Since the 19th July, 2021 many of the restrictions at Mass have been lifted. We have detailed below the new guidelines for those that attend Mass.
The Obligation to join in Sunday Mass remains suspended although we hope that people will gradually look to return to regular celebration of Sunday Mass.
If you have cold symptoms or have been asked to self-isolate please use our livestream service and do not attend Mass in person.
Arriving at church
- We recommend that you wear a face mask when you are in the church.
- Please sanitise your hands when you arrive at church.
- When you arrive for Mass, please record your attendance for track and trace purposes. You can use the NHS Covid 19 App or sign in on the forms provided.
- You can sit anywhere you like in church. Please be respectful of others and, where possible, maintain social distancing.
- Note: We want everyone to feel comfortable and safe to come back to Mass in the church. This includes those parishioners who no longer wish wear a face covering. Our plan is to make an area available in church for those who don’t want to wear a face mask during Mass from the 4th September. This area will be clearly marked at the front left of the church (as you walk in) and a pew will be kept free between this area and those choosing to wear a mask. We do ask everyone to wear a face mask when coming to communion given the close proximity to Father David or the Eucharistic Minister.
- You can enter and leave Church by either door.
During Mass
- Kneeling in Church can resume.
- We can have two readers – a new readers rota will be created.
- Congregational singing will resume at the Sunday Masses (9:00 and 11:00). Please continue to wear your face mask whilst singing.
- The Sign of Peace by the shaking of hands remains suspended.
- Communion will be distributed in the traditional manner with people coming forward in two lines up the centre aisle and returning to their places by the side aisles. As we used to do before the pandemic, please start coming forward from the front of the church first and continue in order to the back of the church.
- Communion will continue under one kind. Please continue to receive it on your hand.
- One Eucharistic Minister will assist Father in giving Holy Communion. Ministers must wear a face mask for the distribution of Holy Communion and sanitise their hands before and after.
- We will still have stewards/welcomers at Sunday Masses. They will be there to help, to ensure everyone sanitises their hands, encourage the wearing of face masks, and to clean benches after Mass.
- Stewards will no longer be at weekday masses
- Windows and doors will be kept open during Mass.
- Mass will continue to be livestreamed.