Parish Newsletter – Jan 2025

Baptism of the Lord – 12 January 2025

Mass Times And Intentions

Sun 12th09:00Baptism of the LordOur Parish FamilyR-P Longinotti, G McCreesh M-Jan Armstrong, S Jones, B Groarke
Sun 12th11:00 Raymond BoyesR-Peter Daly, Angela Perls, M-Sue Reeves, Hilary Heap, Ann Long
Mon 13th  NO MASS TODAYR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Wed 15th  NO MASS TODAY 
Fri 17th St Anthony AbbotNO MASS TODAY 
Sat 18th  NO MASS TODAY 
Sun 19th09.002ND Sunday in Ordinary TimeOur Parish FamilyR-J Rowley, M McCorkell M-John Gibbons, A Jones, V Williamson
Sun 19th11:00 Michael LynchR-Tim Storrie, Brenda Pozzoni M-A Ross, Eve Nichols, Hilary Heap

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Cheryl Irene Ryder who has died and all whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Anthony Barrton, Pat Colquoun, Albert Sanderson, Lhind Chesters, Michael Boston, John Selby, Celia Day, Cathleen O’Brien, Sheila Ryan, Ivy Hackling, Bernard Tickle, Brian Brownbill, Beryl Cooper, may they rest in peace.

News and Information

FIRST SACRAMENTS PARENTS MEETINGS will begin on Thursday, 23 January at 7pm in the hall. Full details of the programme of preparation for first Forgiveness and first Holy Communion will be given then.

CRIB OFFERINGS go to support the work of Caritas with poor and vulnerable families in our Diocese. This is your last opportunity to visit the Crib and contribute.

THE ENQUIRY GROUP: Apologies that our last meeting was cancelled this was due to the icy conditions. Our next meet will be at 7pm on Wednesday, 22 January in the hall.

DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available on the table in the porch priced £7. These contain information about all the parishes of the Diocese, together with information about all diocesan agencies and groups.

THE SVP would like to collect old used Christmas cards. These can be reused and sold to raise funds for charities. A basket will be provided. After Christmas at the Piety Stall.

ST VINCENT’S PRE-SCHOOL: If any parents have younger children who are due to start Pre-school before September 2025, please ensure that their child’s name is on the waiting list.  
We are starting a Holiday Club from the spring half term in February.  This is for children up to the age of 5 who are attending either St Vincent’s Pre-school or the reception class in St Vincent’s Primary School. The club will run for 47 weeks per year, closing for 2 weeks at Christmas and the last 2 weeks of the summer holidays.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT on Saturdays from 11.30am-12 Noon.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available after weekday Mass and during Adoration on Saturdays.

Epiphany of the Lord – 5 January 2025

Mass Times and Intentions

Sun 5th09:00Epiphany of the LordOur Parish FamilyR-Sheila Flynn, Peter Pozzoni M-V Williamson, N Johnson M Prescott
Sun 5th11:00 Tony Ranfield (Anniv)R-John Armstrong, Alice Bailey M- E Nichols, A Ross, Louise Culshaw
Mon 6th09.30 Jack FulkeR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 7th19.00 MASS IN LYMM
Wed 8th09.30 Reardon Family 
Thurs 9th09.30 MASS IN LYMM 
Fri 10th09.30 Judi Weible 
Sat 11thNOON Bailey Family 
Sun 12th09.00Baptism of the LordOur Parish FamilyR-P Longinotti, G McCreesh M-Jan Armstrong, S Jones, B Groarke
Sun 12th11:00 Raymond BoyesR-Peter Daly, Angela Perls, M-Sue Reeves, Hilary Heap, Ann Long

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Cheryl Irene Ryder who has died and all whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Tony Ranfield, Leonard Gregory, Liam Ward, Nancy Haynes, Michael McGowan, Eileen Mary Carter, Teresa Kubiak, George Poyner, Bob Cullen, John Duffy, may they rest in peace.

News and Information

FIRST SACRAMENTS PARENTS MEETINGS will begin on Thursday, 23 January at 7pm in the hall. Full details of the programme of preparation for first Forgiveness and first Holy Communion will be given then.

CRIB OFFERINGS go to support the work of Caritas with poor and vulnerable families in our Diocese.

THE ENQUIRY GROUP: Our next meeting will be at 7pm this Thursday, 9 January in the hall.

DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available on the table in the porch priced £7. These contain information about all the parishes of the Diocese, together with information about all diocesan agencies and groups.

THE SVP would like to collect old used Christmas cards. These can be reused and sold to raise funds for charities. A basket will be provided. After Christmas at the Piety Stall.

MISSIO RED BOXES: Many thanks to those who returned their Red Boxes. A total of £109.70 has been sent to support the work of APF. Your boxes can be collected from the porch.

ST VINCENT’S PRE-SCHOOL: If any parents have younger children who are due to start Pre-school before September 2025, please ensure that their child’s name is on the waiting list.  
We are starting a Holiday Club from the spring half term in February.  This is for children up to the age of 5 who are attending either St Vincent’s Pre-school or the reception class in St Vincent’s Primary School. The club will run for 47 weeks per year, closing for 2 weeks at Christmas and the last 2 weeks of the summer holidays.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT on Saturdays from 11.30am-12 Noon.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available after weekday Mass and during Adoration on Saturdays.