Mass. Sarah and Clare’s children will also make their first Holy Communion.
SERVICE OF PENANCE AND RECONCILIATION: As part of our preparations to celebrate Holy Week and Easter, there will be a service of Penance and Reconciliation with the opportunity for individual confession this Tuesday, at 7pm in church.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Mass in the sacristy or by appointment at a convenient time.
THE MASS OF CHRISM will be held this year at St Michael and all Angels, New Hey Rd, Woodchurch, CH49 5LE at 7pm on Wednesday, 13 April.
HOLY THURSDAY: It is traditional to wash the feet of some of the parishioners as the Lord did at the Last Supper. I would be grateful if 12 people could sign the list on the table in the porch. Following the 7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper there will be watching at the Altar of Repose until 10pm.
GOOD FRIDAY is a day of fasting and abstinence. There will be a collection at the 3pm celebration of the Lord’s Passion to support the Christian Community in the Holy Land.
HOLY SATURDAY READERS: If you would like to read one of the readings at the Easter Vigil please sign the list in the porch
ST GEORGE’S NIGHT DINNER: Knutsford Catenians are organising a St George’s Night Dinner on Friday, 22 April at ‘Lost and Found’. We would love it if you could join us. The cost is £35 a head which includes some fizz on arrival, a three course menu and entertainment provided by a very talented local singer. If you want to come, please contact John Long, Nick Johnson or Stuart Jones (or send an email to and we can give you more details.
LADIES GROUP COFFEE MORNING raised £120 for Cafod. Many thanks to all who supported us.
EASTER OFFERING: Your offering next weekend is the traditional Easter offering for Fr David.
5th Sunday in Lent – 3rd April 2022
Mass Times And Intentions
Sat 2nd | 17:30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Shrewsbury Secular Clergy Fund | R – Peter Pozzoni & Maura Welch M – Jan Armstrong |
Sun 3rd | 09:00 | 5th Sunday in Lent | Judith Weible | R – Stewart Gardiner & Jane McKenna; M – John Flynn |
Sun 3rd | 11:00 | Our Parish Family | R – Andrea Ross & Ann Long; M – Barbra Andrews | |
Mon 4th | NO MASS TODAY | R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister | ||
Tue 5th | NO MASS TODAY | |||
Wed 6th | 09:30 | Holy Souls | ||
Thur 7th | 09.30 | Allen Molesworth Intentions | ||
Fri 8th | 09.30 10.00 | Frances O’Brien Stations of the Cross | ||
Sat 9th | 17:30 | Vigil Mass of Sunday | Vera Danaher | R – Margaret Leonard & Dick Browne; M – Stuart Jones |
Sun 10th | 09.00 | Palm Sunday | Special Intention (Molesworth) | R –John & Clare Gibbons M- Virginia Williamson |
Sun 10th | 11:00 | Our Parish Family | R – Angela Perls & Tony Andrews; M – Hilary Heap |
All those who are sick or housebound.
All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Ronald Dowthwaite, Ted Roberts, Dennis Eastwood, Sarah Groves, Anne Morrison, Joyce Raffo, Winifred McDonald. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Will be celebrated each Friday in Lent; This week at 10.00am.
NEW OFFERTORY ENVELOPE BOXES: For those parishioners who kindly donate using Offertory Envelopes, your new box for use from next Sunday is available from the table in the porch in alphabetical order. Please do not worry if your number has changed this is part of a further tidying up of our records. Thank you for your continued support. Graham Alcock, Planned Giving and Gift Aid Organiser.
SERVICE OF PENANCE AND RECONCILIATION: As part of our preparations to celebrate Holy Week and Easter, there will be a service of Penance and Reconciliation with the opportunity for individual confession on Tuesday, 12 April at 7pm in church.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is offered after Weekday Mass in the sacristy or by appointment at a convenient time.
FIRST FORGIVENESS: There will be a meeting for parents this Wednesday at 7.15pm in the Parish Hall. The children will celebrate the Sacrament of Forgiveness for the first time this Thursday at 7pm in Church. Please remember the children in your prayers.
ST GEORGE’S NIGHT DINNER: Knutsford Catenians are organising a St George’s Night Dinner on Friday, 22 April at ‘Lost and Found’. We would love it if you could join us. The cost is £35 a head which includes some fizz on arrival, a 3 course menu and entertainment provided by a very talented local singer. If you want to come, please contact John Long, Nick Johnson or Stuart Jones (or send an email to and we can give you more details.
REFUGEES FROM UKRAINE: Caritas Social Action Network (the social action agency of the catholic Church in England and Wales) is in close dialogue with the UK Government on responding to the war in Ukraine. Guidance on how Catholic households can support refugees from Ukraine is available on our website:
FOR THE DIARY: We are planning a Flower Festival which will celebrate the life of our Parish over the weekend of 25/26 June. Watch this space for more details.