Parish Newsletters – December 2022

Christmas Day – 25 December 2022

Mass Times And Intentions

Sat 24th17.30   21.00 Christmas Vigil Mass   Midnight MassPrivate Intention   Our Parish FamilyR- Peter Daley, Dick Browne M-Jan Armstrong R-Irene Ward, Mary McCorkell M-Andrea Ross
Sun 25th09:00Christmas Dawn MassAnita BennetR-John & Clare Gibbons M-Stuart Jones
Sun 25th11:00 Raymond BoyesR-Ann Long, Andrea Ross M-Louise Culshaw
Mon 26thNOONSt StephenPat Ellis IntentionsR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 27th09.30St JohnMargaret Mescal
Wed 28th09.00The Holy InnocentsJudith Weible 
Thur 29th09.30St Thomas BecketJoan Forde 
Fri 30th09.30The Holy FamilyIrene Delaney 
Sat 31st17.30Vigil Mass of SundaySpecial Intention (Greenwood)R-Maura Welch, Nicola Jones M-Stuart Jones
Sun 1st09.00Mary Mother of GodMarlies IsenringR-Clare & John Gibbons M-John Flynn
Sun 1st11:00Christmas MassOur Parish FamilyR-Alice Bailey, Angela Perls M-Andrea Ross

Please Remember in Your Prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Josephine Bairsto, Maureen Horrabin and Eileen Ford who have died recently and all whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Mary Foskin, James Yearsley, Rosa Gallie, Joan Armstrong, Marie Evans, Ted Yates, Anne McQuade, Fergus O’Brien, Michael Willis. May they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and Information

PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI: from 27 April-4 May next year. Itineraries and booking forms are now available on the table in the main porch or can be downloaded from the parish website.

CHRISTMAS OFFERING: This is your traditional offering to Fr David. Any cheques should be made payable to St Vincent’s Knutsford (rest assured your offering will make its way to Fr David). If you make your offering by Standing Order this does not form part of the Christmas Offering to Fr David so special envelopes are available on the tables by the church doors. Please tick the box marked Christmas Offering and write your name and address on the envelope.

ENQUIRY GROUP: We will take a break now till after Christmas and meet again on 5 January at 7.30pm in the hall.

MANY THANKS for your very generous offerings last weekend for Caritas which raised £826.88.

FIRST FORGIVENESS AND FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: We will begin our programme of preparation in the New Year. Would any parents of children in Year 3 or above at non-Catholic schools who wish their children to receive these sacraments please contact Fr David to register with a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate.

OFFERINGS AT THE CRIB will go to support the work of Caritas in our Diocese with poor and vulnerable families.

MANY THANKS to all who have helped prepare the Church for Christmas. The Church has been cleaned from top to bottom; we have our usual wonderful flower arrangements, a magnificent Christmas Tree and Crib. Thanks also to our choir and music group for leading us in our singing and for all their hard work preparing for our Christmas Masses. Thanks too to our Welcomers/Stewards, readers, Eucharistic ministers, collectors and our group of altar servers. So much work has been done by so many and I am very grateful to all who have helped in any way.

NEW DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available to buy on the table in the main porch priced £6. They contain information on all churches and groups and agencies in the Diocese as well as various articles of interest about our Diocese.

4th Sunday of Advent – 18 December 2022

Mass Times and Intentions

Sat 17th17.30 Sunday Vigil MassJohn DuffyR-John Daley, Nick Johnson M-Moya Higham
Sun 18th09:004th Sunday of AdventOur Parish FamilyR-Jane McKenna, James Rowley M-Helen Broom
Sun 18th11:00 Stella SmithR-Angela Caudwell, Ann Long M-Pat Flood
Mon 19th09.30 Clare LomasR = Readers M = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 20th09.30 Christopher Regan
Wed 21st09.30 Peter Ross 
Thur 22nd09.30 Paddy Coleman (90th Birthday) 
Fri 23rd09.30 Janet McGee 
Sat 24th17.30 21.00Christmas Vigil Mass Midnight MassPrivate Intention Our Parish FamilyR- Peter Daley, Dick Browne M-Jan Armstrong R-Irene Ward, Mary McCorkell M-Andrea Ross
Sun 25th09.00Christmas Dawn MassAnita BennetR-John & Clare Gibbons M-Stuart Jones
Sun 25th11:00Christmas MassRaymond BoyesR-Ann Long, Andrea Ross M-Louise Culshaw

Please remember in your prayers:

All those who are sick or housebound.

Josephine Bairsto and Eileen Ford who have died and all whose anniversaries occur at this time especially John Crowley, Karen McDonald, Francisco Rodrighez, Charles Hackling, Adam Miller, Doris Longinotti. may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.

News and information

CHRISTMAS MASSES: There will be a Vigil Mass at 5.30pm and Midnight Mass at 9pm on 24 December and Masses at 9am and 11am on Christmas morning.

PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI: from 27 April-4 May next year. Itineraries and booking forms are now available on the table in the main porch or can be downloaded from the parish website.

JOIN OUR VIGIL OF READINGS AND CAROLS on Tuesday, 20 December at 7pm in Church followed by mince pies and mulled wine in the hall.

CARITAS AT CHRISTMAS: There will be a retiring collection after all Masses today to support the work of Caritas particularly with poor and vulnerable families across our diocese and with refuges.

CHRISTMAS OFFERING: This is your traditional offering to Fr David. Any cheques should be made payable to St Vincent’s Knutsford (rest assured your offering will make its way to Fr David). If you make your offering by Standing Order this does not form part of the Christmas Offering to Fr David so special envelopes are available. Please tick the box marked Christmas Offering and write your name and address on the envelope.

MANY THANKS for your November offerings to support our parish which totalled £5,070.50.

MISSIO RED BOXES: It is time for those who have these to empty them and return the money to Church so that it can be sent off to support the missionary work of the Society. Please hand them in at the sacristy or presbytery by 19 December

FIRST FORGIVENESS AND FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: We will begin our programme of preparation in the New Year. Would any parents of children in Year 3 or above at non-Catholic schools who wish their children to receive these sacraments please contact Fr David to register with a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate,

SUPPORTING REFUGEES warm jackets, coats, scarves, gloves and hats are still needed. Please leave in the hall.

ENQUIRY GROUP: We will take a break now till after Christmas and meet again on 5 January at 7pm in the hall.



Sat 10th17.30Sunday Vigil MassKathleen Oakes (Anniv)R-Margaret Leonard, Dick Browne; M-Nick Johnson
Sun 11th09:003rd Sunday of AdventOur Parish FamilyR-Lisa Senior, Stewart GardinerM-Virginia Williamson
Sun 11th11:00Adrian PrescottR-Alice Bailey, Angela PerlsM-Jim Flood
Mon 12th09.30Joseph Keogh (Anniv)R = ReadersM = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 13th09.30St LucyChristine Mary Rodgers (Anniv)
Wed 14th12.30St John of the CrossREQUIEM: John Cummins 
Thurs 15th09.30Tom Regan 
Fri 16th09.30James & Margaret Heyes 
Sat 17th17.30Sunday Vigil MassJohn DuffyR-John Daley, Nick JohnsonM-Moya Higham
Sun 18th09.004th Sunday of AdventOur Parish FamilyR-Jane McKenna, James RowleyM-Helen Broom
Sun 18th11:00Stella SmithR-Angela Caudwell, Ann LongM-Pat Flood


All those who are sick or housebound.

John Cummins who has died and all whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Kathleen Oakes, Clifford Henry-Carter, Kathleen Quin, Jim Cahill, Alan Armstrong, Brian Whittle, Christine Rodgers, Julia Harkin, Frank Walker, Joseph Keogh, Ann Patricia Evans, Rita Farron, Marion Rayner, Jim Long, Phyllis Dowthwaite, Patrick Moody, Jack Colley, Irene McGeogh, Ruth Yearsley, may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.


PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI: from 27 April-4 May next year. Itineraries and booking forms are now available on the table in the main porch or can be downloaded from the parish website.

ENQUIRY GROUP This Thursday at 7pm in the hall. All are welcome.

AN ADVENT SERVICE OF PENANCE AND RECONCILIATION will be held this Tuesday, 13 December at 7pm in church. This is a wonderful way to prepare for Christmas and will include the opportunity for individual confession.

JOIN OUR VIGIL OF READINGS AND CAROLS on Tuesday, 20 December at 7pm in Church followed by mince pies and mulled wine in the hall.

CHRISTMAS MASSES: There will be a Vigil Mass at 5.30pm and Midnight Mass at 9pm on 24 December and Masses at 9am and 11am on Christmas morning.

CARITAS AT CHRISTMAS: There will be a retiring collection after all Masses next weekend to support the work of Caritas particularly with poor and vulnerable families across our diocese and with refuges.

EXHIBITION OF CHRISTIAN ICONS at St Teresa’s Wilmslow from 11-18 December from 7.15am-6pm

CHRISTMAS OFFERING: This is your traditional offering to Fr David. Any cheques should be made payable to St Vincent’s Knutsford (rest assured your offering will make its way to Fr David) If you make your offering by Standing Order this does not form part of the Christmas Offering to Fr David so special envelopes are available if you wish to make an offering.

MISSIO RED BOXES: It is time for those who have these to empty them and return the money to Church so that it can be sent off to support the missionary work of the Society. Please hand them in at the sacristy or presbytery by 19 December

SUPPORTING REFUGEES warm jackets, coats, scarves, gloves and hats are still needed. Please leave in the hall for collection. Also, a desk and chair for a Ukrainian Refugee.



Sat 3rd17.30Sunday Vigil MassShrewsbury Secular Clergy FundR-Peter & Brenda PozzoniM-Steve Graham
Sun 4th09:002nd Sunday of AdventOur Parish FamilyR-Peter Longinotti, Sheila FlynnM-John Flynn
Sun 4th11:00Albright & Greenwood FamiliesR-Tony Andrews, Hilary HeapM-Andrea Ross
Mon 5th09.30Mary Boyd (Private Intention)R = ReadersM = Eucharistic Minister
Tue 6thSt NicholasNO MASS TODAY
Wed 7thSt AmbroseNO MASS TODAY 
Thurs 8th09.30Immaculate ConceptionMargaret & James McLaughlin 
Fri 9th09.30Paul Duffy 
Sat 10th17.30Sunday Vigil MassKathleen Oakes (Anniv)R-Margaret Leonard, Dick Browne; M-Nick Johnson
Sun 11th09.003rd Sunday of AdventOur Parish FamilyR-Lisa Senior, Stewart GardinerM-Virginia Williamson
Sun 11th11:00Adrian PrescottR-Alice Bailey, Angela PerlsM-Jim Flood


Congratulations and welcome to Penelope Robyn Paley who was baptised last Sunday.

All those who are sick or housebound.

All those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Rita Aston, Marguerite Dakin, Jack Record, Hilary Chapman, Betty McGee, Germana Rosa, Luigi Pani, Moira McLeish, John Joseph Dolan, Margaret Pickup, Ethel Williams may they rest in peace and may the Lord bring comfort to their families and friends.


PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI: from 27 April-4 May next year. Itineraries and booking forms are now available on the table in the main porch or can be downloaded from the parish website.

ENQUIRY GROUP This Thursday at 7pm in Church. All are welcome.

AN ADVENT SERVICE OF PENANCE AND RECONCILIATION will be held on Tuesday, 13 December at 7pm in church. This is a wonderful way to prepare for Christmas and will include the opportunity for individual confession.

JOIN OUR VIGIL OF READINGS AND CAROLS on Tuesday, 20 December at 7pm in Church followed by mince pies and mulled wine in the hall.

EXHIBITION OF CHRISTIAN ICONS at St Teresa’s Wilmslow from 11-18 December from 7.15am-6pm

MANY THANKS to all who supported the Ladies Coffee Morning £115.50 was made and a further £250.50 from the Christmas goods sale.

CAN YOU HELP? Knutsford Stroke Club are looking for volunteers to drive the Community Bus to escort wheelchair users to access the Club. They would join a rota of 3 which would work out as once every 6 weeks on a Tuesday evening. If you can help please contact John Mills on 01565 652348 or 07949 734762.

CHRISTMAS OFFERING: This is your traditional offering to Fr David. Any cheques should be made payable to St Vincent’s Knutsford (rest assured your offering will make its way to Fr David) If you make your offering by Standing Order this does not form part of the Christmas Offering to Fr David so special envelopes are available if you wish to make an offering.

MISSIO RED BOXES: It is time for those who have these to empty them and return the money to Church so that it can be sent off to support the missionary work of the Society. Please hand them in at the sacristy or presbytery by 19 December

SUPPORTING REFUGEES warm jackets, coats, scarves, gloves and hats are still needed. Please leave in the hall for collection. Also, a desk and chair for a Ukrainian Refugee.