Parish Newsletters – May 2023

Pentecost Sunday – 28 May 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 27th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayHoly SoulsR-Maura Welch, Nicola Jones M-Sikha Dutton, Moya Higham
Sun 28th09:00Pentecost SundayOur Parish FamilyR-Clare & John Gibbons, M-Jan Armstrong, Hugo McxCorkell
Sun 28th11:00 James Holehouse (Anniv)R-Alice Bailey, Tony Andrews M-Andrea Ross, John & Ann Long
Mon 29th Mary Mother of the ChurchNO MASSR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 30th  NO MASS
Wed 31st Visitation of the Blessed VirginNO MASS 
Thurs 1st Jesus Christ Eternal High PriestNO MASS 
Fri 2nd  NO MASS 
Sat 3rd17.30Vigil Mass of SundayNancy HaleR: Irene Ward, Peter Pozzoni; M: Sue Reeves, Rachel Greaves
Sun 4th09.00Most Holy TrinityOur Parish FamilyR: Brenda Pozzoni, Stewart Gardiner; M: Virginia Williamson, Bernadette O’ Groarke
Sun 4th11:00 Alan Albiston (Sick)R: Angela Perls, Eve Nichols M: Andrea Ross, John and Ann Long

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

Alice Isobel Wall who was baptised last Sunday. Congratulations and welcome!

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Derek Cooper, Keith Belcher, Grace Poyner, Evelyn Myerscough, Vincent Floyd, John Sheridan, Bridget Yates may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

ROTAS FOR EHCHARISTIC MINISTERS AND READERS: The new rotas are not available at the time of going to press, please check whether you are required online.

LADIES COFFEE MORNING AND CAKE SALE: This Friday, 2 June from 9.30am-Noon. All proceeds support CAFOD.

DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND 8-15 February 2024. This has been organised by Fr David and will be led by Bishop Mark. We will stay in Jerusalem and Galilee, visiting all the sites associated with our Lord’s ministry. Full itineraries and booking forms can be downloaded from the parish website or speak to Fr David.

ST VINCENT’S MUMS AND TODDLERS GROUP meets each Friday (except the first Friday of the month) from 10am until noon. We meet in the parish hall and the cost is £3 per session. If you are interested in attending, please contact Cath Davies on 01565 651948 or If anyone can help with serving teas and coffees on a rota basis, please get in touch.

SUPPORTING REFUGEES: Many thanks to all those who donated warm clothing for refugees. Our SVP are now requesting donations of men’s summer clothing. Please leave any donations in the lobby by the Parish Hall. Also, if anyone has a computer desk and chair, dining rooms chairs and a fridge freezer, please contact our SVP members.

Seventh Sunday of Easter – 21 May 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 20th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayHoly SoulsR-John Armstrong, Tim Storrie M-Stuart Jones, Sue Reeves
Sun 21st09:007th Sunday of EasterOur Parish FamilyR-James Rowley, Mike Regan M-Stewart Gardiner, Marie Prescott
Sun 21st11:00 Julie Halton (Sick)R-Ann Long, Peter Daley M-Louise Culshaw, Hilary Heap, Pat Flood
Mon 22nd09.30Dedication of CathedralElsie MathewR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 23rd  NO MASS
Wed 24th Our Lady Help of ChristiansNO MASS 
Thurs 25th St BedeNO MASS 
Fri 26th St Philip NeriNO MASS 
Sat 27th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayHoly SoulsR-Maura Welch, Nicola Jones M-Sikha Dutton, Moya Higham
Sun 28th09.00Pentecost SundayOur Parish FamilyR-Clare & John Gibbons, M-Jan Armstrong, Hugo McxCorkell
Sun 28th11:00 James Holehouse  (Anniv)R-Alice Bailey, Tony Andrews M-Andrea Ross John & Ann Long

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

Mila Mai Russell and Marco McNicholas who were baptised last Sunday. Congratulations and welcome!

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Catherine Poole, Jack McCormick, Beryl Burke, Jim Holehouse, David McCallum, Jeanine Major, may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND 8-15 February 2024. This has been organised by Fr David and will be led by Bishop Mark. We will stay in Jerusalem and Galilee, visiting all the sites associated with our Lord’s ministry. Full itineraries and booking forms can be downloaded from the parish website or speak to Fr David.

ST VINCENT’S MUMS AND TODDLERS GROUP meets each Friday (except the first Friday of the month) from 10am until noon. We meet in the parish hall and the cost is £3 per session. If you are interested in attending, please contact Cath Davies on 01565 651948 or If anyone can help with serving teas and coffees on a rota basis, please get in touch.

SUPPORTING REFUGEES: Many thanks to all those who donated warm clothing for refugees. Our SVP are now requesting donations of men’s summer clothing. Please leave any donations in the lobby by the Parish Hall. Also, if anyone has a computer desk and chair, dining rooms chairs and a fridge freezer, please contact our SVP members.

Sixth Sunday of Easter – 14 May 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 13th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayHoly SoulsR-Dick Browne, John Daley M-Nick Johnson, Alison Jones
Sun 14th09:006th Sunday of EasterOur Parish FamilyR-Lisa Senior, Gerard McCreesh M-Graham Alcock, Marie Prescott
Sun 14th11:00 Michelle HealeyR-Angela Caudwell, Tony Andrews M-Jim Flood, Eve Nichols, Mary Cullen
Mon 15th09.30 Mary HeelaneR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 16th09.30 George Williams
Wed 17th09.30 19.00  Vigil of the AscensionCatherine Kenneth Our Parish Family 
Thurs 18th09.30 NoonAscension (In school) Holy Day of ObligationShrewsbury Secular Clergy Fund Paddy McCarthy 
Fri 19th09.30St MilburgaElsie Mathew 
Sat 20th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayHoly SoulsR-John Armstrong, Tim Storrie M-Stuart Jones, Sue Reeves
Sun 14th09.007th Sunday of EasterJulie Halton (Sick)R-James Rowley, Mike Regan M-Stewart Gardiner, Marie Prescott
Sun 14th11:00 Our Parish FamilyR-Ann Long, Peter Daley M-Louise Culshaw, Hilary Heap, Pat Flood

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

Annabelle Elizabeth Victoria Richards who was baptised last Sunday. Congratulations and welcome!

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Pat Edgecombe, John Philbin, Mary Brereton, Kevin Ford, Paul Nulty, Florence Moody, Fred Birch, Bernard Hennessey, Josephine Mitchell, Alexander Hunt,  may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

MANY THANKS to all those who helped, provided cakes or attended our recent Coronation Cream Tea; we collected £256.61 in donations and have sent £150 to CAFOD. The recent Ladies Coffee Morning and Cake Sale raised £100 for CAFOD and your Offertory Donations to the Parish totalled £6260.24 in April. Many thanks for your generosity.

HOLY DAY: Thursday is the Feast of the Ascension and is a Holy Day of Obligation. There will be a Vigil Mass in Church at 7pm on Wednesday evening, Mass in school at 9.30am and in Church at 12 Noon.

CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES MEETING Thursday, 18 May at 7pm in the Parish Hall.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PARENTS MEETING this Tuesday at 7.15pm in the Parish Hall.

DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND 8-15 February 2024. This has been organised by Fr David and will be led by Bishop Mark. We will stay in Jerusalem and Galilee, visiting all the sites associated with our Lord’s ministry. Full itineraries and booking forms can be downloaded from the parish website or speak to Fr David.

ST VINCENT’S MUMS AND TODDLERS GROUP meets each Friday (except the first Friday of the month) from 10am until noon. We meet in the parish hall and the cost is £3 per session. If you are interested in attending, please contact Cath Davies on 01565 651948 or If anyone can help with serving teas and coffees on a rota basis, please get in touch.

SUPPORTING REFUGEES: Many thanks to all those who donated warm clothing for refugees. Our SVP are now requesting donations of men’s summer clothing. Please leave any donations in the lobby by the Parish Hall. Also, if anyone has a computer desk and chair, dining rooms chairs and a fridge freezer, please contact our SVP members.

Fifth Sunday of Easter – 7 May 2023

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 6th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayOur Parish FamilyR-Peter & Brenda Pozzoni M-Steve Graham, Steve Dutton
Sun 7th09:005th Sunday of EasterHis Majesty King Charles IIIR-Stewart Gardiner Jane McKenna M-Virginia Williamson, John Gibbons
Sun 7th11:00 Melanie JenningsR-Angela Perls, Peter Daly M-Louise Culshaw, Ann Long, Andrea Ross
Mon 8th09.30 Thanksgiving (KPM)R = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 9th09.30 Joan Moran
Wed 10th09.30 Teddy Feehan 
Thurs 11th09.30 Mary Miller (80th Birthday) 
Fri 12th09.30 Roy Griffiths (Sick) 
Sat 13th17.30Vigil Mass of SundayHoly SoulsR-Dick Browne, John Daley M-Nick Johnson, Alison Jones
Sun 14th09.006th Sunday of EasterOur Parish FamilyR-Lisa Senior, Gerard McCreesh M-Graham Alcock, Marie Prescott
Sun 7th11:00 Michelle HealeyR-Angela Caudwell, Tony Andrews M-Jim Flood, Eve Nichols, Mary Cullen

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Connie Boyde, Mary Thorpe, Peggy Lawson, Merl Orton, Sr Mary Conception, Austin Chapman, Gerald Corrigan, Elsie Hennessey, Lucy O’Brien, Margaret Mary Sheridan may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

CORONATION CREAM TEA: To celebrate the Coronation of his Majesty King Charles III we are holding a cream tea with a glass of fizz at 3pm this Sunday, 7 May in the hall. Donations only to cover expenses; any profits will go to Cafod.

CONFIRMATION will be celebrated this year at St Teresa’s, Wilmslow on 23 June. If there are any young people in Year 8 upwards who would like to be confirmed this year please complete the Confirmation Registration form on the Parish Website. The introductory meeting will be this Thursday 11 May at 7pm in the hall for parents and candidates.

DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND 8-15 February 2024. This has been organised by Fr David and will be led by Bishop Mark. We will stay in Jerusalem and Galilee, visiting all the sites associated with our Lord’s ministry. Full itineraries and booking forms can be downloaded from the parish website or speak to Fr David.

ST VINCENT’S MUMS AND TODDLERS GROUP will start again this Friday, 12 May and each Friday (except the first Friday of the month) from 10am until noon. We will meet in the parish hall and the cost is £3 per session. If you are interested in attending, please contact Cath Davies on 01565 651948 or If anyone can help with serving teas and coffees on a rota basis, please get in touch.

HOLY COMMUNION UNDER BOTH KINDS: We will re-commence Holy Communion under both kinds this weekend at all Masses. The chalice with the precious blood will be offered to anyone who wishes. There is absolutely no obligation to receive from the chalice it is simply offered for those who wish. The whole Lord is received either in the sacred host or the chalice.